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4/11/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
James city county....
4/12/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
another fun day in summerville   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
My sister brought my nephew out for some fossil hunting today. We could not have asked for any better weather sunny and in the 80's. And as you see from the pics it does not hurt to come home with somw nice teeth. Til next time have a good day....
Fossil Great White Tooth from South Carolina   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias

Collecting has been slow in the homeland lately. The recent rains were heavy enough to move around some gravel at our favorite ditch lately and exposed this nice little great white.

Garbage Collection Day   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

The spring rains have been doing good things for our favorite creek, unlike the residents. The weezling and I started finding teeth right away. The water level got really high and really moved around some gravel to expose some teeth for us. In one newer washout I found two shamer angustidens. Both would have been superb if not for horrendous feeding damage. Down at the end of the ditch I spied a complete great white completely exposed. I could tell it was worn, but the root is whole and...

7" primitive shark finspine   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA - Unidentified - Shark
possibly hybodont, possibly another unknown to NJ taxa...
camping out in the campanian   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
This is the best of the stuff I have found in the last month or so of Cretaceous collecting here in NJ. My buddy Toofsnob and I have been looking for a spot just like this one for the better part of a year and we finally found it about a month ago. It kind of happened by accident, but the only reason I was so thorough digging in the area was because I had a sneaking suspicion that I was on the right track. The spot produces some awesome quality teeth for NJ. I have been slightly confused by the ...
A good trip in more ways than one   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Last weekend the strong northeast winds on the bay upset are plans to take the boat down along calvert cliffs,so we decided to try the Potomac instead.We headed along the cliffs stopping at several Nanjemoy formations.At the first stop I found a small miocene tiger shark mixed in with the older teeth. It seems that there are some sections of calvert formation overlying the Nanjemoy.The fallen trees and large gravel made spotting teeth hard.After three stops,we had only found a dozen teeth ,most...
My best ever from PCS   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

It had rained 2 inches the day before and everything looked as though it should be a great day of collecting. 20 minutes into the hunt I found a nice little Chub just sticking out of a freshly eroded gully. A short while later while searching into another washout I spotted a root lobe and some serrations! As I stepped  down into the ditch I started my please be whole chant. It worked!! It was complete and was my biggest Meg ever at 4 1/8". I was in full gravy mo...

4/9/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
I spent the last few days hiking the app trail in northern Va. I returned home tuesday night sore looking forward to sleeping indoors and going tooth hunting in the morning. Well rested I headed out to the beach around 11am without checking the tides. Sure enough the tide was high, oh well never stopped me before. I only stayed about an hour but here's what I found.  ...
2 13/16" Great White   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
I finally found a killer Great White.  Might not be as nice as the one that my wife found a few months back but im not complaining....
7/8" Perfect Little Ric   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
This was the smallest that I found.  Its has no flaws what so ever....
2 1/16" Ric   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
This is the second ric that my wife found....
2 3/4" Ric   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
This is the first whole ric that my wife has ever found.  ...
2 3/4" Ric   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus

This was the first ric that I found and it sure is a beauty.

2 13/16" "Dagger" Ric   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
This was the last tooth I found.  I wish I had the camera on me for the ground shot.  It was on a sweet little pedistal all by its self....
What a TER"RIC"FIC Day!!!!!!!   Craven County, North Carolina, USA

The wife and I decided to hit up one of our olds spots last weekend since there has been so much rain we thought it may have washed out some teeth.  We were right!!!!!  It seemed like the teeth never stopped.  We didn’t get any good Megs but we did score quit a few rics.  We both also found a horse tooth.  And I found my first scute at this site.  Not sure if it’s a ray or croc scute ...

Rain, Rain Go Away!   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Aurora, N.C. and the surrounding areas received upwards of two inches of rain on Saturday.  Saturdays hunt was canceled.  While I wanted some rain I didn't want my trip from northern Maryland to be in vain.  As luck would have it the PCS mine supervisor said the mine and entrance ramp was safe...we were going in!!!  The entire pit was devoid of all footprints...fresh material throughout!!!


Best Day Ever!!!   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
After all the rain that the area had recieved all week, I knew that the finds in the mine where going to be good, if we could get in. After a phone call from a friend on Saturday morning, that the Saturday hunt had been cancelled, I wasn't sure if I should make the trip or not.  I decided to go for it. It rained almost the whole 4 hour trip, but as I got closer to Aurora is started to clear up. When I pulledt to the parking lot I was glad to see a ton of people there. After a short wait...
Aurora Megalodon   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
The rain that the mine had all week softened the ground and made digging a little easier. I found this beauty burried about 3 inches in a soft hill of Yorktown....
Gigantic 3 1/16" Yorktown Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis

When I found this tooth I definitely did a victory dance, which is dancing happily like a fool in circles around the tooth. I could tell it had to be at least 3 inches when I picked it up. The 2 15/16 inch mako I found in Summerville a few years ago had to step down from the throne. Now I have a new king to add to my mako collection that has earned his rightful place at 3 1/16 inches.

2 3/4" Pungo Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis

I found this big mako early in the day in the pungo! This is the only tooth that I was able to get a ground shot of before my camera started messing up.

2 1/4" Yorktown Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis

I dug this one out at the end of the day before making my way to the ramp to exit the pit. A sweet gem from the yorktown.

Two tipped pathologic Carcharinus   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharinus sp.
I didn't know this tooth was pathologic until I cleaned it up....
Squalodon Premolar   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus

The best premolar squalodon tooth I've found to date.

Pungo Cow Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius

A nice cow shark tooth.

Macko Rackification   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

I would have posted this trip earlier if my old camera didn’t die on me while I was collecting in the pit! I had high hopes for this trip after hearing about all the rain that PCS had received. I believe my mojo for this trip came from a fortune cookie that I received after eating Chinese for lunch the day before that said, “Good luck bestows upon you. You will get what your heart desires.” I’ve always wanted to f...

Calvert Cliffs Retroflexus   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Isurus retroflexus

  Sweet little posterior tooth, the overall best Retro I've found.

Yeah Baby!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

  My 2 month old daughter woke me up at 3:30 this morning, and after finally getting her back to sleep, I couldn’t get back to sleep myself. Well, as long as I’m up, I may as well hit the beach! I got there before sunrise, about 6:15 am, and still wasn’t the first one there!  It was about 4 hours before low tide, though, and I knew that teeth would be washing out with every wave, so I wasn't worried about the other hunter.

angustidens not one but a handfull   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
My wife wanted to go shopping in summerville on one of my not to many weekends off this past march. She tells me if i take her shopping we can stop and fossil hunt on the way home a few hours. I am glade I took her up on this offer. From the pics you can see that in about two hours of fossil hunting I was able to retrieve not one but six angustidens teeth and one mako calico colored which messured in at 2 1/4 inches. The bottle in the picture was bonus prize a late 1800's cobalt blue medicine b...
4/4/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA

Check out the colors on this one.

a little late   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
We were adding some recent finds to a display case today and realized we had forgotten to post a trip report. We got to the beach early yet already we had three people working the beach in front of us. Overnight the winds had blown the tide out,but now the bay was calm and clear.We walked the wide shallow flats picking up verts and bone ,waiting on the people in front.All three had made it to a far at the far end of the beach and for what seemed like hours hoverd around it.Finally one by one th...
Still Looking   Potomac River, Maryland, USA
Im posting this as potomac river but this is from a rare land site in PG county several miles from the river.When the storm drains and ponds are dug out the top layer of the aquia formation is exposed.THe huge mass of shells make it hard to pick out teeth.After looking around a few minutes , I did find a few small and med sand tigers. At least they are not river worn.Im keeping my eye out for a perfect giant otodus as the teeth weather out over the summer....
4/3/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Quick trip....
awesome 2   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
the pictures did not come in here they are....
awesome day in summerville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
This is the best day i have ever had collecting fossils. As you can see from the pictures there is a big black tooth this is from a gomphothere a animal that pre dates the mastadon and wooly mammouth. The megs were found the same day also the broke one messured in at 5 1/2 inches and the whole meg was found in the same basket as the gomphothere tooth that i was sifting and messured in at 3 1/2 inches. I was told that the gomphothere tooth is a rare find. This animal had four tusk and lived in sw...
Back to one of my favorite spots...   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Well today I thought I would visit one on my favorite spots after the storm we had yesterday. I first arrived and started to hunt. For about 45 minutes all I was finding was pieces of teeth and the ones that were whole had major flaws to them. Well I decided I was going to dig...I then realized I had forgotten my shovel..oh well I saw that the dirt was soft because of the rain and started pulling out weeds which had gripped the dirt because they had rooted deep in the soil. I grabbed this weed ...
twice the fun. HA   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA


Thanks to Kim for the great slots…Sorry it took me so long to post. 

The megs still didn’t find me bu...

Always something new   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Last weekend I spent about 5 hours on a beach…About 2.5 hours on sat and sun.  I had a total disregard for time of day, tides, and winds all weekend. Didn’t check any weather reports I just thought the beach would produce something.

4/1/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
   Great day!!!! Lots of teeth including a perfect snaggle tooth and what I think is a Porpoise tooth in a chunk of jaw bone....
Good finds can come in many size   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This day did not start out like a normal fossiling day. We were plaining on going but the weather was not the best for taking the boat out but after about 5 hours the wind started to die down and we saw it as i sign to give it a try. When we first got into the water it still didnt look good but i wasnt about to turn around and give up on this trip i had a feeling that it was gonna be good. So we finally beach the boat and get out and start to walk the beach but the waves were so big that there r...
3/28/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Not My Best Day Ever   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

  The outlook for Saturday"s hunt at PCS with the BRFC crew couldn't have been better.  There had been two heavy rains since the pit was last hunted.  I just knew that the hunting would be awesome! 

The hunting was as good as I had hoped, but the finding was where I suffered.  It seemed that everything I picked up had major damage.  I was seeing serrated edges everywhere, but e...

3/27/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Today I went to one of my newer spots on the James. The tide was high but that didn't stop me from finding a few teeth. The first tooth I found was a small one cemented to a shell in matrix. I found some pretty nice sand tiger teeth and a handfull of random worn teeth. The whale bone lodged in rock looked cool and will make a nice door stop or paper weight. The date on the pitcures is wrong but I had already tossed the teeth in with the others and didn't feel like looking for them twice...
3/26/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Today I gave the York river another try. The tide was lower than the last trip but the pickins were just as slim. All I found was two small teeth and a couple little verts. ...
Colorful Great White   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias

I have never seen so many colors on one tooth.

2 11/16" Dagger Ric   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
2 11/16" Dagger Ric
6 1/4" Meg   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This is the largest that I have ever found.  Its got all the serrations minus a few nicks.  But you wont here me complain...
Another Trifecta Day!!!   Craven County, North Carolina, USA

This past Saturday was the BRFC Aurora trip that my wife kicked my butt in.  Not so on Sunday though.  We decided to hit one of our spots that we haven’t hit up for awhile.  With all the rain we have had in the past few weeks w...

Nice Upper Cow Shark   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
Nice Upper Cow Shark
Aurora Mako   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Aurora Mako
Nice Aurora Lower Meg   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon

This is one of the nicest teeth to date.  It has a perfect tip and serrations all the way down.  It even has a little wrinkle on one side at the base of the enamel.

BRFC's Trip To Aurora   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

First I would like to thank Ditchweezil for allowing myself and my wife to be able to hunt with BRFC.  This year couldn’t have had a better timing with not one, but two different days of rain in between the last group in and us going in.  Also I would like to thank PCS and the...

3/24/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
High tide Williamsburg side....
Lee Creek Megalodon Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon

As just about anyone who goes to Lee Creek what they would most like to find and they'll probably say a megalodon tooth. I'm no different. I'll jump on that bandwagon. Megalodon teeth are cool, and among megalodons, those from Lee Creek measure up nicely when compared to specimens found anywhere else in the world.

I'll never forget finding this meg tooth as long as I live. The Lee C...

6 Tips, 3 Teeth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharinus sp.

These three pathologic Carcharinus teeth are a real bonus. All three have split tips, one of my favorite deformities. You can really find some cool stuff doing the Pungo crawl.

Lee Creek Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis

This Lee Creek mako is so sharp you could shave with it. Only use a scent you're prepared to live with though, because the root really soaks it up.

Giant Hemipristis Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Hemipristis serra
I can't describe how much I wanted to find a big hemipristis tooth. I saw da fossz find one a few seasons ago, and I've seen Jedi Master's case of monsters. Among shark's teeth, this species has a unique, savage shape that I really love. This colossal upper specimen is from the Yorktown formation at the famous Lee Creek mine in Aurora NC. It easily takes the crown as the new king of my hemi case....
Hey Mojo, Its Me, Ditchweezil   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Having had several weeks to ponder my poor showing during the Friends of the Museum Hunt at PCS a few weeks ago, I place the blame solely on the shoulders of mojo and how I lost it. I have concluded that it wasn't through a lack of mexican feast, it was because of my tools. I learned on wikipedia that mojo can only reside in qualified items - aka, not fresh off the shelf. Last PCS trip, I used a new rake with ...

3/23/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
3/19/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Check out the markings on this Hemi....
1-7/16" I. Retroflexus tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus retroflexus

One of my larger retro teeth. This one was lying on nice slope so a ground shot was not to be.

1" cow shark tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius

Ground shot of nice lower cow shark tooth.

Fossz-ology 101   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

It was time for a road trip to the PCS spring hunt with T$. We decided to hit a quarry on the way up with BRSR, famed fossil collectors affiliated with BRFC. We waited out a blinding rainstorm and then attempted a pre-PCS rack. T$ was a racking force to be reckoned with on this day as he took no serrated prisoners. By days end, 4 rics found his bag; 3 he dug near me. I found a few broken pune-eies and that, as they say, wa...

Tapir Molar   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Tapirus veroensis

This tooth was sitting in a ditch 12 " above the water line after a heavy rain and I was lucky enough to be the first one by to pick it up. The growth lines show really well on the enamel.

2 5/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis

I found this one laying up on a pedestal! The blade on one side looks slightly pathologic.

Okay Day in Aurora   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

This trip into Aurora is from this past Sunday 3/09/08. I think the coolest find from this trip was the partial whale jaw, but the caps of the teeth were broken off when I found it. I carefully searched the hill for a skull or any l...

1 7/16" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A killer Chandler Bridge angustidens tooth.

1 7/16" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A killer Chandler Bridge Angustidens.

Aurora Plan B   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

As my kids get older, I see time spent fossil hunting getting shorter and shorter due to all the activities they get involved with. I love spending time with my kids, but with coaching all the games and practices coupled with my wife working every other weekend, my hunting time is really taking a beating. Well if I can’t spend a good quantity of hours collecting, I need to rely on quality hours - and it doesn’t get much better than Aurora. I was lucky enoug...

2nd Otodus from this site   Prince George County, Virginia, USA
Hit the beach in Prince George County yesterday.  Did not find too much until the end of the trip when i got a 1 and 15/16 Otodus.  A little tip damage but pretty nice.  The productive part of the beach is only about 100 yards long, and the variety of fossils you can find in that 100 yards is amazing; seal fossils, 5 inch honker megs, rics, O. obliquus, and pleistocene land mammals.  It has it all.  Also found yesterday were a nice mako, some good san...
Golden   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
We headed to the beach at daybreak with someone walking just behind us . I hurried down the beach picking up teeth while trying to stay ahead.The beach looked perfect but by the end of the beach ,I had one large hemi the rest of the large teeth were broken. The one large mako was missing most of the root and the megs were small pieces. I took a little more time on the way back and after only fifty feet , I spotted a large tooth in the shallow water. It was an almost perfect 2 inch meg with a ni...
Path 2 3/16 mako   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Isurus desori
Path 2 3/16 mako
From Aurora to Cleveland and beyond   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
First off all I'd like to thank PCS for another great colleting season, their  just is not another place like this in the world. People gather from all parts of the country and the world for 6-7 hours premium collecting. It was also pretty cool to see how many people were sporting the BRFC apparel.
Sharing ideas and knowledge with other members is another aspect of these trips I enjoy. Who knew that our ver...
Goodies from the Bay   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

  These teeth are from two trips to the Bay this week.  On Wednesday, the forecast sounded good for a blowout tide, so I headed out around noon for the afternoon low, but the blowout didn't happen.  I didn't find a whole lot, but I did get my largest Bay Mako to date.  It's missing a root lobe, and the tip is chipped, but it still measures just over 2 inches. 

  I had much better luck yester...

Quick Trip   Dallas County, Texas, USA
I got about an hour of free time the other day and had to check a spot of mine.  We have had a ton of rain in the past week, and I just knew something was there to find.  I didnt find much, but I found one tooth that made my stop worth it.  I believe its an Scapanorhynchus Raphiodon.  I know alot of you have "the collectors guide to Fossil sharks....of Tx"  Thats where I got my ID from.  I found a few nice Ptychodus, and a nice whol...
James City Great White   Beaufort County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias

This is the Prettiest Great White that I have ever found.  I just wish that there was a bunch of them at this site.



SWEEET!!!   Beaufort County, North Carolina, USA

Last weekend we decided to go for a drive along the coast to see if we could find some kind of construction going on anywhere.  Good thing we did!!!  I found a place that had a nice deep hole and it almost looked liked they were getting into the upper Yorktown. ...

3/13/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
I found these teeth on the York River. I've never had any luck on the York and don't go out there often, but every once in a while I give it a try. It's only about twenty minutes from work so when I got off, I headed down to the river. When I got to the beach the tide was high.  I started walking and before too long I found two teeth. At least now I know they're out there. I'll be making a trip out there soon when the tide is lower and will let you know what I...
Spring in Aurora...it's what keeps me going!   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Just like the rest of you I'm always trying to find some new "edge" to find more fossils! So I read all the posts and studied any info I could find. Hmmm seems like lots of guys eat Mexican on their fossil excursions. What could it hurt....well when we arived in Washington NC. we hit a nice little Mexican restaurant. The food was great! So off to the room we went. Well now I know why DW has so much trouble at his rooms. It's the food he eats!!!We have never...

3/12/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Today I got up and headed out to surry. The weather has been great this week so I was looking forward to spending most of the day at the beach. Low tide was at ten so I got there around eight thirty. I found a couple decent teeth but what realy made my day was the porpoise tooth, it was my first one and it was in pretty good shape....
Shiny Black Auriculatus Shark Tooth   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus

I hear ricks from this location are very rare and this one is almost three inches! I dug this tooth straight out of the layer. This tooth has a really cool natural black shine to it with a mix of beautiful white colored marbling on the center display side of the tooth. The best ric I have found to date!

Shiny Black Auriculatus Shark Tooth   Craven County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus


The Sweetness   Craven County, North Carolina, USA

This was another fun road trip with Da f0ssz to North Carolina. We met up with Brsr0131 to go hunt at a quarry. I was excited to be able to hunt on new toothing grounds in another local. I had a fantastic day and I kept flipping t...

The Sweetness   Craven County, North Carolina, USA

This was another fun road trip with Da f0ssz to North Carolina. We met up with Brsr0131 to go hunt at a quarry. I was excited to be able to hunt on new toothing grounds in another local. I had a fantastic day and I kept flipping t...

Old trip   Dallas County, Texas, USA

This stuff is from a few different trips to two sites.  I have been slipping up on the posts on here.  My wife and I just recently had a baby boy, so I have been a bit busy.  He will be in training soon!

Anyways, i didnt find anything great.  A few nice Ptychodus teeth, and what would have been an awesome Cretoxyrhina mantelli.  I was hunting in a spot that i have looked over many times, after it rains I hit it for the lef...

Land Mammal tooth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Highlight of this trip was a land mammal tooth from zone 8. It's barely 1 cm square. Will be donated to the CMM and according to the author of a soon to be published paper on the land mammal fauna of the Calvert Cliffs it is the first recorded land mammal tooth found in zone 8. Preliminary ID is a deciduous peccary tooth.

Found a nice number bunch of one inch hemmies too.
Still Getting Better….   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
Still Getting Better….

Well, after going on last season about what an excellent hunt I had I thought that things couldn’t get better. To my shock and glee they did!!!

Not only did I find my biggest Meg yet to date from the site but I also found an extremely rare land mammal find – a Gomptherium tusk section!!!

But I jump ahead, so let me start at the beginning. The day started out with a monster of a first tooth – a nearly ...
shark rostral node   Surry County, Virginia, USA
The photos are from a trip to the James River in Surry County about a year ago.  Picked it up because of the odd shape and the fact that it looked like something.  Just recently identified it as shark rostral node, basically the fossilized snout of the shark.  Seems to be pretty rare that this part fossilizes.  Refer to the forum section for more info under "shark rostral node". ...
PCS Opening Weekend   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Finding a nice tooth takes the pressure off the rest of the season.

I did pretty well on Saturday finding my best tooth with only a fraction of the blade exposed.  Also found a very complete bulla which was surprising.

There were SO many nicer teeth found than mine!  Special congratulations to Scubapaul for his 2 killer teeth (one his largest ever)!!!

Small Goodies From The Aurora Spoil Piles   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

For the past few weeks I have been hitting up the Aurora spoil piles trying to find the smaller teeth that you hardly ever come out on trip days into the actual mine.  I also wanted to say to the people that don’t make it into the mine or miss there day due to weather that there is still some hope with the spoil piles.  The teeth...

Potomac Otodus   Potomac River, Maryland, USA - Otodus obliquus

Far from perfect condition, but massive at 2 & 7/8ths inches

HUGE Calvert Cliffs Mako 2 7/8   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Isurus hastalis
I thought it was a little mg half burried by sand. One of my best teeth from the bay....
Potomac River Monster   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I started the day at the Calvert Cliffs, but after not finding much besides two small damaged Megs, I headed to the Potomac River, in hopes of finding the perfect Otodus tooth.  The tooth I found is far from perfect, but it is the new centerpiece of my Potomac collection.  This massive tooth measures 2 & 7/8ths inches on the slant.  Unfortunately I forgot to bring my camera with me, so no ground shot.  I wasn't expecting to be able ...

the good stuff   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
great white, patho mako, chewed bone, whale teeth and ear. a good hunt for me....
the haul   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
the haul
The overall take   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
Nice small great white in there, nice patho mako, and a screamer of a little chub in there too....
Lovely aurora Meg   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This was on a hill that was covered in James City. I had *hoped* that nobody would check there, and it appeared they had not. I also hoped that james city was only the top of the hill with better stuff underneath; appears I was right there too. I almost quit walking that hill too - lucky for me I didn't :)...
Aurora Steamer   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
The smell of fossils in the air signals the time of PCS Spring Season. Such a glorious time of year and it is preceeded by days of dreams of finding megs, honking mako's, and tigers galore. It was 'crisp' in the morning while we waited for the bus. The day ended with just about perfect collecting weather with temps in the low 60's; much more more enjoyable than the 80's we often get in the fall. As ditchweezil mentioned, it was slightly disappointing to see footprints all over the area fo...
OPEN YOUR EYES and see the light/tooth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

No body answered the call for kayaking this morning, so it was just Bob and I. Early morning.  There was already one woman on the beach who claimed she didn’t find to much…..I don’t know if I believe that.  But I did pretty well. Just started out combing the beach and no...

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