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Venice Beach Mammoth Tooth   Sarasota County, Florida, USA - Mammuthus columbi
This is the best of the mammoth teeth I found during my recent dive trip to Venice Beach. Its a juvenile in fantastic condition. This tooth weighs just over 3 pounds....
Fossil Diving at Venice Beach FL for Megalodon and Mammoth   Sarasota County, Florida, USA

I have always wanted to hunt shark teeth at Venice Beach, Florida. Commonly referred to as the shark tooth capital of the world, Venice Beach boasts a plethora of miocene aged shark teeth from the Bone Valley formation. Also found there are numerous pleistocene ice age fossils. I usually take at least one long distance fossil hunting trip a year, and when da fossz, t$, and scubapaul said they would be down for a trip to Venice, we contacted rivrdigr and started making plans. The past fe...

a great day in NJ   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Last weekend my Dad and I tried a new spot and we had the best day we've ever had. The day began great right away when I found a 2 5/8 inch chub in my 3rd sift. The trip was already a great one. A few sifts later I found a beautiful 2 inch desori and while I searched through the same sift a little more I found a really nice 1 5/8 inch lateral desori. Finding 2 really nice makos in the same sifts is extremely rare in NJ. At this point I couldn't believe my luck. Then a few minutes later to my ama...
The weezlings Happy moment   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The other day [megamouth] took me toothin but niether him or his friend found any thing but i sturk the gold mine with a meg and angustidens and a beutiful angustiden with lightning all overe it and it is blue. it was a really good day for the weezling.i love when you have toothing days like that...
An Angy with some attitude   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

An angy with great color and lightning.  Most of the serrations are present, the tip has some feeding wear, and the root some cracking.  The tooth has an interesting curve to it.

I'll take second place anyday   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

I arrived pretty early to this particular ditch, but not early enough.  Even though there was at least one set of foot prints, I pressed on in the hopes that something was missed.  For the most part I found a lot of broken teeth, though some were a decent size.  Then I spotted a 2 1/4" angy with great color and lightning.  This one also has more curve (see side picture) than any of my other an...

Happy Father's Day (eve) to Me! 06/20/10   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I also had the pleasure of going on a Father’s Day trip this past weekend, but on Saturday.  My trips have been few and far between because of my daughter’s fastpitch softball travel and high school commitments and my related coaching commitments, and also HS graduation too.

Tri-state, Tri-fauna's, and Father's day !!!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Been super busy over the last several weeks or more, so not too much time for trip reports etc. Spent a few days in NC (GMR & Fossil Fair) with my older son Joshua who just graduated from High School, then spent some days on the Potomac fishing with both of my sons. Managed to get in some fossil collecting on the Potomac as well. Also hit my favorite Calvert beaches and managed a few nice specimens, although on one trip everything found came from sifting due to poor conditions. The spoil...
6/17/10   Surry County, Virginia, USA
A fraglodon by any other name...   Peace River, Florida, USA
Is still a fraglodon but counts as a fossil in the pouch!

The brief rains from last week managed to subside long enough for the water level at my usual site on the Peace River to come down for a Saturday fossil hunt. Unfortunately for the underwater video quality, the river was more murky than it had been the previous week. I don't know if the rain stirred things up or not. One thing I do know is that after about an hour or so of snorkeling and fanning I was rousted from the ...
Walk Ins Welcome - No Ap-point-ment necessary   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
I've had a doozy of a cold since I came back from family vacation. I'm finally getting better and today the kids were antsy to get back to the river. We didn't have a plan besides doing a walk in dive at an old faithful spot. Since we've hit it so many times, its tough to find an unworked gravel bed but we settled down in an area where a few rocks poked through the sand. Fanning the sand revealed a lot more beneath so we went to work hunting. We fanned out a few teeth but for the first part of t...
first trip to Peace River   Peace River, Florida, USA
So when we decided a few months ago to go to Florida for vacation, I knew I had to get to the Peace River for at least one day.  Though I had been fossil hunting in Florida before, this was my first ever trip to the Peace River and so I was pretty excited.  Instead of fumbling around and wasting time finding a spot, we decided to book a trip with Mark Renz/Megalodon Expeditions.  It was a great time and I really enjoyed meeting Mark. &...
6/8/10   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Weezling's Favorite Place   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
Weezling's Favorite Place
Fossil Festival 2010   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
I really didn’t consider that our 6 hours, or so, of sifting in the spoil piles at this year’s Aurora Fossil Festival yielded impressive enough specimens to warrant a Trip Report.
(Same for our two trips over to GMR…) :(
However, I finally caved to my desire to take a few photos…

We arrived in Aurora at around 9:00AM on Thursday before the Festival. We drove past the museum, and noted that there were 3 “excavators” over ...
Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona   Apache County, Arizona, USA
I just got back from family vacation in Arizona. We went to see the Grand Canyon but on the trip we were able to stop and see the Petrified National Forest near Holbrook.

Petrified Forest Background

The park is home to one of the most magnificent fossil displays anywhere - the fossilized remains of a 225 million year old conifer forest. The trees, Schilderia, Woodworthia, and Araucarioxylon, fell and were washed into flooded...
Why did I have to leave   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
great finds...
the unbalieveable trail of awesome teeth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
the unbalieveable trail of awesome teeth
I made it by the skin of my teeth   Peace River, Florida, USA
I had been watching the water levels in the Peace River all week. Even with a couple decent rain showers during the week the level remained doable for some snorkeling. I got up and got my gear together and packed a cooler and then headed out for my coffee before heading over to the river. The weather looked gorgeous. Nice and sunny and perfect for lighting up the bottom for some fanning.

I got the car parked and got all of my stuff together and made my way over to the water. T...
1.5" Guilford Blade   Kershaw Country, South Carolina, USA

A symmetric blade made from quartz.

2" Morrow Mtn. Point   Kershaw Country, South Carolina, USA

A nice spearpoint made from local chert.

Prime Pickens...   Kershaw Country, South Carolina, USA

I had an opportunity to walk some cleared fields on private property this morning. Recent afternoon thunderstorms had exposed some relatively newly cleared areas, so pickin was prime! We found a spot loaded with percussion flakes on high ground near a creek. This spot seems like a hunting camp as some nice knives and several projectile points were found.

Another Decent Haul   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
 I had a great day and got to use my new floating screen.  I found my best vert yet, some decent angus, hemi, my first beni, and a big great white though with little root as usual....
Off work early to hit the ditches!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I got off a bit early today since I am working the weekend and managed to get in a few hours in the ditches.  I netted a variety of specimen including a few beautiful mako with awsome color, pretty nice angus, and a bunch of pieces of teeth I wish were whole.  All have great color.  There was offcourse a bunch of small ones I couldn't help but pickup.  I also found some vert and horse teeth.  The most interesting sp...
Back to LA (lower Alabama).   Andalusia, Alabama, USA
After seeing Govinn's fine Auriculatus, I got the urge to go sharks teeth hunting. So, on May 26, I headed south toward the Connecah River. Actually on the 26th I canoed down the Sepulga River to check out a spot that a fisherman told me about. This turned out to be a bust. I only found one (1) tooth and it looked like it had rolled in the river for ever. That night I camped out in the Connecah National Forist. The next day I went to my regular fossil hunting spot on the Connecah River. ...
East NC hunting   Craven County, North Carolina, USA
I did not just go to the aurora festival, there was a place i used to hunt with my father years prior we called shark tooth island( not realy an island i know). since i cant get on base any more i had to park at pine cliff rec area and walk about two miles to get there. no prob it was beautiful. any ways here are the pics and if you live near by check it out my father and i have found many many nice teeth including nice huge great whites and the occasional meg. we ave found 4 and 5 incers around...
Nothing Like Making a New Fossil Hunting Buddy   Peace River, Florida, USA
With the previous day's last find fresh in my mind, and a few extra aches and pains on my frame, I eased out of bed to face the start of another potentially glorious fossil hunting day. It didn't take me long to get myself together and my gear and a cooler packed into the car. The sky was looking a little overcast as I made my way out of the driveway and over to get my morning brew. It really didn't look that bad and I didn't think that it was supposed to rain so I decided to stick it out and ma...
A Tiny but Pleasant Surprise   Peace River, Florida, USA
I was having serious fossil hunting withdrawals during the week and it was all I could do to keep from going nuts waiting for the weekend to arrive so that I could hit the river. Thank goodness for YouTube! Watching fossil hunting video helped take the edge off a but but it also helped fuel the desire for big sharks' teeth even more.

I got up Saturday morning and got online to check the Peace River water level and it was still at a good level. I packed my gear and my cooler a...
1-7/8" Angustiden tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A smaller angy, but great river quality.  Both cusps, tip, full root and almost all the bourlette! There is some streaking near the tip as well.

Squalodon yoke tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus

One of the nicer yoke teeth I have found in a while.  The Edisto erodes formations that have Squalodon and the Archeo-mystcite fauna.

2-1/4" Kirk Corner Notch Point   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Nice craftmanship on this Kirk projectile point.

Keep on Rackin in a Free World   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

DW and I had been eyeing the Edisto for several weeks; waiting for safe diving conditions to collect some fossils after an extended absence. I made the trip to the Lowcountry and met up at Chez Weezil jammin to the father of grunge.....The day was spectacular for collecting with bright sunshine and good viso; and after a winter of high water, we planned on a paleo-droolfest. The firs...

Oligocene Archeo Mysticete Whale Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Whale
This is one of the coolest fossils I've found in the Edisto river so far. Its an Oligocene Archeo Mysticete Whale Tooth, much larger than the squalodon whales that dominated the time period. It is my understanding that this species was a descendent of the eocene archeocete whale that went extinct in the late oligocene to early miocene....
Edisto River Parotodus Benedeni Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni
This is the sweetest paratodus I've found in the edisto up to now. it is so awesome that the entire bourlette is complete and there isn't a single pit or anything in the root. the blade is incredibly sharp!...
Edisto Death Hole   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Its that time of the year again - where the thoughts and fancies of fossil fantatics like myself turn to the river. The Edisto is warm enough now to accomodate divers, so da fossz and I headed out to try our luck. It was beautiful weather - radiant sun with no clouds whatsoever. With such bright sun, we had fantastic visibility. We explored new areas and found all kinds of great fossils laying out in the open, ripe for our eager plucking fingers. Like always I brought my underwater came...

A Beautiful Narrow Mako   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus desori

It is hard to find a big tooth.  Even harder to find a bigger one that happens to have great color and be in great condition.

A Little Battered, but Big!   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

I look forward to a day when I find one this big in a lot better shape.

Beautiful Summerville Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
I can't believe the run of luck I've been having lately! This little angustidens is a total gem....
This Paleo Shop Vac Wont Quit!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

When I was a kid I used to curse the rain. What was I thinking? Rain is great! It poured again yesterday so guess where I went? Besides Moe's. Yep, the ditch. It makes me glad to be alive, Teeth everywhere and all I have to do is pick them up. My best find today was a stunning little angustidens right out of the layer. Beauty of a ground shot too! It still amazes me every time we go to this spot just how much there is to be found. It just keeps on producing and we keep on finding the fo...

2010 so far.   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Man i've been busy. Sorry it's been so long since I have posted. Well here it is. This is all I have found so far this year. I'ts not a whole lot but there are a few nice lil finds in there. I'm heading out early tomarow morning th hit the low tide so wish me luck. Jake....
Couldn't stay away from the Peace River   Peace River, Florida, USA
After such a great hunt the weekend before with my buddy, I decided that I would try heading over to the Peace River again. I wanted to be able to take decent photos and not worry about dunking my camera so I found and bought an inexpensive underwater camera. From some of the test shots I took at home I knew it would work well. The next question would be whether it would work well underwater. By Sunday I was ready to hit the river so I packed all of my gear and headed down. The weather cooperate...
My first trip to the Peace River this year   Peace River, Florida, USA
I had spoken with a good friend of mine about the possibility of taking a Saturday trip down to the Peace River for some fossil hunting. My friend, Dan, has two daughters that are science nuts and love collecting fossils. His youngest is crazy about fossils and geology in general so I knew that they would enjoy getting out. In the past I had provided all of the equipment for screening but since this could be a regular thing I gave my buddy some instructions on how to build screens for his family...
Summerville Megalodon Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
I was so thrilled to find this megalodon tooth - it was completely unexpected. We have found pieces of megalodon teeth at this location before, but never a complete tooth. This one is a beauty, too, with a blue root and white lightning running through it....
Who Knew?   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
The post from yesterday was the first of a two part series - we went to another location after that hunt. We call that spot the secret ditch because we've never seen another person there. Its been at least 2 months since the last time we went so there has been lots of opportunities for new fossils to erode from the fossil formation. The secret ditch didn't turn out to good. Neither of us had anything great to show for the long walk, so the weezling suggested we keep walking to another spot. I wa...
Juvenile Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
A really nice juvenile angustidens tooth from a Summerville creek....
Fossils in Gangland   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
We woke up a little later than I hoped this morning. I had hoped to be awake by 6:30 am so we could be at the creek as soon as it got bright enough to see. Well, 9:30 rolled around and the weezling was pretty depressed. He really wanted to go, but he didn't wake up in time either. I hate seeing my boy in fossil depression so I agreed to take him anyway. Maybe we would get lucky and everyone else would sleep in, too. We go to the creek and found that nobody had been there yet after the previous n...
Testing out my Scuba Gear for 2010   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Da fossz called me up last week and asked if I was down for the ceremonial first dive of the year. Of course! We had to do a preliminary check to be sure our scuba gear was in proper working condition for the rest of the summer's festivities. Our gear weighed down my little boat, but it was able to maintain floatation for its trip to the dive spot. We dropped anchor and with excitement we went under the chilly water for our first dive of the year. It was overcast so the normal light on the botto...
Huge Parotodus benedini from calvert cliffs...just amazing   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Parotodus benedeni
Just under 2 inches. Dug out of zone 10...Jackpot...
Something old, something new(er)   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Here's a couple pics of stuff I found over the last month.  More to come...

First pic is Miocene stuff from Calvert cliffs.  Second pic is Paleocene stuff from the Potomac River.

I like the assortment of stuff that I can find at these spots.  If I sift long enough, I usually come away with a few nice specimens, even if they are small or uncommon. 


My Largest Angustiden Yet and a Bunch of Pieces.   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA

I figured it was about time someone posted again in the Charleston County trip reports.  Hours and hours of searching netted a bunch of tantalizing pieces of large teeth.  The chunks that look like rocks in the picture are indeed only a small portion of some huge teeth.  Then I spotted what looked like a rock which was shaped a little like a huge tooth root.  I carefully began digging and ...

Past few weeks,   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This post covers the past few weeks for me.  As you can see nothing spectacular.  I forgot to add something for scale in the picture so the big hemi in the middle is a little over 1.5 inches.  The fossil collecting has been okay, but it's always nice to meet folks from this site on the beach.
Rain Rain Rain...with a slight chance of drool...   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Ok well it rained hard in Summerville Monday so I was going to take advantage of all the runoff and hit some of my spots. The first spot well I managed to get a nice high yellow sharply serrated 1-5/8 inch Angy after almost stepping on a snake. It was a small harmless one so no biggie...I also managed to find a croc tooth among some other goodies just setting out in the open after the rain. Well I then left that spot and I was quickly off to another spot and within a few minutes upon arriving th...
C&D Canal Finds   C and D Canal, Delaware, USA - Cretolamna appendiculata
My better C&D Canal finds, collected from ~1989 to 1994. The top are two of the nifty ammonites, with some shark teeth, two very small echinoids at the bottom, and a large (1.5") lamnoid (prob Cretolamna) shark vertebra....
Pliocene Bird Vertebra, Aurora/Lee Creek   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Other
My bird vertebra finds from Aurora. The only one I have positively ID'd (thanks to the Smith folks) is the large top one, which is a neck vert from the toothed giant pelican, Pelicornis sp....
Aurora/Lee Creek Cow Sharks   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
I"m having probs posting photos in the forums, so en lieu of posting in the "Let's See Pics of your displays", I figured I"d post some this way. Here are my Cow Shark Teeth from Aurora/Lee Creek. Only a few are from Pungo, most are Yorktown Teeth...
Aurora/Lee Creek Cow Sharks   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA
I"m having probs posting photos in the forums, so en lieu of posting in the "Let's See Pics of your displays", I figured I"d post some this way. Here are my Cow Shark Teeth from Aurora/Lee Creek. Only a few are from Pungo, most are Yorktown Teeth...
Unknown Mammal? Teeth   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

In early 2009 I found a really odd looking tooth along the Maryland side of the Potomac River.  At first I thought it was a "modern" tooth from some sort of mammal that died along the river, but it passed the fossil test "sound" when I tapped it against my rake.  I didn't think much of it at the time and still wasn't 100% sure it was a fossil, but I kept it anyway.  I showed it to one of the geologists/paleontologists that attend...

Finally! It's warm in Venice.   Sarasota County, Florida, USA
At least the freakin' air was warm. But, a sissy's collection of fossils is easy to pick out and I am tired of being that guy so I decided to "Man Up" and brave the fridgid waters of the Gulf of Mexico early in April. There is a buoy or something in the inlet that posts the water temperature online which I have access to and I also have the knowledge that its much colder on the bottom out near the bone yard than what the buoy says but sometimes you just have to go for it. Not alone of ...
Huge Mako - Isurus Desori   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
In general, I could tell just about everywhere I went today had been cleaned out pretty well. However, while at one of my favorite spots, I saw what looked like a little tip sticking out of the mud in some shallow water. I reached in and pulled out the biggest narrow mako (Isurus Desori) I have ever seen let alone found. This thing is nearly 2 1/2 inches. I also found a decent angus and a hand full of small guys, but I only included a shot of the mako. Enjoy! Thanks for helping me identify the ...
Best finds from walking the ditches and creeks (continued)   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Since there are so many finds I am going to continue the finds here on the second post......
Best finds from walking the ditches and creeks during February & March   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Well I have been searching for teeth and fossils even in the cold winter months...I am posting a few of my favorite finds from walking some of my favorite spots during the winter season. I can't wait to see what I get this summer...stay tuned !!! ...
Fossil Deer Antler   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Odocoileus virginianus
This is a really nice fossil deer antler from a land spot near Summerville, SC....
Paleo Bambi   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

I feel like I have awoken from hibernation. It seems like forever since I’ve hunted fossils because there just hasn’t been anywhere to go. With little rain, no dig sites, and the rivers still too cold to dive I’ve been in a state of paleo depression. But the day before yesterday, the sky opened up and dropped several inches of rain in a few hours. Yesterday I awoke at the crack of dawn to take advantage of a rare opportunity to get out and find some fossils!

I arrive...

A little here, a little there...   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Slim pickins so far this year. Here are some pics of several trips combined with the nicer specimens only shown here. Calvert beaches keep getting slimmer and $9 per person fees go into effect after Memorial day weekend at Ches. Beach. A couple pics are from some Potomac trips earlier this year. A trip last week revealed tons of sand covering all the former good stretches of beach, with lots of new downed trees and slump piles of junk dirt. So, new beaches must be found...<...

Just Getting Started - April   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I have always been interested in finding shark teeth ever since I was a kid and my dad would take me to some of the Cooper River Dredge deposits. A few years ago, I started kayaking and would often end up coming back with at least a few small shark teeth as trip souvenirs. During a trip a few weeks back, I found a 3.5” meg that sparked a renewed interest in searching more frequently for teeth and in more spots. That is when I learned that the fossil teeth can even be found inland in Dorchester a...
Another windy trip, 4/11/2010   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA
Low tide was late in the afternoon and it was windy again. I took my neighbor Justin along and we hit the beach around 3:30. As soon as we started up the beach another collector passed us heading in the other direction. At that point I thought, "bet he picked up the big ones" but we kept going out the beach anyway. Just 50 or so yards down the beach I noticed a flat surface just exposed in the sand. It ended up being a nice little meg with most of its serrations, my trip was m...
Windy 2/28/2010   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA
After a long winter and too much snow I finally hit the beach and it was windy and dark. Low tide was real early so the start of the walk was in the dark. I did find my first teeth by flashlight, including a partial root of a meg. The megs are all river worn but I love them anyway. My favorite find is the little thresher, I rarely find them and I have yet to find a giant. The Isurus is my longest to date but is missing some enamel from the display side. Good hunting....
April Trip   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
The better finds from my recent April trip, including two teeth and another porcupinefish jaw....
April Trips   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I've been able to get out a few times in the last few weeks, with a couple interesting finds.  The first picture was two weekends ago when the tide was low.  I found a nice 2.5" meg in shallow water and also only my second ray scute!  Then this weekend I was able to get out late on both Friday and Saturday. 

Friday I hit the beach after work and came away with two nice cows, some nice smaller teeth, an...
GMR finally starts paying out!   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

By way of introduction, I was first introduced to collecting fossil shark’s teeth when I was a kid in the ‘70’s in Venice, Fl.  I used to walk up and down the beach and snorkel close to shore picking up sharks teeth all day long.  After a long dry spell, not going to Venice and not finding any shark’s teeth, I went back to Venice in 2007 and found my first Meg over 5” while SCUBA diving.  That rekindled the old fossil hunting  flame and prompted me to...

Spent Shells and Saved Plants   Chatahm County, North Carolina, USA
Windy one   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA
It was dark and windy when I hit the beach. I found my first teeth by flashlight, including a portion of a meg. After the sun came up the teeth were plentiful. I managed three megs, some makos and a nice little thresher. I really like thresher teeth but I don't find very many. The wind never stoped which made the morning very cold so I headed out after just a couple of hours....
An old report... and I mean an old one....   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
hooked tooth mako   Surry County, Virginia, USA
wanted to post this, sorry this is best i can do...
Trip 4-3 Chippokes State Park   Surry County, Virginia, USA
First trip in a long time to get out and do some hunting. I decided to bring some help in the form of my youngest son. The catcher was that we brought fishing poles so he could do some fishing while I hunted. I also caught him doing some hunting . Hit the beach about 9am. Well we did find a few teeth (sand tigers,ect.) but had no luck with any fish. Well at least I had a great time. A mother with her son and daughter come walking by and asked if we caught anything to which I said no but we did f...
Into the darkness...   South Carolina, South Carolina, USA
This post is from a trip last year, the first weekend in October to be exact, on the Cooper River. I was lucky enough to be able to join a charter of three guys from the Chicago area because none of my usual dive buddies could get away. The best part was these guys were diving three days straight, three dives a day. That made it a little easier to convince the wife that I would have to stay for three days and proof that I am not the only person who just can't get enough of this kind of thing. I ...
Fun day at the Beach - EDIT NEW PIC ADDED   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I had a great time collecting with my daughter recently on our trip to the Bay.  At least now I know that my next fishing trip won't get hexed!  I also met two BRF members, Daryl and Johnny.

My daughter and I were working our way slowly along the cliffs, she going faster than I like a shark tooth vacuum cleaner.  That means that I have to be more thorough and when I saw who was ahead of me I realized that I'd ...

Looking at Live Whale Sharks at the Atlanta Aquarium   Fulton County, Georgia, USA

Chances to hunt fossil shark teeth are few and far between, so the family and I decided to take a trip to Atlanta to see the aquarium. The big draw is the enormous tank with four whale sharks! Since none of us had ever seen a whale shark in real life before, we were all really excited to go.

The biggest shark in the tank was a little over 20 feet long. In the wild, Whale Sharks can grow to over 40 feet long. ...

Hawaii Fossil Hunting   Oahu, Hawaii, USA

Everyone knows the origin of Hawaii is volcanic and most likely assumes that there are no fossils to be found there. I was the same until one of Black River Fossils' members, Hemipristis, moved there for work and did some exploring on the island of Oahu. Oahu is the most populated Hawaiian island and is the home of Honolulu and Waikiki, and thanks to hemipristis, we now know there are fossils to be found there as well.

Another first!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This report is from two trips, one on Tuesday and the other one on Wednesday.  On Tuesday, the wind was blowing really hard all day so I decided to hit the beach in the afternoon.  I did pretty well finding the majority of the larger teeth in the pictures.  Wednesday's trip was great.  I found two squalodon teeth.  Before Wednesday I hadn't found any in over two years of collecting.  The first one I found trying to hide behind a clay boulder....
Odd color, perfect posterior   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Found a perfect Meg posterior, all serations, actually pulled it from some sandy blue clay. the tooth itself is a creamy white root, and tan/grey enamel. I found two inch-long makos in the same stuff, but both were dark grey root, black enamel. Anybody know why this'un was almost white? it was completely surrounded by matrix except a tiny bit of the root lobe, and about 3 milllimeters worth of serrations/enamel. But i've never pulled a tooth this color from that kind of matrix. Never seen any te...
Just got my computer fixed!!   Surry County, Virginia, USA

Found some nice stuff so far this year.

Haven't been able to post but should have something to show ya'll soon.


Rainy and cool,,what to do? Head south!!   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

It was Friday evening and the weekend was supposed to be rainy and cool. I was killing time on the computer and clicked on my tab for North Carolina weather...sunny and 70!  :rolleyes: There was only one thing to do..start packing.

It was 2AM when I pulled out of the driveway. The rain stayed with us until we were just across the NC VA border. After one wrong turn and a 45 mile detour through the NC countryside we arrived at our destin...

Mako Shark Tooth from Summerville   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
I was really surprised to find this mako tooth today. Good mako teeth are as tough to find in Summerville as good Great Whites. It has been a really long time since I found a good one!...
Beautifully Colored Hemipristis   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Hemipristis serra
One thing I love about Summerville is the colors of the teeth . This hemi is a perfect illustration. I love the back! ...
Treasure between the Blizzard Branches   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

I am on the longest dry streak I can remember. It's been almost a month and a half since I went out hunting for shark teeth. It rained all day yesterday and I decided that today was time to hunt. I was the first person at the spot, but it has changed drastically since I last hunted it. The great Summerville blizzard of 2010 felled many branches into the creek and debris was piled up all over the place. I would say that close 25% of the best areas in the stream were too cluttered to hunt...

Birthday Run   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I didn't think I'd get out last weekend. I had bad work hours leading up to Sunday and so I figured on staying in and relaxing. Woke up late and was taking it easy when I was asked what I wanted to do for my birthday. I thought back to other reports I had seen when people hav...

Chesapeake Sweetness   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
On Saturday I had the whole day to myself. The wife and kids were heading up to visit her parents, so not only was I able to hit the beach, I had no time pressure to be back at a reasonable hour. I got to my favorite beach around 8 AM, and found it deserted. Highly unusual for a saturday, but the tide was at full high, and the early birds with their flashlights had probably already left.

The last few times I had been at this beach, the finds were disappointing, but this t...
GMR- 3/7/10   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

This report encompasses the days of March 6th and 7th, and what warmer days they were! March in the 60’s with no wind is waaaaay better than February in the 40’s with lots of wind.  (Yes, I did get sick after the hunt from my first report.)  Anyway, as my friend and I made our way from Elm St. Park to the stream, some guy exclaimed his amazement that we weren’t wearing waders because of the cold.  I told him this i...

last weekend   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I hit a choptank st. marys beach last saturday. Max and I got down there early and it was a blowout. The best find of the day was his 2.5 inch mako. Way up on the beach. I would have never seen it. I found a few makos and a weird little tooth. dont have a picture right now.

The detecting finds are from today. Maine militia button and my first 69 cal 3 ringer.

Thinking about the beach tomorrow but high tides in the morning. Not sure if it will be w...

First post- GMR- 2/26/10   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Hi, this is my first post, sorry it’s a little late.  I’m an ECU student that discovered GMR held fossils a couple years ago during an ecology lab.  We were measuring current, aaaaaand I started to notice teeth peppering the gravel.  Needless to say, I got yelled at for not paying attention.  Ever since then, I would search for teeth in the stream on days I got bored.  Recently, I’ve started to become very interested in fossil hunting.&nb...

Low and high tide   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
My week started on Tuesday when I was able to take some time off from work and hit the beach.  I got there early,  but as Fat Boy mentioned in his post, others had the same idea.  While I do love those rare days when I have the beach to myself, it's really nice to be out there with good people.  Great to have met you FB. 
Anyway, I took my slow and steady approach and did pretty well.  My Tuesday fi...
A hesitant post, but going, going gone...   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
Before I get into this trip report, I want to mention that after the great day hunting, I returned Sunday afternoon to the same spot and found it dug out.  At first I thought it was city workers removing brush, trees, branches and logs from the banks.  I was wrong.  Forty+ feet of holes up and down the bank.  What a difference five days make.  It used to be my favorite spot but now I have a sinking feeling that its never going to be good again.&nb...
First Trip to Green Mill Run of 2010   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Me and Flex68 were up and on the road shortly after six and after a stop for coffee and gas and then a stop at bojangles for shoveling fuel we made it to the run.  First time I had been to the creek since July and all I could think about was the 3” great white that still eluded me.  Well that, and a fortune from a cookie the previous night stating that “My goal would soon be reached”.   So with high hopes we geared up and lumbered off to the creek.&am...

A fine March day on the beach   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I got out to the beach yesterday and was the first car there (my first time ever having that happen).  It was high tide and the tide was going to start dropping later in the morning so my strategy was to bust my butt to go as far as I can and pick up the easy teeth as I go but keeping an eye out everywhere for a nice big med or mako, then work my way back as the tide falls and be much more slow and methodical.  My thinking was that as others arrived I'd be c...

Manna from Heaven   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Well, although it wasn't quite bread in the form of Manna, it seems like I was really blessed to find a bunch of stuff last week, most notable a perfect  ~3.5" Meg.  I hit the beach a total of 4 times.  One of those days was spent with Govinn.  We actually bumped into each other the day before without realizing who each other was until we actually crossed paths.  I was like "John, is that you?", and he replied "...

sweet winter time   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Hey long time no see guys...It all started on friday after work. It was a really nice day outside so I just couldnt wait for the weekend. I met johnny on the beach....It was a rough collecting. Some good stuff to look through but not 20 tons of it. I think my best find was a broken hemi. ..Those teeth will not be posted.


Saturday I did a mini choptank walk. I met a guy from the fossil forum..forgot his name. He did quite well..no megs f...

GMR spearpoint   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
This beauty appeared in my screen mid-morning on February 18. A "trip maker" for sure ! Brad obtained the following information from Mr. Williams: "The point is known as a Bolen. There are two types; plain and beveled. This looks as though it might be the plain. They date at around 6000 BC. They are found mostly in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. It is rather rare to find one in our state. By looking at the picture it probably is made of rhyolite." ...
Enchodus petrosus   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Enchodus petrosus
Found February 18, 2010 at Greens Mill Run. The tooth, itself, is fairly dinged-up, but it is really cool that it is with a jaw fragment! (It's the first one that I've found, regardless) I believe the actual formation is likely the PeeDee, but could be Black Creek... and that is the only one I see in the drop-down....
Mostly Greens Mill Run   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

It has been a long, snowy winter, and I’ve been itching to make a trip down to North Carolina for some fossiling. After reading the post ‘King of Fossils vs. MakoBoy,’ I contacted MikeDOTB to see if he would mind having me tag-along with him for a few days. He graciously agreed, so I left southwestern Virginia early Wednesday morning. It was only 13 degrees, we had gotten an additional 6” of snow during the night, and it was still falling, big time. Than...

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