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Diver Up!!   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
The advent of hand-held recording devices, and Al Gore’s invention (the internet, of course), have certainly had an impact on fossil collecting. Shared knowledge and shared experiences are a just a couple of impacts that come to mind ---- so DW, crew, and myself decided to try our luck at the Edisto. I was informed of a cleared area near the river, and thought maybe some Native Indian artifacts may have been uncovered. DW showed me fosspitality and agreed to a quick land hunt. I geared up to hun...
Proper Fossil Hunting   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Summer has once again come around. This mean its time to hit the river again. After a not so plentiful first dive, I had a very copious second one. With a haul containing close to forty angustidens, 2 megalodons, multiple hemis and tiger shark teeth, and a small whale tooth, I left the river feeling pleasured and satisfied. I hope to provide the viewers of this site many many plentiful river posts this year.

Live long and prosper,
More Yackin’ than Rackin’   Sarasota County, Florida, USA
The warming weather gave myself and DW the dive itch; so we thought Venice Beach for the 2011 first dive. Toofless and Sir-Jeff Meg Master were kind enough to host the SC fellas. We had eyed the weather…it was iffy…but we were jonesin’ to blow some bubbles and collect. Day 1 was bright and sunny, with a bit of a breeze. We anchored and soon the motion of the ocean had me woozy. I jumped in and went negative quickly to dive sans nausea…got a few teeth, a few worn megs, an almost complete meg,...
Mammoth Tusk   Sarasota County, Florida, USA - Mammuthus columbi
Its not whole, but this mammoth tusk is the biggest I've ever found. At first glance it looks just like a bone, but when I turn it there are growth rings like a tree. Toofless said this is the first tusk that he has seen from the site that produced all the mammoth teeth (we went there in our 2010 Venice FL dive)...
Scuba Diving in Venice Florida - 2011   Sarasota County, Florida, USA

Venice is the called the shark tooth capital of the world, so naturally its a place I like to visit every once in a while. Mi hermano fósil, da fossz, joined me. We trekked the 9 hours south to sunny Florida and met up with toofless from meghunter.net. His fossil shirt designs are world famous and he happened to be taking a break from the biz ...

More Yack than Rack   Sarasota County, Florida, USA
The warming weather gave myself and DW the dive itch; so we thought Venice Beach for the 2011 first dive. Toofless and Sir-Jeff Meg Master were kind enough to host the SC fellas. We had eyed the weather…it was iffy…but we were jonesin’ to blow some bubbles and collect. Day 1 was bright and sunny, with a bit of a breeze. We anchored and soon the motion of the ocean had me woozy. I jumped in and went negative quickly to dive sans nausea…got a few teeth, a few worn megs, an almost complete meg,...
SC Pliocene Hemipristis Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Hemipristis serra
This is by far the largest, best preserved hemipristis we've found at the new SC pliocene spot. I haven't found a hemi this big since I went diving last year in Venice. Before that, Aurora!...
Fossil Hunting the South Carolina Pliocene   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
This post covers the past month or so of hunting out at the new lowcountry pliocene spot. We've done a little bit of sifting, but mostly we have been surface collecting after heavy rainfall. The last trip just a couple days ago was the best - I got the biggest hemi yet recovered out there and the weezling got the biggest pristine mako so far. Good stuff!              &...
Beaver trip.   Potomac River, Virginia, USA
Took my son out today and we managed seven crock teeth and a real nice ray plate. As we picked our way through downed trees we were startled by a rather large beaver at about 10 feet. I think we scared it more than he scared us because he tried to run into the river but kept bouncing off of one of the blow downs. He must have run into the same tree about four times before he finally made it to the river. ...
March Monster   Potomac River, Virginia, USA
Found a bunch of teeth today one larger otodus and a moster crock tooth, 2.27 inches long and in great shape. I carried my camera along today and got it out to take a ground shot of the crock but of course the batteries were dead. Also found a duck decoy and an Easton baseball bat....
Start of April   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Earlier this month my buddy DCC and I got the chance to hit the beach and had some really great luck.  I'm posting a few pictures of my finds but I had to include one of his too.  I had some real good luck including a nice thresher, nice hemi, and a number of megs!  Not all the 'as found' shots came out that day, so I just included the ones that did.  For size reference, the largest meg is about 2 1/4".
Summerville Megalodon Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
A nice little meg tooth....
Large Angustidens Shark Tooth in Matrix   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
It is very rare to find a tooth of this quality still stuck in matrix. But this stuff isn't the original matrix. The ocean eroded this spot out and redeposited this tooth. Whatever the minerals are in this area the layer is hard....
The Winning Streak Continues   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
My son and I went hunting a couple weeks ago after a really good rain. We hunted this spot 3 days for this video.We walked one day and sifted the next 2 with good success both days. His best find came on the first day - a massive Isurus desori mako tooth in flawless condition nearly completely exposed on the bottom. On the first day sifting, I found a worn, small megalodon tooth but on the second after the water stopped flowing I got a huge, beautiful angustidens tooth stuck in matrix. I love th...
If a picture says a thousand words than a video says a million!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Had a day off from work and the tide was amazing, was able to find two megs the larger of the two is just over 2 3/4" in.

Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
Its been a while since I sifted out a nice angustidens from this creek. This tooth came out on top of a shovel full of chandler bridge. I saw it the second it broken the water level, and I worried it would fall into the marky water as I slowly lifted it to my strainer. I pulled out the camera, shot it, and extracted it right away. No sense risking damage!...
Serrated Reef Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharoides totuserratus
A super-rare serrated reef shark tooth. the serrations are tiny - very tough to see without magnification. one way to see them, however, it to look for the light reflecting off the edge of the blade. Sunlight works best. But if you do it just right, you can see each miniscule serration....
Oligocene Paratodus Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni
This is the best Parotodus tooth I have found from this particular site so far....
Modern Tiger Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier
Gorgeous color on this fossil modern tiger shark tooth....
Horse Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Equus sp.
A very nice specimen. I've never found this position before. I believe it is an incisor....
How to Find Nice Shark Teeth in Summerville   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today Weezil & Son welcomed Govinn for an afternoon of fossil hunting in Summerville. We decided to sift the Yellow creek for a shot at some nice Oligocene stuff. This creek also sports Miocene, Pliocene, & Pleistocene fossils so you never know what you're going to find. Govinn forgot to lock his car and had to go back, but the weezling and I started sifting without him. When he got back, Govinn had recovered a really nice great white tooth. A really nice one for this spot! My boy starte...
Tooth time! finally!   Sarasota County, Florida, USA
It is that time of year again! The water is starting to warm up over in the Gulf and the constant wondering what the winter storms may have uncovered drives us to go see. This is a combination of two trips, neither of which went without the technical difficulties often associated with dragging a big heavy boat all the way across the state. Had a blow out on the trailer. Had a fuel line issue on the boat...damn ethanol. But its all fixed and we did find some nice stuff. See for yourself....
Pearl Harbor artifacts   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
I recently stumbled across an area where the military disposed of debris from the 1940s, including the debris from the Pearl Harbor attack. Most of it is rusted & unrecognizable, but every once in a while, something of interest crops up. At present, I am slowly exposing what I think is a parachute, 1940s-vintage! Shown here are some fragments of Navy servicewear (note the 1941 date!), some 50-cal bullets from a 40s-50s machine gun range, two brass buckles, and a thingamabob that I haven'...
low expectations on the bay   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
First, a shout out to Saint Marys College! I was in the area this past weekend so I was able to do a little Calvert collecting on Sunday. In the morning I was at a spot that could have been great but the winds were just not behaving until just before I had to leave. On my way home in the mid afternoon I decided that I might as well stop at a very popular collecting beach. I knew that probably hordes of collectors had already been there in the morning to celebrate the start of spring, so I had on...
Blue Point   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Found this point last week.  It is an interesting blueish gray color.   The length and width reported below are approximate since I don't have the point in hand at the time of this posting. 

An exact identity is hard to come by, but I believe it could be an Adena (3000-1100BP), Little Bear (4000-1500BP), or Pickwick (6000-3500BP).  Here are a few links I used for the research.&nbs...
Micro Collection   Andalusia, Alabama, USA
Here are some pictures of my micro collection. Not all are “micros” but I put them in this post because I wanted all the pictures to look alike. :) I’m going to use common names to keep it simple. This represents countless hours of sifting thru about 10 gallons of rinsed and dried material from my favorite local creek with a LED light and dental pick. DW created this awesome section in the forum called "Micro Fossils." You should check it out if you are interested in trading materia...
A promise finally made good...   Andalusia, Alabama, USA
I’ve been promising this trip report for about a year now… so, enjoy! These are some of the teeth/fossils I’ve found during many trips to my favorite local creek. I’ve learned that Andalusia is not the only place to find fossils around here… :) This is just a portion of some of the things I’ve found. Notice how well preserved these teeth are!! I’m still learning the identity of some of these fossils, so if you can help out with an ID or notice that I mislabeled some then please let me know an...
Native American Point from Summerville   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
A cool point from one of our favorite Summerville fossil hunting streams. Its my first arrowhead from this area of the creek....
Posterior Megalodon Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Worn but still sweet!...
Thrill of Victory, Agony of Defeat   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I hope the phrase Thrill of Victory, Agony of Defeat is not trademarked because its the only way to describe this day. The weezling and I got to the creek and minutes after we arrived I spotted an arrowhead in the bottom of the creek through my clear bottom bucket. SCORE! Then I let the weezling have a turn and he scored some nice teeth in the middle of the creek. We picked up teeth the whole way to our favorite spot where we noticed a HUGE washout created by the last heavy rain. The creek blast...
Opportunistic Fossil Hunting   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Sometimes fossil hunting is nothing more than seeing a place that looks good and looking around. I saw that a local ditch had been cleaned out with heavy equipment so my right hand man the weezling and I waited until after a heavy rain and then we went to take a look. We ended up walking and talking all day, picking up teeth as we went. We didn't end up with anything superior, but its ok. Not every day has to include finding some giant flawless fossil for it to be great, but then again it never ...
2/22/11   Surry County, Virginia, USA
cold day on the river. tide high, expectations low... one nice tooth....
Variety Pick   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA
Today the weather was nice and the tides cooperated. I found a crab, a 5/8 inch thresher, a colorful mako and large lower snagletooth. I also found a piece I don't recognize, it has a pattern that looks similar to the edge of a ray plate but this appears too wide to be the edge portion and the back doesn't look like a ray plate. Any help would be appreciated....
Frozen Suds   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA
Hit the beach only to find it covered with up to a foot of Frozen suds. Where do frozen suds come from you might ask. Apparently they are occasionally leaked, in detergent form, from a water treatment plant upriver. The detergent in the water suds up in the wash zone and it was so cold that the bubbles froze Covering most of the exposed beach with psudo snow. I did manage a nice Meg and makos with good color. I took some ground shots of some bones being exposed from the matrix. I don't ...
Honolulu fossils   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
It would appear that someone (or someones) have discovered my initial fossil spot. My last two trips have been empty, curiously so; not even the common finds. I probably have myself to blame by posting photos of the spot here at BRF. Ah well. The upside however, is that I've spent time traveling this beautiful island and doing other things, including spotting out new locations. I was out dirt-biking and happened upon a stretch of coastline along the harbor and low-and-behold, fossil shell...
Kogiopsis Sperm Whale Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Kogiopsis
The first whale tooth found at the Miocene-Pliocene land spot. Looks like it came from Aurora!...
A Helping Hand from a Big Friend   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I'm in one of those phases where I am fossil hunting in all of my spare time. Not much time to post, but I'm doing my best. One of the places we've been hunting is the new Miocene-Pliocene spot. We haven't found any really big complete shark teeth out there lately, but we've been finding quality and who doesn't prefer that? There hasn't been any new digging in a while, so hopefully when that starts back up we can find some big stuff, too. This post is a compilation of several trips, a c...

Cypress Gardens   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
There is a FOSSIL EXPO this weekend at Cypress Gardens from 10-16:00. It looks to be a good time....
2/11/11   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Quick trip down by the banks of the James....
2/3/11   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Hit the beach this morning. It's my birthday and all I wanted was one nice tooth. Well, It worked out for me. Three great Makos and a busted Meg... Yeah man....
2" C. megaodon posterior tooth   Potomac River, Maryland, USA - Carcharocles megalodon

A worn and complete posterior meg tooth. Nice bourlette on this tooth.

Pair of cow shark teeth   Potomac River, Maryland, USA - Notorynchus primigenius

Two cow shark teeth plucked from the Calvert formation. The larger specimen has all 7 tips.

1-7/8 inch I. hastalis   Potomac River, Maryland, USA - Isurus hastalis

One sweet mako. Razor sharp blade.

3.5 inch C. Megalodon   Potomac River, Maryland, USA - Carcharocles megalodon

Complete meg with nice light brown color. Some mottling in enamel as well.

PHAT Rack   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I had an opportunity to travel to the Chesapeak Bay area and contacted the Phat boys for a possible fossil collecting trip. The sick bug had been visiting them, but luckily it passed earlier in the week. It was on!! We arose at dawn-thirty to hit the tides right and I had to force the Phat boys to cater to my relentless pursuit of the perfect java.... we arrived at the bay and the wind was howling with the temperature in the mid-20s. My sinuses are still ...

1/2011 GMR trip, not exactly kid friendly.   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
Well we made our first trip to GMR last weekend. It was interesting to say the least. We had to enter the river on the other side of the 10th street bridge. Walked right down thru the folks backyard I guess. I didn't realize that entering at the elm street park bridge would be so difficult with a woman and 2 children. We brought a 1/2" screen down to the stream and had some nice finds right where the water comes out of the tunnel under the 10th street bridge. But, i'm assuming there's much ...
A new fossil collecting family   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Well we started fossil hunting because I happened to see a boatload of shark teeth on a buddies desk at work. After finding out that there were beaches around to be searched i went home and told my Lady and our children. Needless to say we jumped right in, being that this is an affordable hobby, and one that has made our family much closer. We haven't slowed down since, and i'd definitely say we have the bug. Here's what we've got in our first 6 months of searching. Thanks to everybody that has ...
Long time comming!!!! Potomac River Transistional Otodus   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Well my first year of hunting Maryland hasnt been that bad.  My wife and i found this eocene spot along the Potomac about a month after we moved here and new that there were transitionals there somewhere.  On the last the day before New Years I decided to go to this site for probably the 60-75th time I finally found one.  Length of the tooth is 2 5/16th inch.  Hopefully it doesnt take another year to find another one.  Happy...
First hunt of 2011 1/7   Surry County, Virginia, USA
First hunt of the year
 and what do I find 
a strange little bone
with a blade on one side.
The tip has a point
the base is quite round,
does anyone know
 what I found on the ground...

Megalodon Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Megalodon Tooth
Cow Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
Cow Shark Teeth are super rare in South Carolina, and this one is so beautifully preserved that it must have fallen directly to the ocean floor and been covered up immediately. The only other place I've seen cow shark teeth this nice is Aurora. The root is shiny because I applied preservative to prevent the razor thin root from degrading....
Bull Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharhinus leucas
A bull shark tooth with incredible preservation....
Modern Tiger Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier
A superhero modern tiger shark tooth. Incredible preservation!...
The New Lowcountry SC Land Site   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Fossil hunting has been slow since Winter started. I really don’t know where to look anymore so I did what any sane fossil collector would do. I looked for a new place. Sometimes new locations can be found quickly, but usually it takes hard work and research. The quick method never works for me, so it’s a good thing I’m always looking. Good news! Work has finally started at a spot I’ve been watching for what seems like forever and my patience and hard work to find a new place to hunt fo...

11/10/2010   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA
Found a nice drum fish jaw with a couple of teeth, a dolphin ear bone, nice lower mako, and a lower hemi I like a lot. The river was high again today. ...
10/2010   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA
The wind pushed the water almost up to the cliffs at low tide today, but I did manage to find a nice croc tooth. The second tooth may be a core of a croc but it doesn't look like others I have found....
A young friends bad day.   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA
Took a neighbor along today, young teenager, and the water was clear and low. I expected that we would do really well. However after the long hike to the end of the beach we barely had any teeth between the two of us. As we chatted our way back towards the car I saw him put his foot down right next to the big mako and keep walking. I was just glad he didn't step on it, I guess I should not have distracted him by talking. It is worn but my biggest mako to date. Several hundred yards up the ...
06/09/2010   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA
The beach was real sandy today, I did find a nice variety and a real shamer mako. Picked up a couple of verts and a modern human artifact....
10/2010   Potomac River, Virginia, USA
Hunting with my son today. He is six years old and can really spot teeth when he wants to but he gets distracted by everything, water, rocks, fish, crabs, sky, birds, bugs, tv (I'm not sure how along the river) and others. So as we were working our way along the beach I took a break to wait for Kenny to catch up. As I was sitting on a rock I noticed a shine from between the pebbles. When the tooth was out I couldn't believe it was the best otodus I have found so far. ...
5/18/2010 trip, nice otodus   Potomac River, Virginia, USA
The snakes were everywhere today, after regaining my composure I managed quite a few teeth but the otodus made the trip. The small oval fossil with the two groove may be a river worn ray plate. Any other ideas?...
remembering clear beaches   Potomac River, Virginia, USA
5/2/2010, the water was nice today, found a nice variety of fossils and one modern human artifact. The big otodus was a trip maker and I love the ray plates. I need help identifying the fossil in the last two pictures. ...
Totally out in the open....   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Been busy during this week especially with the Christmas holiday so I hadn't posted my finds from my hunt I went on last Sunday. It was a nice day, but cold, but a fellow fossil buddy of mine wanted to scout a few new areas as well as check on a few other spots that we knew about. We started out walking a few smaller creeks, but with just a few smaller teeth being found with the exception of a cool stingray barb I came across....we headed to another area which might yield some bigger teeth. With...
slayer   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Most every beach on Calvert cliffs is infested with sand right now. So last Thursday I got off work early and headed to one of my all time favorite beaches. The tide was low at 9 but when I got there it hadn't came in too much. I saw a guy walking off but didn't get the chance to speak to him. When I got to the main part of the cliffs I didn't find much until I got half the way down. Then I hit the sweet spot. Who ever had been there before me failed to look at, what it my opinion was t...

cretaceous finds   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Here are some of our finds from the cretaceous streams of New Jersey. Along with finding fossils from the cretaceous my father and I have also had luck finding pleistocene mammal teeth as well as Native American artifacts. We haven't visited cretaceous streams for a while as we have spent most of our time lately at Eocene and Miocene localities but hopefully we find time soon to collect at one....
Last 3 trips   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Last 3 trips
Reflecting back on warmer Days!!   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
 I found these near Charleston Harbor this past July. Would love to have some of that HOT WEATHER NOW!!  Merry Christmas!! and Happy Hollidays!!...
choptank walk (southern fried meg)   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Last sunday I did my 8 mile choptank walk. The first 2 miles were the most productive with my most southern meg from calvert cliffs ever. A beautiful blue. As far as im concerned one of a kind.

The majority of the walk was a waste of time and a bad idea. I was so tired afterwards i couldnt even hang around until low tide. But the meg made the whole day worth it.

Before last weekend the farthest south ive ever found a whole megalodon was scientists...

Had a whale of a time.   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Hit the same spot again and though I did not find the quality of teeth, I found my biggest tooth (3/4th tooth) measuring over 6" and more than ten huge whale vertebrae.  The smaller meg is about 4" while the tewo smaller teeth appear to be a mako and possibly another mako or false mako (benedeni).  The picture with the vert stacked together in the backyard at night doesn't do them justice.  One of them is well over a foot and with l...

(Great) White Saturday   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Christmas came a little early this year when I realized at dinner, on Black Friday, that I was on my own on Saturday morning………..aaaannnnddd instead of suggesting that I finish putting up Christmas decorations, my wife tells me I should go out fossil hunting – Gotta love her!! Since it’s been more than a year since my last trip (ouch!), I quickly had to go through my pre-trip checklist:

back in action   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Me and my Dad haven't been out collecting much because his back has been hurting but today it was feeling better so we went to an Eocene/Miocene stream. I dug in a spot that has always produced teeth in the past so I hoped this time would be no different. When I arrived at the spot I could see that new material had been deposited. The day started off pretty slow and I was finding mostly broken sandtigers.I did however, find a piece of cow shark and a small but nice mako so I continued to dig in ...
Drowning for Megalodon Teeth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I headed out today despite the cooling water temperatures and the promise of poor visibility.  The water looked clear from the surface until my head went under a few inches and it was pitch black.  With my dive light, I had about 3 inches of visibility.  The current was pretty good so I pushed on feeling my way.  I found a bunch of bone which I kept for the fun of it until I finally put my hand on what...

It's been a while... 11/23/10   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
          Hi guys!  It's been quite some time since I last posted.  Over the summer, I took 8 or 9 2-3hr trips down to the stream.  The best of the results of those trips may be seen in the third picture, which has some decent makos, tigers, sandtigers, some nice crows, sawfish, crocs, an enchodus, and a pretty little great white!  For size refere...
11/12/10   Surry County, Virginia, USA
High tide Surry side....
Think we're going to need a bigger boat !   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Well I decided to go diving yesterday...the water is getting cold because of all the frigid temperatures we have been having lately, but I won't let that stop me. As soon as I hit the water I felt how much colder the water has gotten. I descended to the bottom in anticipation of what I could find waiting for me on the bottom. I found some smaller teeth within minutes along with a 4-3/16 inch Meg near the end of the dive...Out of air so I surfaced, floated back to the boat, and grabbed my last ta...
11/4/10   Surry County, Virginia, USA
today I sliped out to the river on the James city side. Teeth here are far and few between but when you do find somthing it's usualy nice. I was only out for about an hour and wasn't finding anything. I thought i was going to be skunked but rite before I left I found a nice tooth then a pretty lil mako. I am not sure about the largest tooth... It has a lot od root damage but the serations are still well defined. I have found white teeth on this side before but I'm not sure if it is a small meg ...
Halloween   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Halloween 2010...
Vertebrae Heaven and a catfish friend   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Well I headed to the river today to check out a new diving spot.  You never know if the spot will turn out to be a honey hole or dud.  The visibity was ideal and the water a bit cool.  I started on a sand bar which rarely produces and thus I worked my way around it hoping to find some gravel or layer.  It wasn't long before I found some gravel and layer and was putting junk in my bag.  I was finding bullets (some older than others), bullet sh...

10/22/10 York River   Surry County, Virginia, USA
this is from the eroded banks of a creek off of the york river. I took out the kayak, beached it and started piling stuff in it. it was a nice day. coolest thing I found was the large whole snail shell... I also found some old in tact oyster and scallop shells. no teeth but oh well. I was hoping to find some arrow heads but no luck. I will definitely check this spot again. nice day in the york....
Three points found in 2010   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The spear point and arrowheads were all found in 2010.  Though my search was for large prestine fossilized shark teeth for my collection, I also stumbled upon a few points worth adding to the collection.  I love that most of the points I have found this year are each quite different from one another.  I look forward to what next year brings. ...
2010 Season Summary   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

It is hard to believe my fossil hunting hobby only began in earnest May of this year.   I am now hooked and spend much of my time looking.  I have graduated from land searches, having been SCUBA certified a few months ago thanks to lowcountrydiving, and have joined the ranks of murky river divers.  I have met some great new friends to enjoy my searches with.  I have searched hard in Charleston, Dorchester, and Colleton Counties and have had m...

4 1/4" Twin Angustidens   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

These two teeth are the highlight of this fossil hunting season.  Both would be at least 1/4 - 1/2" longer if not for the feeding wear on the tip.  Neither are prestine, but both are in great shape for the size and make great additions to the collection.  The left tooth had particularly large cusps with a nice wave action.

10/15/10   Surry County, Virginia, USA
I have a friend stopping by to check out my collection... so while I have it out I figured I would take a pic for ya'll. Enjoy....
Edisto River Megalodon Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon

This megalodon tooth was without a doubt the most unexpected surprise of the dive. Normally we are looking for the Oligocene giant white shark teeth - Carcharocles angustidens. The area of the South Carolina Lowcountry that this part of the Edisto river cuts through is not well known for nice megalodon teeth, but sometimes we get lucky.

To date, this is the biggest & best megalodon tooth I've found in the Edisto river.

Superior Angustidens Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
One of the finest angustidens teeth I have found all year. Besides for some pitting on the back of the root, this one is spectacular. Super blade & cusps, awesome bourlette. Its the stuff fossil hunting dreams are made of....
Lower Anterior Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

This tooth has so much going for it. A super bourlette, a perfect root, two jagged, fully intact cusps, great color. Too bad about the tip! It had to have just washed out of the formation because it hadn't had time to get covered with that black river stain yet. I'm not used to seeing teeth this pretty laying on the bottom of the river.

Big Mega Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
I found this tooth lying flat in a thin deposit of sand. I saw the shape of the tooth in the algae in the sand. I almost swam right over it!...
Isurus retroflexus Mako Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus retroflexus
Very cool lateral position Isurus retroflexus mako shark tooth....
Isurus desori Mako Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus desori
Isurus desori Mako Shark Tooth
Nice River Angustidens Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
A really nice angustidens shark tooth fom the Edisto River. Fantastic color!...
Fossicking in the Edisto River for Giant Prehistoric Shark Teeth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

My wife taught me a new word - fossick - it means to prospect or hunt for stuff, including gold, gems, AND fossils especially in mines and riverbeds. I had never heard that term before but its a different way to describe what we do. No matter how you say it, there's nothing like fossil hunting anywhere. Being outside this time of year is an absolute delight, plus we get to look for killing implements of long dead monsters! How cool is that?

This was the weezling's an...

Walrus Skull...   Surry County, Virginia, USA
This is a fossil walrus skull found by my father back in the 80s. It was found off the coast of New Jersey while scalloping. I remember my father and I putting poly on it. I remember it being around the house as a kid. After my parents split up the fossils went with my dad and I didn't see them any more. Over the years he donated stuff, gifted a lot and sold a lot so all I had was the memories of giant shark teeth, tusks, skulls and bones. After my father passed in 2001 I was told about a collec...
9/21/10   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Good day on the river... ...
Edisto 2010   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Well lot's of these teeth are broken i got three benidini's 4 Angys a shamer meg  a cusped giant thresher i got a super awesome whale tooth a ray plate !!! ...
Rain...its a good thing !   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
With all this rain I figured I would hit a few fossil spots today. The first spot I went to is a well known spot amoung the fossil few and there were already fossil hunters on the scene. I figured I'd let em have at it and went to another spot which isn't so well known. When I arrived I saw the water was high, but figured I'd try it anyway. I managed to find two beat up Angustidens, and the usual smaller shark species teeth through most of the hunt. As I was wrapping up my hunt I spotted a Great...
Angustidens Shark Tooth from the Edisto River   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This was the shark tooth that was the trip maker for me. Even though both cusps are dinged, the tip is impossibly sharp, which always impresses me. The root is really great, too. This angustidens shark tooth was laying flat in a thin gravel layer right on top of the glauconite clay. Because of the preservation, I have no doubt that this tooth washed directly out of that layer in the not to distant past. Big teeth like this don't survive long in the harsh environment of the Edisto....
Carcharocles Angustidens Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
A large, well preserved angustidens tooth that I found partially buried in the river bottom. Super sharp serrations and tip. Great bourlette! I love the shape of this tooth....
Edisto River Edgefield Scraper   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
A scraper made from a broken spear. Even ancient Native Americans believed in recycling! Seen often enough to have a name - this particular style is called an Edgefield Scraper....
Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
I found this angustidens tooth with rock attached to the root & blade on both sides. I cleaned most of it off with dental picks to reveal an excellent quality shark tooth....
Juvenile Angustidens Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
Just a fantastic little juvenile angustidens tooth with fantastic color & preservation....
Squalodon Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
A really nice squalodon whale tooth with excellent enamel. Great detail!...
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