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Not a Bad Start to the New Year!!!!   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Well I haven't been around so much but I have been doing some exploring lately now that I have a boat.  My whole world has just tripled with where I can go fossil hunting.  Even though I have the boat I decided to hit one of my favorite spots along the river on January 3rd since I had the day off from work.  This day was going to be a real good blow out and I really wanted to go to the bay but I knew that the boat wouldn't be able to handle waves like that.  B...
Father's Day Trip   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I got to spend Saturday collecting with my daughter celebrating Father’s Day. What a treat! We had a great time. Our trip was cut short for several reasons, but we still were able to collect some nice specimens including my first ever Palaeocarcharodon orientalis. It’s a bit worn, but still, not bad for my first ever! I have more pics to post later that I have yet to download. The pics that I have today are from my cell phone so I apologize for the quality. I'll take better o...

PHAT Rack   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I had an opportunity to travel to the Chesapeak Bay area and contacted the Phat boys for a possible fossil collecting trip. The sick bug had been visiting them, but luckily it passed earlier in the week. It was on!! We arose at dawn-thirty to hit the tides right and I had to force the Phat boys to cater to my relentless pursuit of the perfect java.... we arrived at the bay and the wind was howling with the temperature in the mid-20s. My sinuses are still ...

Long time comming!!!! Potomac River Transistional Otodus   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Well my first year of hunting Maryland hasnt been that bad.  My wife and i found this eocene spot along the Potomac about a month after we moved here and new that there were transitionals there somewhere.  On the last the day before New Years I decided to go to this site for probably the 60-75th time I finally found one.  Length of the tooth is 2 5/16th inch.  Hopefully it doesnt take another year to find another one.  Happy...
Last 3 trips   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Last 3 trips
Paleocene......A Year In Review   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Paleocene......A Year In Review
Feb-Jun Along the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Well its been a while since ive posted here.  I moved in the spring of this year from NC to VA.  Took awhile for us to find some decent spots, but we did.  This spot that we found has a little of everything but it took many many trips to get what we have.....Enjoy!!!!!

Large Chubutensis - 3 1/16"

Shark Vert - 2"

Mrs. Daryl (Kelly) scores big !   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

My favorite spots along Calvert Cliffs just isn't producing much anymore, and it's difficult to go in triple digit temps (this week over 100+ degrees), plus pay $9, and get skunked with maybe a couple tiny teeth.  So, last weekend I convinced my wife Kelly to join me along my secret new spot along the Potomac.  You can only access it via helicopter or boat, or a mile long underground tunnel that I had been working on for over 10 years.  Phe...

Happy Father's Day (eve) to Me! 06/20/10   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I also had the pleasure of going on a Father’s Day trip this past weekend, but on Saturday.  My trips have been few and far between because of my daughter’s fastpitch softball travel and high school commitments and my related coaching commitments, and also HS graduation too.

Unknown Mammal? Teeth   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

In early 2009 I found a really odd looking tooth along the Maryland side of the Potomac River.  At first I thought it was a "modern" tooth from some sort of mammal that died along the river, but it passed the fossil test "sound" when I tapped it against my rake.  I didn't think much of it at the time and still wasn't 100% sure it was a fossil, but I kept it anyway.  I showed it to one of the geologists/paleontologists that attend...

Frozen treasures   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Found two nice stingray mouthplates almost two years ago along the Potomac.  I went collecting by rental-boat on both the MD and VA side of the river.  Found a few teeth here and there, and then stumbled upon two ray plates still in clumps of matrix.  I didn't have anything to wrap them in so I stripped down to my t-shirt, took it off, wrapped each mouthplate, then got dressed.  It was freezing cold and my skin was numb from the wind and wi...

Potomac Trip 11/01/2009   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I ignored the forecast for rain and hit the Potomac River early Sunday morning.  I didn't score any Paleos this time, and no huge Otodus teeth, but small Otodus were abundant.  I found a total of 13 Otodus teeth today, and while most have some degree of damage (one has all of the enamel missing!), three are in great condition.  The largest Otodus measures 1-3/8ths.  Other finds include a 1-5/8ths Sand Tiger, a pretty nice Ray crushing plate...

Ghost otodus   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Met up with MikeDOTB and a friend and hit a couple of local spots.  I',m waiting to see a picture of the Nice otodus that Mike pulled from the potomac.  I found a nice white otodus and a large croc tooth missing most of its enamal.

Potomac Perfection   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I haven't been getting out to hunt much lately, and the few times I have gone out I haven't found much of anything.  I managed to get to the Potomac River Saturday morning, and while most of the finds were the usual chipped Sand Tiger type teeth, I did find one postworthy tooth- the best Paleocarcharodon I've ever found.  It measures 1-1/8 inch on the slant, and it is about the glossiest tooth I've ever pulled from the Potomac shore.

On the way to the fossil beach...   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

On an all night fishing trip I caught a nice catfish.  As the sun rose I realized I was not too far from a good toothing beach so I beached the boat.  It was a quick 45 minute hunt and I found two nice otodus 10 feet apart, fully exposed.  It was the luckiest trip there to date. 



High Sea's on the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Man, the tide just won't recede along the Potomac. THe last three trips had waves hitting the cliff face, and barely retreated during low tide. Ended up sifting in order to save the trip(s). I did end up with a small worn Paleo, a broken Paraorthocodus, a couple Cretolamna's, and the usualy assortment of sandtigers. Made it out this time with no Ticks!...
I've got the BLues   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Stumbled upon some nice material to sift through and found some nice blue-ish colored teeth, inlcuding a small Otodus. Also found a few nice fish Otoliths - these are rare. You don't find many teeth in the matrix, but the teeth you do find can be real pretty....
Happy Birthday to Me!   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I had the pleasure of having a fantastic birthday as my daughter and I spent some quality time doing our favorite hobby, fossil collecting. That in itself makes it one of my best birthdays ever.

OK, enough mushy stuff, on with the report. We spent the day collecting the Paleocene of Maryland along the Potomac River. I wasn't expecting much since we just had a long holiday weekend with lots of boaters out and probably lots of collectors from shore over the w...

Micro Teeth from the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

The last few times I've gone to the Potomac, I've brought home some gravel, hoping to find some of the rare micro teeth.  I built a sifter bow that has 1/4 inch mesh on the top, and window screen on the bottom.  The material that falls through the mesh but is trapped above the screen is dried and carefully searched.  The photos show the better finds from two 1-quart baggies of processed gravel.  Not shown are the hundreds of fish and ray te...

Last few trips to the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I've been spending lots of time down at the Potomac lately, with pretty good results.  The first photo below shows the combined haul from two trips over the past month.  Some sweet Otodus teeth, the largest of which measures 1 - 3/8ths inches, and a small Phyllodus mouthplate, but nothing too spectacular.  I headed back down there on Friday, expecting to find more of the same, but I wound up having a great day.  I found two large Otodus tee...

I am a moron third times a charm.   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Determined to get this done right. I guess today I am the bug rather than the windshield. Had reformated the photos and still screwed it up. One last chance.
I guess this is why I am still a film guy. Would have gotten beautiful nice closeups with my 105mm macro lens....
Where's the teeth reposted photos   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Sorry about the first post. I am used to using .tif rather than .jpg for my photos as it works better for the items I sell on ebay (Not fossils.) as the quality is better for the format. Now that I purchased a digital camera for my wife for Christmas I can post my finds. I will try to keep them smaller and in the proper format....
Where's the Teeth? And 2008 recap   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
I made my first trip of 2009 on February 7, but I would first like to recap my 2008.

Last year was the first time I have ever gone fossil hunting. I have found a few by accident, but this was the first concerted effort to actively find them. My first trip was in late May and the last one was December 21st. I probably went about a dozen times and never needed a kitchen pass (I do most of the chores around the house which gives me lots of leeway). After starting off a l...
Potomac Trip 1/10   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I had a pretty good day on the Potomac on Saturday.  I didn't find any Paleos or huge Otodus teeth, but I did get a few Otodus in better than average condition.  I think that the neatest tooth I found was an Otodus with some unique feeding damage.  The shark must have bit down on some very dense bone, because the cutting edge on one side has been completely scraped off.  What makes it really cool is that the cusp is still intact, so the sha...

Wet Willy - Aquia 11/30/08 Follow Up   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

My camera is temporarily working...jeez. 

3 Days on the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Well I finally made it up to MD for the first time since I got into fossil hunting.  I hooked up with Obsessed1 so he could show me a few spots to hunt or else I would have been lost.  We thank you very much and hope we can do it again.

Well the first day we ended up hitting the Aquia formation on the Potomac in the hopes to find our first Otodus or my favorite Palaeocarcharodon .  We didn't end up finding and Paleo's but we did the Otodus....

Wet Willy - Aquia 11/30/08   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I hit the Aquia formation on Sunday during a miserable cold rain, but had it all to myself.  There was a lot of grass making hiking tough and the hunting tougher.  I did find a lot of teeth but only a few Otodus teeth.  I did get some real nice Striatolamna teeth though, and my first Odontaspis winkleri!  I'll post pics of them later.  My camera is on it's last legs, so hopefully I'll be able to get some shots in of the nicer teeth...

Slip Slide and Away on Black Friday   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Instead of standing outside of BestBuy from 10pm the night before until 6 am the next morning hoping to get a bargain on some electronics, I headed to the Potomac for some other bargain deals on fossils!  I drove past the BestBuy on my way and saw a billion cars - and they say the economy is bad - not here in Bowie, MD.  Anyhow, I had a free kitchen pass since my wife's parents were visiting - this meant I could stay most of the day!  Unfortuantely, the collect...

Good Day on the River   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Conditions down at the Potomac are starting to improve.  A lot of the sand has washed out, exposing more gravel than usual.  Unfortunately, the same wind-driven waves that cleared the sand out pushed a lot of aquatic grass up onto the beach.  So, although the huntable areas have decreased in size, they have increased in productivity.

I had a pretty good day today.  I found lots of small Otodus teeth, the large...

Potomac River Trip   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I hit the Potomac River this morning, and found the conditions there to be exactly what I expected- lousy!  The river is suffering from the same problems as the Bay- too much sand, no significant storms in a long time, and severe over-hunting.  I didn't find any really sweet shark teeth today, but I did find one fossil that made the trip worthwhile- a large complete Phyllodus plate.  It's in great condition with only a little wear, and measures well...

Aquia Formation Trip   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I took off work to find some solitude, peace, and a Paleocarcharodon.  I found the first two, but not a Paleocarcharodon.  I did find plenty of teeth and a tooth that I haven't found before, I think...  Plus, there were plenty of fossils.  The weather called for showers all day, but that just didn't happen.  It was actually rather pleasant.  The winds were NNE at 10-20 mph, which was perfect pushing water out of the river ...

Not Potomac but 3 miles inland   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

While in the search for things you will sometimes step onto something completely unexpected. The place I visited is in Charles County a few miles inland from the river. I'll admit I dont know the 1st thing about Aqui formations or even if I spelled it right. I could tell that there was Turitella present. If that's not the species then It would be something larger then the Miocene I'm use to. Some of them as large as 8-10 inches long. 6 inches was common. The "oyster shells" or...

Finally!   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I headed down to the Potomac this Sunday, again in hopes of scoring a Paleocarcharodon tooth.  I got there about 8 AM, about 4 hours before low tide, and had the place to myself.  I started the hunt by heading south along the river.

  I did pretty well on the south side.  The recent rains cleared a lot of the sand away, exposing the fossil-bearing gravels.  Otodus teeth were abundant, although most we...

Loving a Hurricane   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

     This is my first post to the site.  I am fairly new to fossil hunting.  I have always been interested, but have not done any.  Lots of interestsand hobbies to spend time on...

Wildlife yes, Fossils not so much   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I hit the Potomac this past weekend, one week after the remnants of tropical storm Hannah.  I was hoping for a low tide with lots of gravel exposed...what I got was moderately high water and enough sand to replenish the sand depleted beaches of Ocean City.  I sifted here and there and found a few sand tigers, but it was too much effort for too little return.  I scanned the banks and found two little teeth (ref pics - I'm pointing to them in the one ...

Potomac River Tiny Treasures   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

  I actually started the day's hunt down at the Cliffs, but conditions were horrible and I wasn't finding much of anything, so I headed down to the Potomac in hopes of finally scoring a Paleocarcharodon tooth.  Conditions on the River were the best that I've seen in a long time.  The strong winds from the east had pushed the water out, and taken all the grass, algae, trash, and sand with it.  I haven't seen so much gravel on the beach in ov...

Couple of nice trips to the river   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I have been going to the river more this summer than in the past. I found my first nice Croc tooth there earlier this year and now I just can't seem to stay away. Something about possibly finding a pristine Croc tooth keeps me going back. This post is from my last two trips.

The first trip gave my my first section of Croc jaw..too bad there were no teeth still in it. And the second trip I found another nice shiney Croc tooth with great...

River treasures   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Collecting along the Potomac river at a small Paleocene locale has over time become less and less productive.  The fossil layer is super hard material that just doesn't erode fast enough to keep up with the collecting pressures.  On any given day you can pic up several worn and faded sandtigers, but most collectors are there for the elusive Otodus and rarer Paleocarcharodon.  Another even rarer tooth in my opinion is the Paraorthocodus clarki.&n...

Getting Nasty   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

  I headed back to the Potomac on Sunday, and was shocked to discover that the shoreline was buried under a thick layer of aquatic grass.  Conditions there haven't been great lately, with most of the gravel buried under sand, and now I couldn't even get to the sand!  Plus, the smell of all that stuff composting in the sun is enough to turn your stomach. But of course, I wasn't about to turn back empty handed, so my crazy self headed north, trying to...

Saturday on the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I hadn't been down to the Potomac for a while, so I headed out early Saturday Morning for Purse.  I didn't find anything truly spectacular, but I did get a nice variety of teeth, including 2 near-perfect but small Otodus teeth, a pristine Striatolamia, and a tiny Croc tooth that has the sharpest point of any croc tooth that I've found.  The largest teeth in the photo below measure just over 1-1/2 inch.

Fossils for Fathers Day   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

          What better why to spend Fathers day than to hunt fossils! Some thing has been telling me to hunt the Potomac and I'm glad I listened to that little voice in my head....it usually jusy gets me in trouble. 

            The day started out slow but as ...

Memorial Day at Purse   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Leaving later than planned, I arrived along the Potomac around 11, which unfortunately was only an hour or so before high tide. Frustrated that I would have so little beach to search and would have to sieve most of the time, I begin hunting and soon found a menagerie of small, unimpressive teeth. Some other people began showing up, some looking for fossils which made the day even less perfect. However, I did happen to find what I believe is a small, beat up Paleocarcharodon, a fairly rare fin...
Potomac River Trip 4/18/08   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

  After leaving the Bay, I headed down to the Potomac River to continue my all-day hunt.  I didn't expect to see many other hunters, but there were about 6 other people already hunting the north shore.  Unfortunately, I didn't see any of them until I had already gone past the point, and it was too late to turn around.  I still did pretty good out there, though.  I found a few decent Otodus teeth and lots of shame...

A good trip in more ways than one   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Last weekend the strong northeast winds on the bay upset are plans to take the boat down along calvert cliffs,so we decided to try the Potomac instead.We headed along the cliffs stopping at several Nanjemoy formations.At the first stop I found a small miocene tiger shark mixed in with the older teeth. It seems that there are some sections of calvert formation overlying the Nanjemoy.The fallen trees and large gravel made spotting teeth hard.After three stops,we had only found a dozen teeth ,most...
Still Looking   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Im posting this as potomac river but this is from a rare land site in PG county several miles from the river.When the storm drains and ponds are dug out the top layer of the aquia formation is exposed.THe huge mass of shells make it hard to pick out teeth.After looking around a few minutes , I did find a few small and med sand tigers. At least they are not river worn.Im keeping my eye out for a perfect giant otodus as the teeth weather out over the summer....
Potomac River Monster   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I started the day at the Calvert Cliffs, but after not finding much besides two small damaged Megs, I headed to the Potomac River, in hopes of finding the perfect Otodus tooth.  The tooth I found is far from perfect, but it is the new centerpiece of my Potomac collection.  This massive tooth measures 2 & 7/8ths inches on the slant.  Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera with me, so no ground shot.  I wasn't expecting to be able ...

Potomac River Almosts and Not Quites   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Today I headed down to the Potomac shore in Charles County Maryland, in hopes of finding the perfect Otodus tooth, since the only ones I had in my collection were all heavily damaged.  I got there right at low tide, but the conditions were far from ideal.  There was a lot of aquatic grass washed up on the shore, and a lot of shoreline ice.  Plus, the duck hunters were out in force.  It can be hard to concentrate on finding teeth with gunfir...

Potomac 12-21-07   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I started out my 2 hour trip heading for the cliffs along the bay but the tides and wind weren't cooperating so I ended up at the Potomac River. I didn't have any Otodus teeth in my collection so maybe today would be the day. There was dead vegitation all over the edge of the water where I normally find all my fossils so I headed down the beach looking for "clean" water. After a couple hundered yards the waters edge cleared up and I started finding some small teeth....

Make the best of bad weather   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

This morning I got up early, packed up the kayak, and headed to the bay for what was going to be a full day of hunting. As I made my way closer to the hunting grounds I realized that the wind, which can help or hurt the conditions, was going to be too strong and not allow any type of productive hunting on the bay.

I decided to head over to the Potomac river in Charles county, Maryland.  I could still get a hunt in. This is not ...

April on the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
In the Spring, collecting on the Potomac at Nanjemoy is always a good day; today was no exception. The number of teeth I brought home was limited only by my desire to bend down and pick them up. Granted, the species variety is limited and the teeth are not that big, however the fossils are Paleocene which is a nice change of pace from the Miocene collecting I normally do. Also, I did find one nice Otodus....






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