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3/4" Mosasaur Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Mosasaurus conodon
I held this in my gloved hand while I finished scanning the remainder of the gravel in my screen, not realizing what I had. Looking like a large crab claw I picked it out without looking at it closely, so I it wasn't until I was ready for the next screen that I realized it was a mosasaur tooth! (The fact it was 20 deg F and snowing didn't help my attention span either)...
7/16" Cretolamna Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Cretolamna appendiculata
7/16" Cretolamna Shark Tooth
The Fossil Frigidaire   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
On today, the coldest day yet of 2005 in coastal South Carolina, da f0ssZ and I went on a last minute fossil hunt to one of our favorite oligocene spots. Not a cloud in the sky, but the wind was gusting up to 30 miles per hour so the wind chill was in the 20s. nothing compared to the northeast right now, but still cold for here. the spot is primarily oligocene, to clarify. Its got a ton of pliocene and pleistocene stuff, too, but we go there for the rich, black chandler bridge. Its the only spot...
The Fossil Frigidaire   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
I called up DW for a unexpected toothin' trip and not suprisingly he was ready to collect at a moments notice. I sorted out a few things around the house to avoid fosstility, and arrived at DW's early for the trip. We decided to hit an old haunt that has produced greatly in the past. This spot has dark Chandler Bridge and has produced some amazing angustidens. As we exited DW's truck, old man winter greeted us with temps in the low 30s accompanied by 30 mph winds. Parts of the collecting area we...
Fossiling in a Winter Wonderland   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
I was finally able get out fossiling today, but of course the forecast was calling for 14 to 20 inches of snow. Figuring that this may be the last chance to get out before the spring thaw and knowing I would have a couple of hours in the morning before the snow began, I decided to brave the cold and go anyway. I arrived at 9:00 with the flurries just starting to come down and headed straight for my reliable spot. The first hour was fairly slow in terms of items found, but I did manage to come up...
Tapir jaw with teeth   Desoto County, Florida, USA - Tapirus veroensis
Found back in 1990, recently rediscovered cleaning out a closet. I don't have to leave my house to find fossils....
Camel cannon bone   Desoto County, Florida, USA - Hemiauchenia macrocephala
This is one of the fossils I found on my very first expedition back in 1990. Recently rediscovered cleaning out a closet....
1 1/4" Goblin shark tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Scapanorhynchus texanus
A pristine anterior tooth from Big Brook....
3/4" Cretolamna tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Cretolamna appendiculata
This is one of the larger Cretolamna teeth I've found in Big Brook. At 3/4" it's about as big as they get....
Mammoth Tooth   Peace River, Florida, USA - Mammuthus columbi
Missing some plates but still nice....
11/16" Eocene Cow Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Notorynchus kempii
A rare treat - a Cow Shark tooth from the Eocene....
1/2" Pathologic Eocene Tiger Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo clarkensis
A perfect little tooth with a strange pathology in one corner of the tooth. It looks like it was bent....
2 9/16" Auriculatus Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
A real beauty of a tooth with great color, sharp serrations and cusps, and a phenomenal root....
3/8" Pycnodont Oral Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Anomaeodus phasolus
A nice oral Pycnodont (drum fish) tooth from Big Brook....
5/8" Pycnodont Oral Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Anomaeodus phasolus
I found this tooth on my first ever trip to Ramanessin Creek, and haven't found another since....
To the Eocene!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
A good rainfall this week made for a decent producer at the quarterly open dig at Lafarge. Still on the old piles, but once in a while a nice tooth pops out in the washouts. ...
1/2" Crow Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Squalicorax kaupi
1/2" Crow Shark Tooth
9/16" Sawfish Rostral Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Ischyrhiza mira
This is what started it all. I took my daughter (she was 5 yrs old) to Big Brook a year and a half ago for what was to be the first ever fossil hunt for both of us. Spaghetti strainers in hand, we walked down the path to a part of the stream that was nice and shallow and full of gravel. She picked this out all by herself on about the third strainer load. It was the first find that either of us had ever made and even though its small, it remains one of the most complete rostral teeth I've come ac...
11/16" Archaeolamna Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Archaeolamna kopingensis
11/16" Archaeolamna Tooth
3/4" Archaeolamna Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Archaeolamna kopingensis
3/4" Archaeolamna Tooth
1/2" Cretaceous Thresher Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Paranomotodon angustidens
1/2" Cretaceous Thresher Tooth
Horse Tooth   Peace River, Florida, USA - Equus sp.
Horse Tooth
2 5/8" meg   Peace River, Florida, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
2 5/8" meg
All work and no play   Peace River, Florida, USA
I took the day off work to try out some new dive equipment. A 100 cu. ft. steel tank and a light cannon HID dive light. The dive light definately came in handy with vis only being about 12". Picked up a few things, a almost whole mammoth tooth, a nice horse tooth, a couple megs and a few other small teeth....
3/4 inch Angustidens shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
A little gem posterior tooth. Not a serration missing....
3/4 inch Tiger Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo contortus
I had to put this up because it has such killer color! The Chandler Bridge formation has some really killer color sometimes, and almost always, great preservation....
1 3/4" Angustidens shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
Great color, nice serrations, complete root and bourlette. A real beauty! These teeth normally come from the Chandler Bridge, but since the Wando formation is a reformulated layer, it contains fossils that were reworked from the Chandler Bridge. That's why I found this oligocene fossil in a pleistocene layer....
2 1/16 inch Mako shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Good color on this nice wide blade mako shark tooth from a new land site in Dorchester County, SC....
Back to basics fossil hunting   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Early in the week Indiana called me and told me about some new ponds he found and that he wanted me to be able to dig it first with him Saturday. Plus he had permission to go in, so it was destined to be an awesome day regardless of the weather. Well, Saturday came and it was awesome outside, partly cloudy 75 degrees. South Carolina winters - gotta love 'em. Almost time to dive again! Anyway, we got out early and immediately found a new pond. Everything was really soft, and I sawed right through...
1 3/4" Giant Thresher Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Alopias grandis
One of the best giant thresher teeth ever - huge, perfectly preserved, awesome color. A rare find!...
Ray Spine Tail Bone   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Ray
This is the bone in a stingray's tail against which the spine rests....
1 9/16" Chubutensis Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Carcharocles chubutensis
This tooth would probably end up in the scrap pile most places down south, but in NJ its a rare find....
Bison Pre-molar   Peace River, Florida, USA - Bison antiquus
Must of been a juvenile Bison...
1-5/8 Lower Snaggle-tooth   Peace River, Florida, USA - Hemipristis serra
1-5/8 Lower Snaggle-tooth
Partial Crocodile Dermal Scute   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Gavailosuchus carolinensis
Partial Crocodile Dermal Scute...
Lost and found   Peace River, Florida, USA
We decided to go up river Sunday after taking a break from fossiling for the holidays and the fact that the 3" of rain on Christmas brought the river up about 3'. We went back to the spot where I scored a nice point a few weeks earlier . No points this week, but we found a good variety other stuff. 1 decent 1-3/4 meg,several nice Hemi's, Tigers, Horse, Tapir, Alligator, Turtoise, Bison and a couple of plates from a Mammoth tooth. Now for the lost. We returned to my truck find that someone had ...
Certain Deeds   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
tha duDe met up with me early this morning and we scooted out to one of our favorite land spots of all time. All you have to do here is keep your eyes peeled and the fossils are everywhere. The spot had changed a bunch since we last collected because the center of the pit has been almost entirely scooped away. All that remains now (as far as fossil deposits are concerned, anyway) is the gravel that is falling out of the edges around the edge of the pit. There are still a ton of fossils to be fou...
It's a sad day....but a new year!   Sarasota County, Florida, USA
We headed down to Sarasota to collect at a construction site that has been our primary land spot for several months. When we got there we found that the main areas had been covered with topsoil and rolled with heavy equipment. The big dirt piles from the ponds were all gone too. We also noticed paving equipment parked on the property. It was obvious that this was our last trip to this site. It's a sad day. We didn't find much at all. I called the developer who promised to put me on a new ...
Fossil Horse Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Equus sp.
A really nice one - the best of this position I've ever found. I believe its a posterior....
1/2" and 3/8" Cretaceous Ray Teeth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Brachyrhizodus wichitaensis
1/2" and 3/8" Cretaceous Ray Teeth
9/16" Parasymphysial Cow Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
In this stream I have found 5 cow shark teeth total, 2 being near perfect upper symphysials. Now that's a ratio....
1 5/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Isurus desori
For all the pristine blades I find in this stream that are missing roots, this tooth had to have a beat up blade. Mako teeth this size are still uncommon in NJ, so I was still pretty happy!...
2" Mako Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Isurus desori
I found this tooth in the last screen of what was already a great day of collecting. When I pulled the screen out of the water, I immediately saw the root sticking straight out of the gravel, so I knew there had to be at least a partial blade attached. I just never imagined it would be as complete as it was!...
3/4" Parasymphysial Cow Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
Another great find from "The Spot". Even though this stream doesn't seem to have an over-abundance of teeth, it's ones like this that keep me coming back! Thanks for the ID M4....
3/4" Parasymphysial Cow Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
Another great find from "The Spot". Even though this stream doen't seem to have an over-abundance of teeth, it's ones like this that keep me coming back!Thanks for the ID M4....
The Death March - part 2   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Day 2 of our fossil hunt - we decided not to dig again as the pain had not yet subsided from our previous day's dig. We were only going to walk some ditches, maybe dig a little if we run across some nice layer. The first spot was the other end of a ditch I used to hunt with I was 8. It has Chandler Bridge formation all along the bottom for about 100 yards. Then it disappears on both ends. In that one section, the possibilities for nice angustidens are very good. I ended up finding a real shamer ...
The Death March - part 2   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Our second spot of the day was another old ditch. It is a gravel paradise that will sometimes turn up a megalodon tooth. We walked the entire length of the ditch and each found about the same amount of stuff. Our fossil hunt ended at Taco Bell. Conversation quickly turned to the upcoming diving season. The glories we will recover. ohhhhh yah. that's the stuff....
The Death March - part 2   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
I made a two-day fossil trip to get some of the original BRFC paleomagic back. It was nice to go toothin' again, but the relentless digging and FossZsifting yielded little. I even made it home in time pick up the little monsters and avoid fosstility. The total haul from day one and two are together. One notable find is the partial croc scute from the ditch with Chandler Bridge formation....
The Superpit Death March   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Its been a while since the gang has gotten together to go on a fossil hunt. da f0ssZ came down for a 2 day fossil bonanza, and tha duDe was more than happy to answer the call to hunt megalodon teeth. We decided to go to an old spot since there was nothing else going on hotspot-wise. I probed around and found some gravel down pretty deep, and I started to peel off the overburden to get down to the layer. the duDe borrowed my probe and found a spot close by. I found fossil whale bone right away. l...
3/4" Unidentified Shark Tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
This was the only significant find during one quick hunting trip. It appears to be some kind of cow shark or bramble shark tooth, but is unlike any I have ever seen....
3/4" Isurus desori tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Isurus desori
This tooth may be small, but what a blade!...
Turtle shell 12/26/2004   Sarasota County, Florida, USA - Unidentified - Other
A nice fragment of turtle shell....
Meg 12/26/2004   Sarasota County, Florida, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
A small meg with an odd wear mark...
Is This Florida or What????   Sarasota County, Florida, USA
It was 36 degrees and the wind was blowing like 50 mph when I woke this morning! Dang, is this Florida or what! My wife and I had planned on a day of fossiling and we were going no matter what. It rained hard all day on Christmas day and we both felt we should hit a land site today. We decided on a construction site that had produced some nice pieces for us over the summer. We left the house early and made the 1.5 hour drive to the site. It looked good and we didn't see any other footprint...
Fossil Gar fish scales   Peace River, Florida, USA - Lepisosteidae
Fossil Gar fish scales
Three toed horse   Peace River, Florida, USA - Nannippus westoni
I always like finding these....
Glyptodont dermal scute   Peace River, Florida, USA - Glyptotherium arizonae
The Glyptodonts osteoderms vary in size and shape depending on position on the body....
Bison Molar   Peace River, Florida, USA - Bison antiquus
Bison Molar
Tapir Incisor   Peace River, Florida, USA - Tapirus veroensis
Tapir Incisor with root....
Tapir molar   Peace River, Florida, USA - Tapirus veroensis
Nice Tapir molar with root....
Bison astragulus   Peace River, Florida, USA - Bison antiquus
Bison astragulus
Fossil Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Fossil Megalodon Shark Tooth
Fossil Tiger Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo mayumbensis
Fossil Tiger Shark Tooth
The megalodon shark tooth hole   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
When I arrived at the hotspot, I was greeted by a new hole. I dived right in along with about 4 other people. It was a great hole, too. Within 2 minutes, someone called "Meg". No one wanted to stop digging, though, and he just kept pulling them out. In like 15 minutes, he pulled out 8 megalodon teeth. It was insane. He wasn't the only one though. I scored another nice one, and this time I had my camera to snap the ground shot before I picked it up. I kept digging around but I never found another...
1/2" Mosasaur tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Mosasaurus conodon
This was the first mosasaur tooth I ever found. It's a little beat up but still mostly intact....
3/4" Cretolamna tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Cretolamna appendiculata
This is the nicest Cretolamna I've collected from Big Brook. It's in perfect shape and the color is awesome!...
1 1/4" Goblin shark tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Scapanorhynchus texanus
This tooth is missing both side cusps, but otherwise is in nice shape....
3/8" Mosasaur tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Mosasaurus conodon
The enamel on this tooth is near perfect....
1 5/8" Long-Legged Llama tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Hemiauchenia macrocephala
This was neatly deposited on a gravel bar about a foot from the water during the last rain storm and would surely have been washed away during the next. What luck!...
3/4" Striatolamia macrota tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Striatolamia macrota
In a stream that seems to eat shark tooth roots, this was a nice surprise....
3/8" Reef Shark tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Carcharoides catticus
My first C. catticus from NJ and probably my last....
Snaggletooth shark tooth   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Hemipristis serra
This is my first NJ Hemipristis tooth and the first good find in what would become one of my best quality collecting days ever....
Xiphodolamia ensis   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Xiphodolamia ensis
This tooth remained unidentified for 4 months until I came across Rob's tooth of the week (11/6/02). It turns out both teeth were found within a couple hundred yards of each other....
Alethopteris   Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, USA - Alethopteris
This is the plate my daughter is holding in the picture....
Alethopteris   Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, USA - Alethopteris
Alethopteris   Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, USA - Alethopteris
This was the best plate removed from the formation that day...
Pathologic Juvenile Megalodon Shark Tooth   Peace River, Florida, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Pathologic Juvenile Megalodon Shark Tooth
Back to the Peace   Peace River, Florida, USA
The river level is finally subsiding after this summers record flooding and huricanes. Needs to drop another foot to be perfect for screening. We decided to hit a spot that last year was an island, this year one side has completetly filled in with sand and gravel. Not a bad day, a good variety of teeth and a nice point....
5 1/2" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This is the best megalodon tooth I found all year. I'm still stoked about flipping it out. Jedi Master was digging in a spot and gave up to smoke a cig. I walked over a hill, saw him there, and came over to talk to him. I jumped down in the ditch and started digging where the wall had collapsed on his prior work, and within seconds, I flipped out this super hero. Its completey serrated with the tip, 98% of the bourlette is intact, and the root is whole with just a tad of pitting. They don't get ...
My Day in the Sun   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I have been burning up the new spot. I've seen all the megalodon teeth and other fossils that have been hauled out by the countless hunters who've been out there in the last week. Tonite was the 5th time I've been out there and I finally scored. Boy, did I score! Other megalodon teeth were found, but none near this quality. Its amazing the amount of digging enthusiasm one big tooth can generate!...
Sand Tiger Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharias taurus
The nicest shark's tooth I found today....
Land Ho!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I finally got a scoop on a new land site today, and I was all about digging. It was a place I went to a while back but struck out two digs in a row. Stories of victories of some friends at this place have been trickling in, and I was ready to find a nice land megalodon tooth. I put in a full 6 hours of back breaking drudgery in the muck with little in the way of success, though. Meanwhile, 5 other megalodon teeth were found by others in the area, including Jedi Master's nice 5 inch meg in the gr...
1 3/8" Mako Shark Tooth   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Isurus planus
A tooth I got as a gift about a year ago from California. I was adding a bunch of other teeth from Shark Tooth Hill to the site today, so I figured why not add this one, too?...
Dogshark Tooth   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Squalus serriculus
Part of a set of teeth from Shark Tooth Hill, CA that I recently received in a trade....
Angel Shark Tooth   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Squatina lericheii
Part of a set of teeth from Shark Tooth Hill, CA that I recently received in a trade....
Basking Shark Tooth   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Cetorhinus maximus
Part of a set of teeth from Shark Tooth Hill, CA that I recently received in a trade....
Tope Shark Tooth   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Galeorhinus sp.
Part of a set of teeth from Shark Tooth Hill, CA that I recently received in a trade....
1/4" Blacktip Shark Tooth   Sharktooth Hill, Bakersfield, California, USA - Carcharhinus cf limbatus
Part of a set of teeth from Shark Tooth Hill, CA that I recently received in a trade....
Giant Beaver Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Castor ohioensis
Its just a small piece, but its the first piece I've found while not hunting for a museum....
Bull Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharhinus leucas
The best thing I found today. Good thing its a big one....
Thankful for FOSSILS!   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
I was going to go diving today, but the weather didn't cooperate. Rain two days ago raised the river level, lowered the water temperature, and killed the visibility. With head hung low, I returned my unused tanks to the dive shop in disgrace. Not willing to miss a date with rocks, I scooped up Indiana and went to hunt an old spot. We walked for hours and picked up pounds of scrap each. Neither of us found anything great, but its always good to find a bunch of stuff....
3 11/16" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This is probably one of the finest blades I've ever seen on an angustidens tooth. Just killer serrations, cusps, enamel, color, and tip. But the root is a little pitted. If the blade had a flaw, I wouldn't even consider a restoration, but DANG! What do you think I should do? Get it restored? Leave it the way it is? If I do get it restored, I'll post a pic. I know someone who is REALLY good, so once its done, you won't be able to tell anything has been done. This person rebuilds roots as good as ...
A taste of the Cretaceous   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Having spent my last few outings in the Eocene/Miocene streams of NJ, I decided to head back to my favorite Cretaceous creek. I headed to a spot that had produced for me in the past and it seemed that today would be no exception. The highlights of the trip include two pristine Archaeolamna teeth, a pristine Squalicorax pristodontus (crow shark) tooth, and two Enchodus petrosus jaw segments - any one of which would have made the trip a good one. Also not to be overlooked were two decent Goblin sh...
Arctic Diving   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

My hunt for a semi-dry suit ended earlier this week when I got an offer I couldn't refuse - DrC dropped me a line and said if I could fit into this suit he couldn't use, I could have it. I motored over there to get it, and when I got home I tried it on and it fit like a champ. I can't believe the generosity, because this suit is N-I-C-E. While over at his house, I got to check out some of DrC's artifact collection. Quite impressive, I must say. He has some of it up on his web site,

Galeocerdo cuvier teeth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier
Closeup of cuvier teeth similar to G. contortus, discussed in this site's forum....
Hammerhead Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Sphryna sp.
A hammerhead tooth I picked up on one of my past trips to the Harleyville cement quarries last year....
Grey Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Abdounia minutissima
At the Lowcountry Fossil Club meeting today, 2th h00veR was showing me some of the stuff from his last trip to one of the Harleyville cement quarries. Showing true fosspitality, he gave me one for my collection....
Nurse Shark Tooth   Bladen County, North Carolina, USA - Cantioscyllium cf decipiens
My friend Indiana got a bucket of cretaceous material from North Carolina to sift through. He found a load of these little nurse shark teeth and he gave me one....
Angel Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Squatina subserrata
Angel Shark Tooth
Angel Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Squatina subserrata
Angel Shark Tooth
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