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Dallas County, Texas, USA |
Pearl |
Rare Mosasaur
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
I headed out after a recent rain a few weeks back and hit one of my spots. The normal small Ptychodus teeth were there, But today there was more. I got a nice bladed tooth, and a pretty rare Mosasaur tooth. Plioplatecarpine Mosasaur according to the Dallas Museum. One of the earliest Mosasaur. I found this same species, almost same tooth about 2 years ago not far from where I found this one. Lucky?... |
Rained for weeks!
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
So for the past month or so, it has rained a few weeks out of the month. SO you know what that means! I hit up one of my favorite spots that is being built on as we speak, but still produces. I found a few teeth laying around, then went to spliting rock. It was muddy and hard to spot the teeth in the mud. I split a nice slab, and spotted something black still in the main slab. I chipped away and out popped this perfe... |
A few of my best finds from this past month
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
I havent had a chance to post in a while. I have been hunting here and there finding the normal stuff plus a few extras. I found my biggest Ptychodus a few weeks back, it is 3/4 in wide, then starts the craziness. I found a pretty small fossil pearl one day, then I stopped back at the same spot the next day to look for more, ended up with a Mosasaur tooth, then today I went to my fav spot and found another pearl still in the matrix. I havent found a ton of... |
I love Rain!
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
The past month or so we have been pounded with heavy rain storms and we all know what that means.... I have 2 spots I check for teeth after every rain storm. The first spot I stopped at just after one of those heavy rains and I didnt have my boots, but im greedy so I went for a walk in the mud with my good shoes on. It was worth it, because I found a couple nice Ptychodus teeth, and a Mossasaur tooth, but the tip was broke off
Quick Trip
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
I got about an hour of free time the other day and had to check a spot of mine. We have had a ton of rain in the past week, and I just knew something was there to find. I didnt find much, but I found one tooth that made my stop worth it. I believe its an Scapanorhynchus Raphiodon. I know alot of you have "the collectors guide to Fossil sharks....of Tx" Thats where I got my ID from. I found a few nice Ptychodus, and a nice whol... |
Old trip
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
This stuff is from a few different trips to two sites. I have been slipping up on the posts on here. My wife and I just recently had a baby boy, so I have been a bit busy. He will be in training soon!
Anyways, i didnt find anything great. A few nice Ptychodus teeth, and what would have been an awesome Cretoxyrhina mantelli. I was hunting in a spot that i have looked over many times, after it rains I hit it for the lef... |
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
This is a combo of a few trips. And this a bit old.
The first day I checked back in at this spot I was just wandering around hopeing to find at least something. This spot has been picked a lot and the machines have done their damage as well. After picking up a few pieces, I spot a monster, (here in Tx thats anything over an inch) It was perfect Cretoxyrhina Mantelli, only a tiny bit of blade damage.&nbs... |
Another One
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
After seeing DW and T$ out everyday picking up handfulls of teeth i had to get out there and find me somthing. The other afternoon I had some spare time so headed out in the heat to do some hunting. First spot I went was a neighborhood thats being built. Usally I can find at least 1 Ptychodus tooth there, but pickings were slim. As I started down one of the lot sites I started to spot teeth. After picking up a few teeth I looked back between my l... |
Kamp Ranch Pearl !
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
Well all my good spots for hunting teeth are pretty much gone for now, but there is one spot where they are still building houses and its always good for a look. I started over to a rock pile, that use to produce some nice teeth, just flipping over rocks and looking for anything when I look up and see a piece with something in it, I can't believe my eyes when I pick up a pearl. It was still mostly incased in the matrix but I could tell what it was, and it was kinda ... |
More ammonites
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
Yesturday after work I deceided to hit up a spot where I has stumbled across a piece of an pyritized ammonite. This spot was in dallas county(upper cretaceous). After all the rain we have been having I figured there had to be something. When I got there the sun was already dropping and I have to look fast, I started off finding a few beat up pieces, and my luck changed, I saw what looked like a coin, but it was a perfect small ammonite, just larger than a p... |
A Better day
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
After Loosing a fossil pearl in my front yard last night... I had to get my mind off that. As I leave my house to go hunting I hear the thunder and a few drops of rain hit me. I saw on the news the other night where someone in my town was struck out in his yard, but I went anyways. First spot had no luck with, and the second wasn't great either. The ditch I usally check, someone decided it would be a good idea to drive through it and tear it all up.&nb... |
Checking old spots
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
I went out after some rains last saturday to see if some old spots had been washed. I have one spot that usally produces some Ptychodus teeth so i decided to check it out. First thing i find was an awesome Cretolamna appendiculata just sitting on the top of a small pile. That made my day. I did end up finding 13 Ptychodus, most small and beat up. One P. Whipplei was still in the matrix and in perfect condition. ... |
Saturday surprise
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
After I got off work i had a few hours of day light left. I went to a new spot in dallas that a new friend gave me (rock splitter) after having a crappy find and only 3 teeth to show for it I all but gave up and headed for the car. In the bottom of the ditch i was walking in was a perfect ammonite, still has some rock on it, but under the rock it has its shell. First ammonite from Dallas i have ever found. ... |
Back home
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
Well, after much fun in Florida, I finally have a report from Texas, about Texas. We have been finding it harder and harder to hunt out here when we get spoiled on trips out to the East Coast and find a lot more quantity. But, you can't beat some of the stuff we find out here due to how uncommon it is and that not that many people find the same things I do out here.
I recently suffered the death of my favorite spot ever in Texas, and I darn near shed a tear about it. It was this great ditc... |
A drop in from South Carolina
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
I recently got an unexpected call, it went something like this: "hi, is ****** there?" and I say "yes, this is ******" and I get asked if I remember this individual, and lo and behold it was friend of the website, Indiana! I was out in SC hunting a few years ago and encountered him and he was nice enough to let me tag along with him. So I told him that if he ever found himself out in Texas I would return the favor and sure enough he was in state.
So wouldn't you know it, we planned our tri... |
Texans back home
Dallas County, Texas, USA |
Well, the Texans are back home and hunting once again so therefore there are some new and interesting things to show! We greatly enjoyed our last foray out east, and I must give a big shout out of thanks to Ditchweezil.
Back home in Texas we hunt mostly cretaceous, and we find a good variety of things, shark teeth, mosasaur material, echinoids, ammonites and the like..so we'll attempt to share as much as we can and hope you enjoy.
So without further comment, here are some things for your ... |