The Best of the Run...Over 2 MonthsHey guys and gals...Been awhile since my last post. Hopefully my pics are of better quality this time around. I am a full-time college student at ECU so when it rains I try to jump in GMR to see what I can gather. The following items have been collected over about two months, which includes about 10-12 trips. I use 1/2 inch screen to collect these. One thing to note is that I didnt include a ruler in the pics because the paper that it is on is 1/4 graphing paper. Well enjoy, and happy hunting.
1 available
| Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA |
ID | 3556 |
Member | ECUDIscGolf |
Date Added | 11/18/2009 |
My best pics from the last couple months. This is 1/4 inch paper, so measure accordingly. |
This is what I am assuming is a rather large Vertebrae from a whale. Correct me if I'm wrong |
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This is the "other" piule of stuff that is broken or just not that impressive. Also found over the past 2 months |
This is the site of the creek after the remnants of Hurrican Ida. Hopefully there will be more to come... |