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My First Dive in the Cooper   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

This was a cool day. I met up with RivRdigR and ScUbaPaUL to do some diving in the Cooper River. While we were gearing up RivRdigR caught me off guard and snapped a quick photo of me holding my pink flippers before I put them on. You may see the picture in a future post to come. ScUbaPaUL racked in the whole megs! RivRdigR had a lot of quantity and found a large shamer angy with tip, but with no cusps and beat up root. I ended up fin...

Back In the Edisto Again   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

This is a dive from the past week. DW almost scored a killer large angy, but sadly it had feeding damage on the tip. I found a large shamer angy as well.

Cant Stay Away   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I love diving and this time of year, there isn't a better way to beat the heat and the fossil jones. I hit the river today with t$. We decided to go to a spot that we haven't hunted in a few years. When we arrived, we found a pile of trees in place of the pile of teeth we were expecting.

Instead we moved back upriver to a more familiar area. I decided to move sand since we had already surface collected the area many times before. I fanned away one section ju...

Sweet Megalodon from Chesapeake Bay!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Its taken me just about six months since I started shark tooth hunting to crack the 3" mark for the bay.  I have come very close on two occasions and did best it with a tooth from the Potomac in Virginia, but it was badly worn by the river.

My latest treasure checks in at 3  3/16".  I know this is not a particularly big tooth for some of the southern locations, but for Mary...

2-1/4" C. Auriculatus   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus

A nice, whole ric found in a washout gully. The neat aspect of this tooth is the opalized enamel.

A Tale of Two Pits   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

It was the worst of collecting, it was the best of collecting. OK, it was not a Dicken’s novel exactly, but it sure felt that way at LaFarge today. I spent the first few hours watching the other collectors rack in the fossils while I saw layer devoid of fossils. I met up with the PhatBoyz who had made a one-day journey from Maryland, and they were bagging teeth at a madding pace. Due to the large mass of collectors, the ne...

Kamp Ranch Pearl !   Dallas County, Texas, USA
Well all my good spots for hunting teeth are pretty much gone for now, but there is one spot where they are still building houses and its always good for a look.   I started over to a rock pile, that use to produce some nice teeth, just flipping over rocks and looking for anything when I look up and see a piece with something in it, I can't believe my eyes when I pick up a pearl.  It was still mostly incased in the matrix but I could tell what it was, and it was kinda ...
End of a good thing   Tarrant County, Texas, USA
Well, I went to check out one of my best places to find sharks teeth only to find out that the heavy machines had beat me there and have scraped everything.  As I pulled up and wandered out into the pit hoping to find at least something.  It took a while and a FINALLY found one.  After that it was all down hill.  Not much to show for and after a few finds I had to move on....
Make the best of bad weather   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

This morning I got up early, packed up the kayak, and headed to the bay for what was going to be a full day of hunting. As I made my way closer to the hunting grounds I realized that the wind, which can help or hurt the conditions, was going to be too strong and not allow any type of productive hunting on the bay.

I decided to head over to the Potomac river in Charles county, Maryland.  I could still get a hunt in. This is not ...

3"+ Fossil Auriculatus Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
The last minute tooth of the day. I love ending hunts like this. This is actually the largest ric I've found to date and the colors are awesome....
Fossil Auriculatus Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
I found this one early in the day sticking out of a block of limestone. I didn't get a ground shot because it started raining....
Extinct Fossil Sand Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharias koerti
A flawless tooth. I usually never find these whole....
Back To Farming Rics Again!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

A few years ago when I first started going to the quarry I would find a whole auriculatus every trip, which was about three years ago. Yeah, I know it’s a long time to go without finding a descent whole auriculatus. This time my luck would change.


Eocene Sand Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharias koerti
I've always loved these teeth because of the shape. They have a flat, wide triangular blade decorated with viscious triangular cusps on both sides. They are difficult to find in one piece since they are so fragile....
RivrDigrFest 07 - Day 1 Lafarge   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

The Fosslin' Floridian himself, rivrdigr, is living the dream fossil hunting in South Carolina non-stop for the next two weeks while he vacations. There will be diving galore, but today, the official first day of the fest was Lafarge day.

I ran into my fossil hunting friends pretty early in the day. I saw da fossz, rivrdigr and his new dive buddy, the phat boys (who racked!), and many other friends who I only see when their eyes are on the...

Only the fish are biting today.   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA


This is another dive from last week. I didn’t find any super hero’s today and only received bites from little fish passing by. They are just like mosquitoes, but only underwater. DW scored the tooth of the day, which was a little ang...

4" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

My largest tooth by far. This tooth is just over 4 inches on the slant and would probably be close to 4.5 inches if it had a tip. Its the first tooth partial or otherwise I ever found while diving.

When Lightning Strikes   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

It was Low Country road trip time last Saturday and being my first diving trip, the anticipation was killing me. I left my house at 3:00 AM giving myself enough time to hit at least one ditch before I hooked up with Ditchweezil and Da fossz. I arrived at the ditch at 7:00 and proceeded to search. The lack of rain seriously hampered my screening efforts with almost no water flowing - one tiny busted Angy was all the screen would produce. I quickly decided that walking and scan...

Dog days of summer   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I have learned a lot about "toothin" this year. I think one of the more valuable lessons learned is the winter and early spring rule.  The water is colder, and you need to wear waders, but the water is also much clearer and you don't have to battle all the people looking for that big one. 

Here are the results of two small trips.  The first was a quick "lunch" to a new are...

Giant Fossil Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This is the new king of my angy collection and the largest that I've found to date. This tooth is just massive for a angy and the root is over 1 1/2" thick. ...
A new king of angys has risen in my collection.   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

This is a dive from the past week. I’ve just been real slack with the updates. This was a great day because I found my first 4 inch angy and it’s a beast. It may not be a super hero, but angys over 4 inches are just so hard to find!

Oligocene Parotodus benedeni   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni

This is only the third complete Parotodus I have from the Edisto. These teeth are older than the larger specimens more normally attributed to SC rivers because of their origin in the Oligocene when the species didn't grow quite as large. Sometimes the Oligocene variety has cusps, but this one doesn't.

The Imperfect Storm   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Summer in South Carolina is hot and the humidity makes it stifling. Digging for fossils under a blistering sun is not fun, but I must still hunt because the need is in my blood like some kind of dire-werewolf pathogen from beyond the K-T boundary. The river is the cure! Its a warm 80 degrees with virtually no effort required to recover shark teeth, artifacts, and other prehistoric knick-knacks to decorate the coolest room in my house.

Fossil Saw Shark Rostril Teeth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Other
I found these three just inches apart from each other. I'm thinking they're probably assoicated....
Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A really nice angy from the river.

Mid-week Fossiling   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Today was another beautiful day in the river. Da fossz was down to join me and DW for a dive. I found a good amount of teeth today and a nice 2 9/16” angy towards the end of the dive.

1" Arrowhead   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

A true arrowhead with the base clipped off. This one is made of coral or flint most likely due to its translucent property.

That’s How We Roll   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

With good visibility in the Edisto still, another trip was needed. DW and myself were joined by Xipho-Dan for another tri-fecta. We arrived around 10AM to find a partly cloudy sky. We quickly started to work on a gravel bed and in about 20 minutes I bagged my first true “arrowhead” (a.k.a bird point) and it is a sweetie. Next, X-Dan shamed us SC boys with a large angy. Then, DW scored a killer Oligocene Benedini. It was like we all got in gravy mode early…but hey, that is how...

1-1/2" Spear tip   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

A nice spear tip made of Low country chert. The base is rather robust.

Fossil llama tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Hemiauchenia macrocephala

A well preserved llama tooth from the Edisto River.

Mid-week Fossiling   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I did not take much time off for the July 4th holiday, so I thought to myself a lazy day in the Edisto looking for fossils would be good. I called up my hunting pal DW and he was in. T$ joined in as well to make it a BRFC tri-fecta. We met up at the river and geared up quickly. I hit the same gravel bed as before, and was a little slow to start (I guess from my previous racking). DW, T$ decided to mozy back down river to fan and they both did well. T$ e...

Squalodon Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus

Another whale tooth from the same section of the river.

Ray mouth plate   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Myliobatis sp.
A very well preserved ray plate. The thin enamel is still shiny....
Atlas Vertebra   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus

This cool looking vertebra comes from immediately behind the skull. The occipital lobes of the skull rest on the flattened, wider bone near the sides.

Normally when you find one, there is a skull somewhere nearby.

Scraper   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
This scraper still has a really sharp edge....
Good Diving Gear Counts!   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I called t$ at 11:30 to see if he wanted to go to the river and he was really excited. I told him to come over as soon as he got ready. I figured he lived about 20 minutes away, so he would be at my place in about 40 minutes after we hung up. I gathered up all my gear and piled it into the truck and started waiting for t$ to arrive. Then I waited some more. Then a little longer. I called his cell phone to see what the holdup was an hour into the wait. No answer. FINALLY, a full hour and...

My first dive in the river!   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I was going to go back and dig in the chandler at the ditch, but I got a call from DW to go diving instead. DW was telling me over the phone about this new wetsuit he just bought and that he couldn’t wait to show it to me. He said it would help him rack in the teeth. It was the most girliest suit I’ve seen in my life! See picture below .

7/14/07-Not too much, but nice day   Prince George County, Virginia, USA
This morning i went to one of my favorite (and closest to my home) river site, it was hot but i had the shoreline to myself save for a couple of bald eagles.  I picked up a lot of small teeth.  The fossil highlights were a very nice shark vert, half of a meg that would have been 5.5 inches, and a really nice whale ear bone.  The ear bone is in the nicest condition of any i have found so far....
Chandler!   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

I was looking over the lack of high quality angys in my collection. I only have a small handful of really nice ones and I figured it’s time to try to expand the collection. The only place near by where I know I could have a good chance at finding a high quality angy was the ditch near my house. I hit up the chandler and after digging for some time I began to see a root, cusps, and enamel exposed. I was thinking score! Nope, it can’t ...

More ammonites   Dallas County, Texas, USA

Yesturday after work I deceided to hit up a spot where I has stumbled across a piece of an pyritized ammonite.  This spot was in dallas county(upper cretaceous).  After all the rain we have been having I figured there had to be something.  When I got there the sun was already dropping and I have to look fast, I started off finding a few beat up pieces, and my luck changed, I saw what looked like a coin, but it was a perfect small ammonite, just larger than a p...

Black River Fossils: The Next Generation   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

These finds are from our last trip to the yellow ditch.

A Second Chance To Dig First   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Just around the corner from my house there has been a building boom. Back in 2005 when the first retention pond was dug, we had a really good hunt where I found my first and only purple megalodon tooth and my son found his largest meg still to this date! We were the only ones to dig that pond, and we only got one day because it was finished and filled up so quickly.

Luckily for us, another lot of land was cleared and a little pond went in right next to the one from a...

Angustidens Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A really nice sharp angustidens. Great tip!

The First Dive of 2007   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Even though I've posted a few dives for this year aleady, this is what I found the first time I got wet this year. From the second dive on, my finds were so good that I never got time to put this up....
1 5/8" Great White Shark Tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
This tooth is slightly worn but otherwise a killer!...
1 5/16" Great White Shark Tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
Probably the nicest great white I've found - Flawless....
Do A Good Turn Daily   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

I seldom get the opportunity to go out fossiling for an entire day, but with my kid’s sports seasons over and my family away in NJ, it was nice to get out and not worry about what time it was. I headed out to GMR Saturday morning picking up from where I left off the previous week in my search for a nice great white. I’ve hunted GMR about 10 or 12 times now - enough to know that there’s a ton of worn, busted, partial (and any other negative connotation you could apply) fossils...

Family's in NJ - Its go time!   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

I’ve been big tooth challenged my entire fossil collecting career. I have found exactly two complete teeth that break the 2 inch mark: a sand tiger from NJ and a Mako from Aurora. And while I hope that one day I won’t be able to remember all the individual 2+ inch teeth I have, for now I’m relinquished to categorize my stunted collection by characteristics other than size. One of my pathetic categories has been overall massiveness of a tooth, partial or otherwise. The leader in that cat...

Beats watching T.V.   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I hit my favorite beach the other day only to find that I was probably the third person to go down it.  Luckly for me the tide was still going out and the conditions seemed to be getting better by the minute.

This beach is my favorite because if you really look close and take your time you can find a great variety of treasures, even being "third up to bat".

The water wa...

A megalodon is a megalodon (6-8-07)   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Wasn't much around and the tide was high because it was one of those transitional tides where they seem to be all weird. I was lucky enough to find some huge gravel sections and put my rake to the test. No megalodons but a 2 nice makos and a nice hemi. were found which were my best fossils for the whole day. My dad on the other hand had himself a small megalodon. For my dad he neer likes to sit still and wait for something to come to him so he started to head down the beach and over the large tr...
Surry County 6/23   Surry County, Virginia, USA
The beach along the
Lower Angustidens tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
What a little killer! It looks like an auriculatus, but it came from the Chandler Bridge so it is an angustidens. Every serration is intact and the cusps are deadly little buds growing out of the edge. The tip is extremely sharp. I know the blade would cut through my hand like butter. The root is fantastic with barely even a hint of wear. Its got these giant, bulbous, rounded root lobes that really look like those on an auriculatus. The only flaw is the wear on the bourlette....
Oligocene Fossil Cleanup Crew   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Yesterday, the weezling and I decided to make the most of a lazy summer Saturday afternoon in a squalid, overgrown, mosquito infested, snake ridden gold mine. We haven't hunted the ditch in over a year because honestly, its usually not worth the drive. There is a 100 foot section of an old ditch that cuts through some primo chander bridge and ashley formation. We've had some heavy rains lately, and we thought our chances might be good there.

We walked down into the d...

Ammonites   Tarrant County, Texas, USA
(Another old trip)  Again I had some time after work and I had seen a spot that was showing a bunch of duck creek form.  When I got into the small pit I wasnt expecting much, but it seemed there were ammonites everywhere.  The bad part was they were brittle.  Also the inner rings(center) were gone, or rotted out or something out of most.  I found probably over 20 and just about everyone was broken or missing the center.  It was kinda depressi...
Lake Worth   Tarrant County, Texas, USA

This was a few weeks ago when I found all this.  I stopped after work with a few hours of daylight left.  I was in search of ammonites and when your looking for something its hard to find.  The first place I checked.  I went back to the top of the hill to check some spots.  When I started down the first trail not 30 feet down was a huge Eopachydiscus ammonite.  Its about 18 inches across, but one side has some damage.  Still...

Reef Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharoides catticus
My second reef shark tooth of 2007! I found one a few months ago and I was very happy. I ended up trading it for some really nice Maryland material, so I needed a replacement. Voila - Nature provides! Apparently, the universe approves of the deal....
Juvenile Great White Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
This is a sweet but tiny great white. Its rare to find them complete, so I always celebrate finding a nice one like this....
Yellow Angustidens shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

This is a really nice little tooth with beautiful color. My favorite feature is the ragged looking cusps. The shark tried so hard to grow good ones, but he just didn't try hard enough, and these barely popped out of the enamel.

The Spring Rains   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I'm back in the ditches now that the Spring rains have arrived with the beginning of summer. The weather is strange, but there's always somewhere to hunt teeth. Take the Yellow ditch, for instance. So named because most of the teeth that come from it are yellow, with the occasional white or blue / grey mixed in. When it rains hard, the ditch fills up and runs fast, but only for a few minutes. Its usually enough to uncover some nice ones, and this time was no exception....
My new dive buddy   Sarasota County, Florida, USA
My son has been waiting patiently for this summer to role around, this summer he is getting his jr. open water certification. His check out dives  were at Venice beach so I had to join in. He did great with his dives and passed all of his tests. He's ready to do some serious tooth diving.
Fathers day finds   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

My wife asked me what I wanted to do this fathers day, so I took full advantage of this opportunity.  I called my dad up and we both headed out to the bay to just relax.

Fishing, exploring, testing out his new homemade potato launcher (this thing is REALLY cool), and fossil hunting were all in the plans. 

I timed it so my father would drop me off at a totally new cliff ...

Adventures in Metal Detecting   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA

A few years ago, I received a metal detector for Christmas. I took it out a couple of times but I never had any success with it so it soon found its way into the closet. Recently, I was out searching for prospective fossil hunting spots when I ran across piles of old bricks that had been broken up as the bulldozers cut a road through a new development. I found a few shark teeth just laying out, but the ponds produced no fossils. I switched gears to artifact mode as I e...

Sand Tiger Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharias taurus
Just a flawless tooth!...
Dugong Jaw Section   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Metaxytherium sp.

This is a piece of the lower jaw with a tooth from the Dugong I found in the river.

Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
Angustidens Shark Tooth
Unidentified fish jaw section   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Other
A  really gnarly looking fish jaw. Imagine the smile on this thing when it was alive!...
Another Great Day Fossil Diving in South Carolina   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Earlier this week, da fossz called me with bad news - the weather had been really nasty for him with long, heavy showers. Rain near him spells higher river levels and faster current. Luckily, I was able to make it to the river on the day it crested. I strapped on an additional 10 pounds of lead to bring my wetsuit-less total to over 40 pounds. I cratered when I hit the bottom, but once I was there I was in the zone. I worked a pattern on the hunt for more of the dugong, and I w...

Reading The Cliffs   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Friday, 8 June 2007 - I finally got a 3rd opportunity to go to the cliffs and finally started having better luck. It started with finding a pretty nice vert right at the start followed by a detached growth plate. I'm not sure exactly why, but I have been really looking to find one of these after my brother started pulling them out of the ground down there in South Carolina. Soon after, I found a very nice fish vertebrae while all along the way finding the smalli...
Angustidens Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This angustidens alone would have been enough to make the dive worth it, but I found so many other great fossils today that this tooth was overshadowed. Look at that orange bourlette, that olive enamel, the needlepoint tip, and the sharp cusps. Every serration is intact. What a beauty!...
Squalodon Molar   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
As far as I am concerned, it doesn't get any better than finding a quality double rooted squalodon molar. The detail in the enamel is fantastic....
Dugong Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Metaxytherium sp.
Dugong Tooth
Billfish rostrum   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - billfish sp. unknown
My first billfish rostrum. Since its from a river and not directly from the layer, I don't know what age it is....
The River Called Back   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

After the awesome finds from my last trip to the river, I had to go back. I lay awake at night, thinking to myself that there were more whale teeth under the sand just waiting to be excavated. There had to be more dugong out there! I hit the same area of the river with my fanning gloves on. I started making finds almost immediately. 10 minutes into the hunt, I got a fantastic squalodon molar. Then, another one. Then a couple more. I was on fire underwater!

The finds...

Colonial pipes.   Virginia, USA

Here are a couple of nice pipes. It's hard to find a bowl with any stem on it at all and very rare to find one with a complete or near complete stem. Like most of the artifacts I have found, these are a by product of walking streams looking for fossils. Maybe if I start looking for artifacts I'll find more shark teeth.

Squalodon Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
Squalodon Tooth
Squalodon tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
Squalodon tooth
Quartz point   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
A really rough, thick point. Its got a nice shape and color....
Answering the call of the river   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

My fossil hunting days are becoming more frequent. I just went the other day for my first dive of the year (post forthcoming) and then a few days ago, da fossz called me up for a trip to the river. I was in and motivated. We were in the water fast and hunting hard. I found a nice area of ashley formation and I proceeded to fan. The fossils just jumped out at me. First a big chunk of dugong skull, then a bunch of whale teeth, and finally a point. df was rackin hard down...

1-3/4 Inch C. Angustiden   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

1-3/4 Inch C. Angustiden

3-1/4 Inch C. Angustiden   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

3-1/4 Inch C. Angustiden

4 inch C. Angustiden   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

4" C. Angustiden

Three Reasons I Love SC…..Teeth, teeth and teeth.   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

After several weeks of the corporate machine keeping me out of fossil hunting territory, it was time to collect again. The Edisto river had dropped low enough for safe diving and DW did not hesitate to join me to hunt the river. We quickly loaded the truck with our paraphernalia (fossil related, of course) and headed into the river. This process has become a marvel of modern industrial engineering as the well-oiled machine that is BRFC was in the water in a manner of minutes....

Aurora Fossil Fest 2007   Beaufort County, North Carolina, USA

A few years ago, PCS offered a hunt to people that came down to work at the festival. Again this year, PCS was kind enough to extend the offer to us. A great part of this is that while it used to be a few long days and nights of preparation, now there are more workers and it is getting easier to complete the festival prep work.

The hunt began with high hopes of a new area until we found the ramp was a no-go. The old ramp we thought...

Finally back in the river again   Hertford County, North Carolina, USA

A few of the BRF members decided to hit the river for
a tooth dive prior to the long hours of work we put in
for the Fossil Festival.  I was wise enough to start
my gear checkout a few days before I drove down and
that was a good thing.  My light was having issues
related to my last dive with BWD and a nasty little
flood in my battery housing.  I was able to salvage
one battery and repla...

Seal finger and/or toe bones.   North Carolina, USA - Seal

These are some large seal flipper bones. I don't know if they are fingers or toes. Seal bones are not common fossils to find. It seems the more tasty the animals were the less that was left over after dinner to become fossils. These are river finds and are probably from the Yorktown formation.

never hurts to repeat your steaps 5-29-07   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
The day seemed perfect for a fossil hunt. I headed right my father headed left. Usually by this tiem some local person would be reaching the location that my fatuer and i were at but today no one came(for now). I found a few nice teeth the nicest was a croc. tooth or was it. As i walked in the direction of my dad i picked up some nice makos just uncovered after my dad passed them. Right before i got to my dad a tip off a croc. tooth washed up in front of me, i get to my dad just after that ...
dug up a cow 5-13-07   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
we didnt find much in the means of good teeth. There ware tracks from someone who had been there before us so thats probley why the sea didnt provide as much as we wished. We tried everything to mabey with a little luck have something pop up for us to grab and make the day seem better then it would be, but no luck. The gravel was there but there were no large teeth in the spots. There were some smaller makos and a few hemi's but nothing shocking. After a while i got bored and went out looki...
1 5/8" Great White Shark Tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias

This tooth made my day and is a chip away from being perfect. The marbled coloring is awesome!

1 1/4" Goblin Shark Tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Scapanorhynchus texanus
1 1/4" Goblin Shark Tooth
Back in The Saddle Again   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

The past two months had been the longest lull in collecting I’ve experienced since I started in the hobby several years ago. My shovel and screen have been relinquished to garden duty like two thoroughbreds pulling a plow. (Screens are great for carrying those small flower pots around). Between coaching my daughter’s volleyball team and my son playing T-Ball, time has been at a premium but Memorial Day weekend allowed just enough of a window to get out. I d...

Footprints 4-29-07   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
We arrived at our normal spot soon after sunrise with an hour to low tide.The beach was mostly sand covered with no waves coming in ,it didn't look good. We headed opposite directions from the boat so we could get a pass in before someone showed up. I found bits of bone ,small teeth and 2 1 1/2 " makos .My son did a little better finding several makos ,2 squads and a broken chub . we wern't alone after that someone from the mgs had came down the beach. I guess she wasn't watching the groun...
Aurora Fossil Festival/Final PCS Hunt of the Spring   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

I would like to thank PCS for their efforts this season to provide a collecting area for us.  I saw a lot of nice teeth (most paid for with muscle aches and sweat based on the holes they came out of) this season.

After recovering from the fossil festival the day before everyone was excited to learn we would access a "new" area utilizing a ramp built less than a week before.  As it turns out the ramp ...

Back to the river ("It's On Like Donkey Kong")   Hertford County, North Carolina, USA

I have not had a chance to dive my favorite river since last October and had no idea what happened to the fossil bed and my dive buddies needed to know the water temperature (you'd think a MI guy wouldn't really care as long as the water didn't have any ice...  I can understand the FL perspective a little more but it's not like he listened anyway; wanting to dive w/o a hood).

I made it to the river on Tuesday, did some...

Virginia meg   Prince George County, Virginia, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
a pretty meg found while beachcombing a river site, found lying face up one the shore, just like in some dreams i have, need help with the bone ID, it looks like a perfect little femur of some type of pleistocene land mammal, any ideas what?? ...
Hilton Head Vacation Trip   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

I just returned from a wonderful week of vacation with my family on Hilton Head Island.  We had great weather and good times,  plus my wife even let me go fossil hunting on a few occasions!  

I was told that Hilton Head was a relativly new island (geologically speaking!), but I still wanted to take a look in the mornings for teeth.  I managed to get out out twice, and...

Duck Creek   Tarrant County, Texas, USA
About a week ago DW let me know there was a collector heading my way from the Netherlands and was intrested in trading and hunting my area.  After trading emails for a week and getting everything lined up we had a chance to hunt on his last day here.  I picked this old Concrete quarry that has a huge pit with 30/50 foot walls of falling limestone.  Usally there you can find ammonites, urchins, and all sorts of other great finds here.  After getting down inside...
Lee Creek Notorhynchus teeth.   North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius

Here is a group of Notorhynchus teeth I collected in the Lee Creek mine near Aurora, North Carolina. Most of these I found myself, in the Pliocene Yorktown Formation and they were collected over a number of years. This frame has the best lower Notorhynchus teeth, from Lee Creek, that I have in my collection. I took the picture just as the sun was setting and it didn't turn out as well as I would have liked.

Lee Creek Notorynchus Primigenius Set   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
This is an unassociated set of 7-gill cowshark teeth (N. primigenius) from Lee Creek. It includes both the lower symphyseal, and the even rarer it seems upper symphyseal....
Calvert Cliffs Ecphoras   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Ecphora

Here are two nice exampes of ecphoras from Calvert Cliffs, MD.  I think the one on the right is the Ecphora quadricostata, but the one on the left I'm not sure about.  Ecphoras aren't that common along the cliffs, usually find only pieces of them.  The one on the left is only one of two like it with the smooth ridges.  Anyone know what type it is?


M4 Megalodon Alert!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Well, after 16 years of looking for a honker it finally happened, just not as expected.  For years I only knew of and/or had access to one place to fossil hunt.  During those first painful years the best area was a long 1.5 mile one way walk northward over a long, flat stretch of beach with little finds to an outcrop that always seemed to produce some fossil goodies.  It was always disheartening though to walk the 1.25 miles to see a local come down 100 yards ...

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