Big rock Mid april in Maryland marks the great annual migration.Hordes of men with large boats pour into the state cloging every boat ramp marina and water way.For a short time fossil hunting becomes a contact sport between trucks,trailers and trolling boats. We hit the marina early and after a little hold up got to the beach two hours before low tide.With calm winds and waves under a foot for the last week, pickings were slim.After walking the beach high and low twice ,the only large tooth I had was a 2 5/8 meg from out in the shallow water.So I brought out the weapon of last resort,the dreaded drag rake.Normally I prefer the teeth to come to me but today they needed a little help.I picked a small section of beach and soon had small and med teeth to pick up.It wasn't until I walked back down my line of raked gravel did I spot a huge croc tooth stting on top one of the piles.At a hair over 2 inches its the largest we have and the fattest.We had to head back early to beat the mad rush of boats back in.I really would have liked to stay for the incoming tide.At least rockfish season will be over soon.
| Calvert County, Maryland, USA |
ID | 2752 |
Member | bmorefossil |
Date Added | 4/20/2008 |
2 5/8 meg |
2 inch croc |
small meg |
porpoise tooth above seal canine below |