February 8, 2025  
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Tiger Shark Teeth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier
I found a load of nice cuviers, way too many to post individually. The largest is 1 3/8 inches long....
Cow shark tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
A very nice upper jaw specimen....
Cow shark tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
Cow shark tooth
Cow shark tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
Cow shark tooth
Cow shark tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
One of the best cow shark teeth I've ever found....
Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Mako Shark Tooth
Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
This is the mako that I found lying in the open between my and da f0ssZ's megalodon teeth. Gotta love that Yorktown!...
Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
This was the second tooth over 2 inches I found today. It was lying completely exposed on a steep incline of Yorktown near the front of the collecting area. Amazing color!...
Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
A wicked little juvenile megalodon shark tooth. I was in a spot where I was picking up tons of teeth and I forgot to snap a ground shot of this one. Oops!...
Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Around mid-morning, I stumbled on this little gem lying in a shadow at the bottom of a hill of Pungo. I found my first NC megalodon a few years ago, but it was small and beaten to a pulp. Since then, I've so wanted to find a killer (just like everybody else!) to take its place in my collection. This is the one! Its not huge, but its absolutely stunning....
Megalodon Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Near midday, da f0ssZ and I reached the middle of the mine where the greatest concentration of weeds are. We surmised that the plant life obscured the view of plainly exposed teeth, meaning that if you didn't walk right onto the tooth, you couldn't see it. Near a valley between two giant hills of Yorktown, a hundred yards from any water, I stumbled on a chunk of Holocene Coprolite, the size of which was incredible to behold. I would have guessed a bear left it there had there not been little wad...
Squalicorax falcatus   Dallas County, Texas, USA - Squalicorax falcatus
A couple more Squalicorax falcatus in matrix...
Crow shark tooth in matrix   Dallas County, Texas, USA - Squalicorax falcatus
A nice S. falcatus in matrix...
2" Arrowhead   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
This was the last thing I expected to pull out of GMR. Being the first arrowhead I've ever found, it really made my trip!...
1 1/4" Great White Shark Tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
My second ever Great White Tooth. The blade is a little worn but what a root!...
1 1/8" Great White Shark Tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
My first Great White tooth! I grabbed this tooth off a sand bottom in about two feet of water....
Onward Carcharocles Soldiers   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
The anticipation was finally over for myself and the South Carolina toother extrodinare, Ditchweezil. A road trip and subsequent fossil hunting trip at the PCS mine in Aurora NC was just what the fossil doctor ordered to cure my fossil woes. First, thanks to all the staff at the Aurora Fossil Museum for their hard work to arrange us fossilers mine access. Well, our road trip was a march of 5 hours to Washington. We both were up late...errr…due to our excitement of the upcoming hunt. A la...
Onward Carcharocles Soldiers   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
I have been going to PCS now for several years. I never got to partake in the glory days that the old timers always reminisce about. But ask any of them and they will always say that a bad day collecting in Aurora is better than a good day almost anywhere else. I always wondered why they said that because my experience there, though always decent, has never topped my 'good days' collecting in good ole South Carolina. What can I say, I've been spoiled by great collecting. Well, ladies and gentlem...
Onward Carcharocles Soldiers   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
Saturday morning finally arrived and I drove out to the PCS meeting area trying to keep my right foot from pushing the peddle through the floor. I arrived at the parking lot at about 6:30 which gave me plenty time to chew the fossil fat with the other hunting lunatics. It’s always great talking fossils with people who collect in different areas of the country and hearing about their experiences. We boarded the bus and while the ride to the collecting area is only 3 or so miles, it seemed like an...
GMR Redemption   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
The last time I visited Greensmill Run was in July while down on business and out of the 6 or so hours I had planned spending on the stream, 5 1/4 were rained out. It was my first ever visit to GMR so needless to say, the anticipation to make up lost time was great. I drove down to North Carolina from New Jersey Wednesday night for a business meeting on Thursday then depending on how much time I had afterward, I was going to check on the progress of my house on Thursday afternoon or Friday morni...
2 5/8" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
not a perfect mako, but it is rather large. i don't find to many lowers so i'll be keeping this one....
1 13/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
has a nice mix of colors...
1 1/4" Snaggletooth Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Hemipristis serra
a beautiful colored hemi...
1 15/16" Thresher Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Alopias grandis

I thought this tooth was a benedeni but it turns out to be an extra large giant thresher. The biggest I've found to date.

Split Meg   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
In ground and re-assembled version of a large pungo meg...
various ground shots   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
a set of ground shots...
11/16" Reef Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharoides catticus
found this little beauty from the ditch down the street from where I live...
2-3/16 mako   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
2-3/16 mako
2-3/16 mako   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
2-3/16 mako
Catching up on posts   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
I finally cleaned up the hundreds of teeth that I’ve accumulated over the past 8 months from toothing trips. I haven’t gone toothing much lately because of school and work, but now I’m about to lose my job because we are going out of business and I plan to take a break from college and not go for the summer semester. You know what that means more free time to go toothing! Unfortunately, I still have to find another job, but until then I’m going to try to go toothing as much as possible....
3-1/2 meg   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
3-1/2 meg
2-3/4 chubutensis   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles chubutensis
2-3/4 chubutensis
Christmas in March   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
Opening weekend at Aurora...not much fills my head with more anticipation for quality finds. I had heard from my 'insiders' that they were going to push a new ramp into the pit - always a good thing  and that the area had been expanded from last season. When we arrived at the parking lot it was pretty chili for those from Michigan and frickin freezin for those from the more southern states. Everyone was bundled up tight and hoping the wind would die down and the sun would come ...
Christmas in March   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
Any oppurtunity to collect at PCS is always welcome , no matter if it's at the beginning of the season or the end. Although the opportunity to collect the opening weekend is always sweeter. When I got to the parking lot and found out that they expanded the collecting area to almost the whole pit, I couldn't get on the bus fast enough. On the bus ride over I just happened to sit behind scubapaul. Luckily he had his name on the back his hardhat or I wouldn't of had the pleasure of meeting him. On ...
1 7/8 Mako Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Isurus desori
This tooth definitly put an exclamation point on an otherwise ordinary collecting day. It's one of the nicest makos I've found in NJ....
2" Eocene Sand Tiger Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Striatolamia macrota
This tooth is missing a major chunk out of the lingual face of the root but its still a killer....
5/8" Hemipristis Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Hemipristis serra
This tooth might not get a second look at other east coast locales but here in NJ its almost as good as they get - it brightened my day!...
Cold Feet All Around   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
I met up today with fellow NJ collector JP for an afternoon of shoveling gravel. The forecast was for sun and 48 deg F but that must of been for some other New Jersey as it felt much colder with clouds and light rain. I worked a downstream spot for the first half of the outing, before JP arrived, but while I had planned on “shoveling gravel” I wasn’t ready for the literal interpretation - teeth were few and far between. I moved to an upstream location where the dry spell continued until I came u...
Another fossil spot bites the dust   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The last day we had heavy rain, I actually went to two places. The first spot, well, that was my last post. The second spot was an old favorite. It was a ditch near where I used to work, and even though I never really found anything killer there, it was always a fun hunt. The layer there was loaded with shark teeth, even though they are normally thrashed. To my absolute horror, I saw that nearly all of the ditch was completely covered over with dirt and filled in with pipes. After getting out of...
A drop in from South Carolina   Dallas County, Texas, USA
I recently got an unexpected call, it went something like this: "hi, is ****** there?" and I say "yes, this is ******" and I get asked if I remember this individual, and lo and behold it was friend of the website, Indiana! I was out in SC hunting a few years ago and encountered him and he was nice enough to let me tag along with him. So I told him that if he ever found himself out in Texas I would return the favor and sure enough he was in state. So wouldn't you know it, we planned our tri...
Raiding the local ditches   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Still cleaning off my fossil table, this is the most recent of my finds. A few weeks back, we had a really good amount of rainfall, and after my recent reconnaisance, I knew where to go. I moved to the heart of fossil glory land land year, and now no less than 5 ditches are within walking distance. I made a beeline for the best one and I was rewarded with a few puny teeth in the first 5 minutes of hunting. The ditch is about 100 yards long but is stocked with gravel the entire length. I moved sl...
Still cleaning off the fossil table   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
My fossil prep table is covered with little baggies of teeth, all kept separate in the interest of accuracy. Each will be a post when I have time to do it. With yesterday's and today's baggies cleaned, I now have enough open space to put some NEW baggies of shark teeth! These are from a hunt I went late last year to an old pit. Everytime I go to that place, I see the potential for some massive angustidens with the piles and piles of chandler bridge. But I've never found anything worthwhile there...
Fossil posts backing up!   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Back in the days before I worked all the time, I would have put up this post soon after I came back from the hunt. Lately, though, unless the finds have been stellar, I've been putting off the ritual. The cleaning, the sorting, the photos, etc. Anyway, These teeth are from a hunt I had with da f0ssZ a couple months ago in one of my favorite ditches in Charleston County. Its tough to find a nice shark tooth there, but sometimes one comes out. I have a killer meg from a pond nearby, so I know ther...
Calvert Cliffs Fossil Hunt Feb. 6 2006   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Well, it had been months since my last trip to the Bay and with the pending snow storm in the afternoon and a nice low tide in the morning this was going to be a search and dash day trip. I went to my favorite beach and it was prime. Gravel everywhere, nice low tide and no one else in sight. The water was cloudy due to recent falls so that could be the only condition to complain about on this trip. I didn’t find a Meg but I did find a large, uncommon porpoise tooth in excellent condition and...
Sometimes it pays to stick close to home ...   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Mrs. Paleoscan reporting. Himself was waiting for some decent Bay finds before we posted. The invertebrates are especially for the SC boys! Himself was particularly happy with the croc teeth. The bison tooth was from a couple of weeks earlier. These fossils [land mammals in general] are fairly uncommon here so we wanted to make sure it was not a 200 yr old cow before we posted....
N. thielensis   Cherokee County, Texas, USA - Nebrius thielensis
A nice eocene nurse shark tooth...
3/4" Notorynchus primigenius Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
By far my nicest Notorynchus tooth from NJ....
Archaeocete Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Whale
A partial double root tooth from the Green Cap...
Heat Wave in January   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
For the past 4 weeks I’ve been in overdrive trying to finish my household to-do list that’s been growing for the last ten years in an effort to get my house ready to sell. During that period, I’ve been watching some of the mildest January weather NJ has ever seen go by, hoping that it would hold out long enough for me to make it out to the stream. The opportunity to get out finally came and the conditions couldn’t have been better: a dry week leading into the weekend, no wind and temps 30 to 50 ...
Hemiaster whitei in matrix   Tarrant County, Texas, USA - Hemiaster whitei
A nice example of Hemiaster whitei in matrix from the Cretaceous of Texas...
Galeocerdo latidens   Andalusia, Alabama, USA - Galeocerdo latidens
A nice average G. latidens from Alabama...
Physogaleus secundus   Andalusia, Alabama, USA - Physogaleus secundus
A nicely colored P. secundus...
Carcharias koerti   Andalusia, Alabama, USA - Carcharias koerti
a nice lateral C. koerti...
Squatina prima   Andalusia, Alabama, USA - Squatina prima
A beautiful and massive S. prima ...
Auriculatus Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
In years of hunting lafarge, this is the best rick I have found to date. The pictures speak for themselves. This tooth is absolutely killer....
Isurus Praecursor Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus praecursor
This is the first tooth of any size that I found today. I saw it from 10 feet away when the sun shined off it....
Auriculatus Bonanza   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
5:00 am this morning I wake up, fully aware that my alarm is set for one hour so I could go up to Lafarge. My semiconscious, lazy self convinces me to turn off the alarm, sleep in, and investigate spots closer to home. I listened, and I fell back to sleep. 6:36 am my wife is whispering "You're going to be late for toothing". She finally wakes me up and I threw on some clothes and headed out the door. I arrived a little late to the dig, but only like 10 or 15 minutes. Armed with my ipod and luc...
Auriculatus Bonanza   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Time for the first fossilin’ trip of the new year, and with some hard rains over the last few weeks, prime pickens were on order. Today was the LaFarge hunt, with rivrdiggr, his son, and a fellow collecting buddy from Florida joining me and DW. With temps in the 60s and clouds, the collecting conditions were simply ideal. As I approached the pit, I saw new material all over the place. I jumped out of my truck and hunted with fury. After a few minutes, as it became more light, I noticed the so...
Kamp Ranch Pearl   Dallas County, Texas, USA - Fossil Pearl
A very hard to find fossil pearl, most likely from Exogyra ponderosa...
10" Ammonite on matrix   Tarrant County, Texas, USA - Mortoniceras proteus
A nice complete ammonite from the cretaceous of Texas, as found by my girlfriend, NOT me. Note the ammonite plus an echinoid on the left side in the matrix. A rare double treat!...
Ginglymostoma nurse shark   Hunt County, Texas, USA - Ginglymostoma sp.
A nice, but small and infrequently seen cretaceous nurse shark tooth...
G. scotti   Denton County, Texas, USA - Goniophorus scotti
A tiny, but yet full sized echinoid from the Cretaceous of Texas...
Shark coprolite   Hunt County, Texas, USA - Unidentified - Shark
A rather characteristic shark coprolite, showing the spiral effect typically seen on shark coprolite...
Cretodus crassidens   Dallas County, Texas, USA - Cretodus crassidens
A complete C. crassidens...
Phymosoma texanum   Bell County, Texas, USA - Phymosoma texanum
A nice specimen of P. texanum...
Sloth Tooth   Hardee County, Florida, USA - Thinobadistes segnis
Sloth Tooth
Fossil Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
What a beautiful tooth! And to think it came from a ditch less than a mile from my house. I love Summerville!...
A cool river trip   Hardee County, Florida, USA
In Florida the winter season is the dry season. It's the time of year when the rivers and creeks are at their lowest. Which means alot of good fossil hunting. Winter also means cold weather and this weekend was no exception. With the forecast calling for temps in the mid 30's I figured what better time to hop in the river and do some screening. So I gave my friend CC a call, he was up river earlier in the week and found a good gravel bar to work. It ended up not being as cold as we thought that...
Pathological Tiger Shark tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier
A G. cuvier with a clear pathology on one side....
Fossils falling from the skies   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The lowcountry received a nice dose of rain this week, and the result was some good erosion in one of my favorite ditches. Its always a fun place to hunt because I always come home with something. Today was no exception. Besides for having one of those days where I got a bunch of teeth, I also had one of those days where I came away with some really nice onces. The best find of the day was just lying in the middle of the creek under a few inches of water in full view. Not really much eventful ha...
1-1/2" Angustiden   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
First angy plucked by MfZ. Not too shabby....
Texans back home   Dallas County, Texas, USA
Well, the Texans are back home and hunting once again so therefore there are some new and interesting things to show! We greatly enjoyed our last foray out east, and I must give a big shout out of thanks to Ditchweezil. Back home in Texas we hunt mostly cretaceous, and we find a good variety of things, shark teeth, mosasaur material, echinoids, ammonites and the like..so we'll attempt to share as much as we can and hope you enjoy. So without further comment, here are some things for your ...
What Better Way To Start Off The Year   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
The car thermometer read 31 deg F as I pulled into the parking area this morning and as I looked down toward the stream I was relieved that the water was only a foot or so above normal from yesterday’s rain - not ideal for collecting but certainly manageable. I spent the first hour searching a new stretch of stream that proved to be fairly devoid of teeth. For the second hour I worked an old reliable spot, but with the added foot of moving water, getting even 1/4 shovel full of gravel off the bo...
A Double Shot   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
It has been about six weeks since my last fossilin’ trip, so a two day adventure was in order. Although November-December is a quiet fossilin’ time, the Christmas break provides a collecting opportunity. I called up DW to meet up for day two collecting, and since Mini-Fossz joined me, DW confirmed his collecting child, the WeeZling, would join us. On day one, MfZ and I tried our luck at Indian artifact collecting on the shores of Lake Marion in Santee in the morning. We hit the first spot an...
Texans make a stop in Alabama to do some hunting   Andalusia, Alabama, USA
The well traveled Texas fossil hunters did make a stop in Alabama at a reasonably well known Eocene site. None of us had ever hunted in Alabama so it was a new and interesting experience. We managed to find the site just fine, although we were a bit nervous about going into it because there was some fencing with a sign attached that said "Authorized persons only" and we weren't quite sure we qualified as 'authorized' at the time. But I went on in and met up with a couple of local guys and the...
Cephalic hook   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Hybodus Sp.
Hybodont cephalic hook...
Squalicorax bassasni   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Squalicorax bassani
a nice S. bassani from greens mill run...
Fossil Double rooted Squalodon Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
A nice double rooted squalodon tooth. These prehistoric whales could have teeth three times this size, so this whale was a little one....
Fossil Thresher Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Alopias hermani
Fossil Thresher Shark Tooth
Fossil Reef Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharoides catticus
This little tooth is a killer! No damage to speak of. Just sharp. I love the way these teeth look. So fragile, yet so savage looking at the same time. And they are so rare that when I get one, I count myself lucky. This is only my fifth one ever!...
Post procrastination   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
It seems as I get older, life gets busier and busier. I've only been able to go out hunting twice in the past month, and the teeth I found in this picture, I found on Thanksgiving day. I had plans of going to one place, but I didn't want to go alone so I called my tooth hunting pal Indiana to share in the feast or famine, whatever was to be. He had just found 9 new ponds, and as he regaled me with tales of hawthorne spread over acres and acres of empty lots, my thoughts quickly turned to how com...
Post Procrastination, part 2   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
To continue with my procrastination posts of December 2005, here is one from about 4 weeks ago. I went back to an old ditch that I've been hunting over the years, and I dug for about 4 hours to find these teeth. It was actually a pretty decent dig, though this ditch is especially difficult to dig because the fossils are suspended in a heavy clay that really sticks to my shovel. Every few minutes, I had to scrape the mud off the shovel with the bottom of my boot so I could actually dig. Then the ...
Greens Mill Run Mako   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
I. hastalis from Greens Mill RUn...
mini porpoise   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Porpoise - Dolphin
That is a grain of rice for size reference....
A pic for M4   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Allodesmus
A picture I knew M4 would drool over. Various Allodemus teeth and pro-squalodon teeth....
Matrix Tooth   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Isurus hastalis
Nice hastalis in matrix with bone and a small 2nd tooth....
Hastalis Mako   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Isurus hastalis
This is a nice ground shot of my best find of the day....
STH Dig Dec 4th   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA
Day 2 kicked off and after the traditional feeding of the bunnies, we were off to dig the ‘special area’. (did I mention the bunnies don’t like caldigger?) Before we headed over, Digger Daddy let me paw over his special tooth. He was given one of the Great White teeth from the baby great white that was in the monterray aquarium. Tiny, but very cool. The ground had stabilized enough to make it over to the new area with the vehicle in 4wd. We did a quick once-over to see if the rain had e...
STH Dig Dec 3rd   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA
Day 1 of the 2 day hunt weekend. There had been a lot or rain the day before, so we were thinking that was a good thing. However, there had been too much rain and we could not get to the area we were supposed to dig. Instead, we went back to ‘slow-curve’ where we had been a couple of months back. Digger Daddy got us off to a start and joined us for a couple hours before he had to take off. As usual, before he had to take off, he spread the Christmas cheer and passed out a few of his ‘lesse...
Boot Full 'o' Fossils   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
My daughter and I headed back to the spot that produced the nice Cretaceous finds a couple of weeks ago. The weather was cold, but sunny with no wind. She wore her new hip boots with the specific instructions not to go in above her ankles, which isn’t too prohibitive considering even the deepest holes on the stream are only up to her waist (and those are few and far between). I loaded, then washed the first screen full of gravel and Juli picked out an awesome goblin shark upper lateral tooth, wh...
Texans Invade the Carolinas   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
Well, this is a little delayed in being posted, but here is the trip report: This last Thanksgiving, my girlfriend and I decided to invade the Carolinas and get a nice change of pace from our Texas fossil hunting. Sure, we love to hunt out here, but its always nice to find things you don't find at 'home'. So we set off on the long drive from Texas to the Carolinas. We had some pretty good success, and found some nice fossils. I'll post some other trip reports for the other areas, but for no...
1 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus desori
I found this tooth after about 10 minutes of searching through the spoil piles. What a great spoil pile tooth!...
A Trip To The Aurora Fossil Museum   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
I headed down to North Carolina on Thursday night, family in tow, to meet with our builder on Friday and Saturday. We finished early on Saturday and my wife was going to spend the remainder of the day showing the area to my sister-in-law while I entertained my kids in the hotel room. Seeing that the three of us couped up in a hotel room all day might not be the most bond developing experience, we decided to rent a car and take a day trip. Lets see, NC, day trip, kids, - The Aurora Fossil Museum!...
7/8" Fossil Beaver Molar   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Castor Canadensis
A really nice fossilized beaver molar...
1 3/4" Ammonite   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Ammonite
A complete ammonite was on my Cretaceous wish list, and while some of the inner chambers are missing on this one, it still makes my list 1 line shorter....
1 3/4" Enchodus Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Enchodus petrosus
My daughter found this killer tooth. Most Enchodus teeth of this size get pretty beat up in the stream, but other than some light matrix this tooth is near perfect. Later in the day we found a jaw piece that matched up nicely to the tooth - what luck!...
Ghost Shrimp   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Protocallianassa mortoni
Ghost shrimp pieces are fairly common in the Cretaceous streams, but this is by far the most complete one I’ve come across. The tail can be seen at the right side, with the top of the carapace rotated 90 deg on the left....
Fossil Isurus desori mako shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus desori
I was armed with the camera phone and snapped a really good ground shot before I snatched this beautiful little mako up....
Who Needs Shark Teeth?   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Saturday was a father/daughter fossiling day with my daughter being able to sport her new hip boots for the first time. Our plan was to hunt Ramanessin Creek for a while in the morning and then make a stop at an Eocene/Miocene stream in the afternoon. We started out on a section of Ramanessin that I had never hunted before. After about 45 minutes of finding very little, Juli informed me that the back of her pants got wet from getting down too close to the water, so we quickly headed back to the ...
Fern Fury!   Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, USA
I had a friend from Maine come into town last weekend and this being his first time to the tri-states area we had to come up with something to do… Humm, history – nah; art museum – you kidding me!!! I know – fossil road trip!!!! He arrived at 1:00 and we were on our way up I-95 and the New Jersey turnpike to the Cretaceous outcrops of marine fossils in the brooks of Monmouth County, New Jersey. After the short detour due to road construction (and a short stop for a sub sandwich – PA & NJ mak...
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