what a start for 2008A happy new year for you all. Since I had modified my stretchersift(putting under two wheels) I had waited for the moment to try it out to see if it would work. Last wednesday(9 th jan) I made up my mind that was the moment, the Mill reports were all bas so far , but I could get a day off, and wanted to get out and feel the fresh air and maybe , maybe I would find something, It can''t stay bad forever I thought. So I started early, alone, dry weather, 5 degr Celcius. I arrived at 09.15. After happy new year greetings to 2 other competitors/collegues I put my sift strectcher in the mudstream. From the start there were teeth, In almost every pull teeh came along. Sometimes I had 8 or 9 teeth in my sift in just 1 pull. A variety of colours, sizes and quality. Also other fossil materials as bulla, birdbones and a nice fishjaw of 4 cm with 4 teeh in it. I like that kind of findings very much. By 1300 hours it went worse and worse and by 1500 I left. I was exhausted but with a very big smile. I had my day and what a day. I had been many years ago that there were that many teeth. The adrenaline makes you work. A total of 220 teeth(60 badly damaged)made a new record. It was however not all about the amount but more that the combination of my New stretcher, a day out and the catch made it an unforgettable day. Mill !! until nextime.
| Mill de Kuilen, The Netherlands |
ID | 2544 |
Member | bullshark |
Date Added | 1/12/2008 |
modified stretcher |
getting started |
fishjaw |
a new record 220 teeth |