January 13, 2025  
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1 15/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
1 15/16" Mako Shark Tooth
1 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
1 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth
2" Bird Bone   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Other
This is the first bird bone I've ever found. It was toward the end of the day when I found it, so it really made me want chicken. I started thinking that I really wanted a Chicken Grilled Stuffed Burrito at Taco Bell. Seriously, though, its a cool little bone. I don't know what species it is, so if you have any info, please let me know....
In search of the elusive meg at Super Pit   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Today I decided to head out to Super Pit because I wanted to be the first to find a whole meg from the new area. I dug like crazy for 3 hours and didn't find one whole meg and the day ended with some really bad blisters on my hands....
When the wind blows, does the tooth not hear the sound of one hand clapping?   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today I could have gone just about anywhere I wanted to go, and I chose Superpit. I hunted alone, so I had a lot of time to ponder fossils and the universe. I even thought of a cool title for the trip :-) Anyway, hunters were hunting in the pit itself, though, so I had to leave without so much as a serration in my pockets. I decided to go back to one of my old haunts to finish out the day. The golf course has a place where a little more digging can be done so that's where I went. It took a while...
1 7/16" Pathologic Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
Here's a bent up angustidens. Originally, I called it a great white, but the overwhelming concensus from the fossil hunting community was angy, so I changed it. The biggest argument was that the bourlette was too wide for carcharias, and I agreed. Thanks for you opinions!...
Make that three days in a row!   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
After my great fortune the other night, I just had to go back out to Superpit. Indiana has been salivating to go for some time now, so I took him with me. We biked in and immediately started digging. We both dug quickly because our daylight was waning, and we came across some broken stuff now and then, but it wasn't until about 10 minutes before we left before I found the awesome great white. All this digging (I've been going at lunch, too) is putting a hurting on my back, but with finds like th...
2 1/8" Great White Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
Another superb carcharias tooth from the Pliocene rich deposits at Superpit. A tiny chip out of the upper left corner of the root keeps this from being the best ever....
Good luck two days in a row   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

I didn't get out to the ditch the day of the big rain, or even the morning after. I went to work, and tonite, I finally made it. Apparently, there had been some great finds by others the past few days, so I was hopeful that they had missed something. They did. First, another squalodon tooth from the set I've been collecting. It was a little higher in the layer - actually, the top. That's why its a different color. No time to reminisce, so I moved on. Next came a perfect, cream angustidens. Oh...

3 5/8" Squalodon Incisor   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus

Here's another tooth from the set I've been lucky enough to put together from the ditch. This one came from higher in the Chandler Bridge, thus the difference in color.

Check out the whole set here

1 5/8" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
There is not a flaw to be found with this super tooth....
A trip to make t$ drool   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

I've been ravenous to get back out to Superpit since I found out about the digging. Now that I have returned, my shovel has tasted the spoils of victory. Conditions were ideal! It had just finished pouring down rain. When I say pouring, I mean pouring. We're talking several inches in less than an hour. Its the kind of rain that washes away clay. The road in was covered by up to a foot and a half of rushing water. I pushed my bike through it and by the time I passed the flooded r...

2 1/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This is a fantastic posterior megalodon that I dug right from the formation....
4 5/16" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This majestic piece came from the pliocene formation that normally contains the big SC megalodons, but it was actually re-worked from the Chandler Bridge formation that was washed away by the intruding ocean during this time. It managed to keep itself nice, though, and I'm estatic to have found it....
2 3/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
The best tooth of the day and its pretty much perfect. Has a unique feature where the root kind of overlaps the blade. The colors on this thing are fantastic and some what similar on one side to peruvian teeth and the other side is similar to that of auroa teeth. ...
Good day at Super Pit   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Well today I decided to take a chance and head out to Super Pit. The day actually ended pretty productice for just an hour of digging because the day was cut short by a thunderstorm. The whole megs just weren't there today, maybe next time....
T$ in the zone   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
After a long week, I was ready to get out and find some teeth. T$, tha duDe, and I went out to Top Secret hoping to use the last two hours before sunset to find some nice teeth. I found nothing great, even though I dug like a madman for the entire time. tha duDe also came up empty handed, but t$ tore it up. I'm sure he'll be making a post because he found one of the best megs I've seen in a long time. Taco Bell gave tha duDe the vindication he needed, though, as he got two free tacos thanks to c...
T$ in the zone   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Well, today was my day for finding nice teeth and I focused mainly on the white layer and it payed off. The first meg I found was a shamer meg just a little below 6 inches, I almost cried because I destroyed something beautiful. Then I found another chunk of meg just inches from that one and then I found the killer meg of the day just inches from the last megs. Now I've found two white whole megs from this location and the one I found today I would have to say is the best in my...
4 7/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Well I think this one beats my meg from Super Pit as being the best meg I've found to date. Theres alot to say about this tooth, I mean how many white megs do you actually see like this and in such fantastic condition? If you ask me I haven't seen very many. This tooth has a just about perfect bourlette, awesome root, and just a few missing serrations keep this tooth from being almost perfect....
3 7/8" Squalodon Incisor Whale Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
This is best whale tooth I've found to date. Incredible color and condition especially it being from the Wando layer where most are destroyed. I did knock off a small end of the root with my shovel, but I reattached it and it still looks fine....
4" Jaw Fragment   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Other
This is a section of jaw from either a crocodile or a whale. ...
2 7/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Its not the best mako I've found, but I usually dont find many of this size. It has a small strip of peel and a little root erosion. Other than the minor defects this tooth is great....
2 5/16" Great White Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
Words cannot describe the awesomeness of this tooth. Only from the rare locations with Pliocene deposits do we find carcharias teeth like this in SC....
13/16" Sand Tiger Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharias cuspidata
A flawless specimen....
1 5/8" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This is the first tooth from the Chandler Bridge at this location I have found. They just don't get any better....
The Marathon   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Well Ditchweezil beat me out their today. The bike ride was really tough, but I don't care I need the work out. I found like maybe 3 teeth walking and I actually found a large amount of teeth digging for just a short amount of time that I did dig, which was about 15 mins. The best mako I found today came from a spot that DW was digging in, thanks man :). It wasn't like it was in plain open view. I noticed it when I paused to take a drink when I was looking down. I'll have to get out the...
The Marathon   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

I had to get an immense amount of toothin in today because of the killer rainfall we've had lately. I'm feeling the tinge of a sore throat coming on, so I'd better go now. I could be laid up for weeks! I didn't need to dig at all today - just walk and pick up the fossils. The first stop was the Big Ditch. The water was still running really high, so I didn't find much. Indiana was there and we shot the breeze for a little bit, but we went our separate ways early on in the hunt. Like I said, th...

The Marathon   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA

My second stop of the day was Top Secret - always a favorite when we get a lot of rain. This spot has shrunken to the size of the pit. That's right. All the piles are gone now, and I fear that we will soon lose the pit, too. Today it was still there, though, and I made the best of it. I scoured the fresh layer and picked out everything I saw. I thought I found a good meg sticking out of the ground, but when I pulled it out I found out it was all kinds of busted up. I started walking around th...

The Marathon   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Next on my list of places to visit was going to be the porno ditch, but someone was there when I got there so I decided not to compete and moved on to the spot that should not be. I spent the most time there because its a pretty big development with lots of muddy places that take a while to walk. Soon after I arrived, one of the locals regaled me with hits from the classic rock dumpster. I prayed for incessant thunder, but it never came. Soon after, I found my best tooth of the spot. There ha...

The Marathon   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

The last stop of the day was Superpit. I haven't been there since I took fossilguy out there, and I figured that no matter how picked over it had gotten, 7 inches of rain would wash out something. The worst thing about this place, though, is the bike ride in. A mile and a quarter up and down a muddy, weed covered, hilly road. The gates are locked on weekends, so all you can do is bike down that road. The hunters have made a mess of it, to...

Finally a keeper angy.   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Today I wanted to go to Super Pit, but I was run off by hunters. So I decided to go to the spot that should not be hunted with my little brother. There were already three collectors looking for teeth, but they were new to the fossil collecting game and missed lots of teeth. Just like DaFossZ always says, "Don't hate the player, hate the game". I was unable to get ground shots of the angys today because it was raining and I don't want to ruin my camera. I ended up finding today the best angy I'v...
2 3/4" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
This is the biggest angy I've found in such great condition. The colors are orange with a little bit of white streaks just making this a fantastic tooth. The blade has every little serration intact and the serrations are razor sharp. If it wasn't for the little ding and slight root erosion on the root this would be the best angy I ever found....
3 1/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
I almost missed this tooth - I was digging quickly looking for the big teeth and this one popped out unexpectedly. I narrowly missed it with the shovel, and I almost threw 10 pounds of sand on top of it before I even saw it. Considering it was the best thing I've found there in a while, it would have been a loss!...
2 1/2" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
2 1/2" Angustidens Shark Tooth
2 1/4" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
Here's my first nice tooth of the day. Its a little worn because of its time in the Wando, but its in great shape for the area....
5 -1/2" Archaeocete Vertebrae   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Zygorhiza kochii
5 -1/2" Archaeocete Vertebrae
8" Archaeocete Jaw Section   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Zygorhiza kochii
8" Archaeocete Jaw Section
Group Therapy   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
It was a good day because the fossil crew got a chance to hunt together because we aren't usually all present when we hunt anymore. The only thing I have to say about the teeth today was that it was disappointing......
Group Therapy   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Everyone was in for the hunt today - da f0ssZ, t$, tha duDe, and me. DF dropped the fam off at my house to chill with my wife and kids while we hunted the last few hours of the day at Top Secret. After t$'s plunder last week we had high hopes. We quickly dove into the task, all hoping for the fluke meg to show itself early, but it didn't. t$ and tha duDe were off by themselves quietly digging in multiple spots while DF and I adopted the 'sit still' mentality. DF was the first to hit paydirt wit...
Group Therapy   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA

I decided to carry the family to Charleston to visit friends and hang out. Naturally, a trip to the Lowcountry would not be complete without some fossilin'. The whole gang, T$, ThAdude, myself, and Ditchweezil decided a run to Top Secret was in order. I dropped off FossZette, Mini-FossZ, and Micro-FossZ and the Weezil crib to chill with the group. As it turns out, CulVert Ferret and FossZette had over three hours of Fosstility Group Therapy. They shared stories of late arrivals, gut-wre...

A Midsummer Night's Dream   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Well, I got the lawn mowed yesterday and by wife blessed a mid-week fossil hunt. I floundered a bit on where I should go, and when I finally left it was already 6:15. I originally was going to Top Secret, but mid-trip, I remembered about the Spot that Should Not Be. I had my trusty camera, and I knew I needed to take pictures of that place for the site, so I changed my plans and went there. They had done a bunch since the last time I was here. There were new piles all over the place, so I had to...
Did anyone say megs?   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Today I decided to go to Top Secret and a few guys were doing some deer hunting and told me they would be leaving in about 30 mins. So I waited because I mean who wants to be mistaken for a deer and get shot killed either way I don’t want it to happen to me. This place had got some serious rain lately and the teeth were every where. In just a few minutes of walking I find a shamer meg pictured below from the black layer and another one that was in the imprint of a track ho machine, but I didn’t ...
4 1/4" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
The 2nd meg of the day and the star tooth of the day. This tooth is so close to perfect the serrations are razor sharp. The bourlette is about 85% complete and the root is in great shape to. Has amazing colors and to top it off the fourth meg I've found in a row with a good tip....
3 3/8" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
The last whole meg of the day. Has a slight bit of feeding damage to the tip, but who cares the colors are so awesome on this tooth and it has a good root to and the serrations are still sharp. This would be the 6th meg I've found latly in just 4 straight trips of toothing and the meg streak continues....
2" Mako Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
A perfect mako with awesome colors and its a lower jaw postion to....
3 13/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
The first meg of the day. Has some small chips in the root lobes, but the color is great and the bourlette is so close to perfect and serrations are still sharp and has a slightly worn tip....
5/8" Snaggletooth Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Hemipristis serra
5/8" Snaggletooth Shark Tooth
Its a good thing this hobby is so fun!   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
It was my first fossilin expedition since the arrival of the new baby, and I thought Micro-FosSz needed to view a freshly pulled Angy from the creek. I hunted like I hadn't in months --- imagine that. After 2-1/2 hours of intense fosSzSifting, I had little to show. The best find is a pristine 5/8" Hemipristis from the Chandler Bridge. We decided to grab some chow....
Its a good thing this hobby is so fun!   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
After some kickin chili-dogs at the BRFC Financial Division Headquarters, we headed off to SuperPit. Surely the rains would have washed out caseworthy teeth. We walked and dug, but nothing killer. The midday Lowcountry sun sapped our collecting energy and we bailed out to relax at the DWs pad and plan our next collecting trip. I hope it is soon....
Its a good thing this hobby is so fun!   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Today, da f0ssZ and I took the day off work to go do some hunting. This was df's first day back hunting in several months - he took some time off as his wife got closer to the delivery date. He got a new son out of the deal (congrats, man!) but it was time to get some ditch time in. We had almost 2 inches of rain yesterday, so I figured the ditch would produce. I took the secret weapon and he used his patented shovel sift method, but we both came up empty handed. Still, though, it was better tha...
Its a good thing this hobby is so fun!   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
We figured that since we had good rain, this spot would be good, too. Plus, it was the last place da f0ssZ went before his fossil hunting hiatus, and he found an incredible meg then, so he was hyped to go. We only lasted about 2 hours in the blazing sun, but our search came up pretty much empty here, too. ...
My meg streak continues....   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Today I decided to go toothin because it’s been about 3 weeks sense the last time I went. After seeing Ditchweezil’s trip on top secret I knew I had to get out there. The place was more filled in than the last time I’ve been there and the place where I found my tusk from last trip was covered; now I’ll never know if there was anything else there because I forgot to dig the area where I found the tusk. I was way too lazy to dig this time and walked the place and there it was another meg almost...
3 3/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This little meg has a olive type black color with white lightning streaks going through it quite an amazing tooth. The serrations are still sharp and some wear to the root and bourelette is about 90% complete. This would be the third meg I found lately in a row with the tip intact. ...
1 1/2" Posterior Megalodon Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Its not the biggest of posterior megs, but the root is a bit odd shaped and seems pathological....
A good dive in an old spot   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood as my dad, Fossilguy, Fossilgirl, and I prepared the boat and gear for our diving trip to the Cooper River. On the drive out there, we tried to explain to our guests what they would be doing, what the dive would be like, and what to look out for, but there's no substitute for actually doing it. We decided to hit a shallow spot in Durham Creek since it was the FossilDuo's first time in the river. We...

3 1/2" Spear Tip   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
A great spear from the ditch near where ditchweezil found all his....
1-1/2" Spear Tips   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
These were both found on the same dive....
2" Spear Tip   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
2" Spear Tip
1-1/2" Arrow Point   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
1-1/2" Arrow Point
A healthy dose of fosspitality   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Today it was my turn to show fosspitality to a fellow fossil hunter. Fossilguy and FossilGirl from Fossilguy.com came down to do some collecting weEzil style, and I was happy to oblige. I took them out to Superpit because that place has been churning out the quality lately. Just as I parked the truck and we got our stuff together to go, the bottom dropped out of the sky. I asked if they wanted to wait it out in my truck, but they were eager to...
1 5/8" Great White Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
Here's another awesome great white from Superpit. Its the second I've found in two weeks, and coincidentally, it came from the same area as the one from a few weeks ago. Pliocene in the house!...
1 1/4" Mako Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
This is an absolute gem mako from Superpit. This is the best preserved tooth I've found from that location to date. The edges are razor sharp and translucent, the thin bourlette is 100% complete, the root is as perfect as can be, and the color is fantastic. Plus, its the position in the mouth between the anterior and lateral teeth - the little stubby tooth in between the big ones. This one is so pretty that it qualifies to be a necklace for my wife. I only find one or two teeth a year that measu...
2 1/4" Mako Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus desori
A fantastic specimen....
Bushwacking Top Secret Style   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Top Secret called, and we answered. I wanted to hit this spot because they've been pumping water through the pit and it eroded out a big new rock area. That was the first spot we hit, and within 10 minutes, I had a beat up little meg to set the tone for the day. An hour later, neither of us had found anything, so I decided to walk around the cesspool that borders the right edge of the pit. That meant beating back weeds 2 feet taller than me that were alive with bees while watching the ground for...
Drenching Averted!   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
I found myself with a free evening, so I loaded up the bike and headed out to Superpit. I decided to park in a different spot, though, so the bike ride in would be a little longer but a lot easier. Well, pretty much as soon as I got in the pit, a wicked thunderstorm blew in. The thunder was deafening and the lightning was flashing a little too closely for comfort. I got back on my bike and pedaled my way back to the truck. I was almost there when I started to feel mist on my face. I looked down ...
Another early morning trip   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
With all the rain lately, I've been lazy in my collecting. Today, I decided to do something about it, so I woke up before 5am and headed out to the ditch armed with my trusty mega flashlight. The water was still deep, but there were teeth everywhere. I didn't find anything fantastic, but for hunting in the dark, it wasn't too bad of a day. I even made it to work on time!...
A day of gems   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

Today, Indiana and I set off early to dig on the whale. We burned about an hour wailing on the chandler bridge, but it didn't produce anything substantial. The sweet squalodon in the photo was found a little downstream. Not wanting to get all tired out, I decided to walk a little against my supposed better judgement. Why? because it had been 3 days since the last good rain (aside - Summerville has had 17 inches of rainfall in July - WOW), and there are people who go there every day. St...

A day of gems   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

I dropped Indiana off at his place and met tha duDe at my house. We loaded up the bikes and headed off for Superpit. 10 minutes after getting to the pit, I came upon the awesome little meg. I was already beyond happy, I mean I had already done really well today. Now, I had a little meg to boot. We dug all over, and as I was digging around the area where I found the meg, I flipped up a decent great white. I knew it had potential, but I didn't want to scrape off the mud while it was wet, ...

2 7/16" Angustidens Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
I walked past this tooth one time today, and I only found it because I finished walking the branch before I ran out of time. Anyone could have found it, too, as it was completely exposed. So much so that I could even tell that it had the tip even though it was underwater. Its definitely one of the top angustidens I have found this year. Its not missing a single serration, the tip is unbelievably sharp, the bourlette is 100%, and the delicate cusps are still perfect. It has some minor pitt...
2 3/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus desori
This puppy was the one that kicked off all the good luck today. I was looking closely at the gravel deposits at the creek bottom near where we were digging when I spotted it. This is another tooth directly from the Chandler Bridge - awesome preservation on this one!...
3 1/4" Squalodon Molar   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
Check out the whole set here...
2 11/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
I found this 10 minutes after I got to the pit today. Twice in a row now at this spot I've found a nice little meg. Like the last one, this one has all the serrations, a great root, and a good tip. I love the color on the teeth at this spot!...
1 1/4" Great White Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
A nice little great white...
2" Great White Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
I dug this out about 10 feet from where I found the little meg today. When I flipped it out, I couldn't tell if the root was intact, so I didn't know if it was awesome or not. When I cleaned it up later, though, it turned out to be in an incredible state of preservation. We seldom find great white teeth at land sites with intact roots. For some reason, they are almost always chewed up or gone. This one escaped that fate, thank goodness. Every serration, including the tip, it sharp. The ro...
Fish Jaw   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Other
Here's a really nicely preserved fish jaw....
8" Sperm Whale Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Scaldicetus

I saw this thing just barely hanging on to the layer. Its in fairly good condition and about 90% complete. I have no idea what it is yet, but I hope to find out soon.

Update - 11/2/2003 The Smithsonian guys identified this as a sperm whale tooth at the Cypress Gardens Fossil Show. t$ was hoping it was a tusk, but alas, the hunt continues.

4 1/2" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
I found this one in a spot where the sewage washed it out of the layer. It has a hydration crack in the root, but its not to bad. The serrations are sharp and the bourlette is about 95% complete and again another meg with the tip and great color....
I’m on a meg streak   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Today this afternoon I decided to go out to Top Secret mainly because the guys aren’t working today and that I will be leaving to Florida this wed. so I want to get in all the toothing time I can get and school is just around the corner unfortunately. Someone had already walked all the hot spots, but they did miss a area along the ditch that is covered with sewage everywhere. It was a terrible smell and of course it all goes away when you find a whole meg in which I did and I also found this c...
My best meg I ever found to date   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
We have been getting lots of rain all week long and you know what that means lots of nice teeth to be found. I had tried to come out to this spot the other day with a severe thunder storm up above which was a bad idea and it was just to much to find anything so I called it a day and headed home. Than it came to today a nice and beautiful sunny afternoon just the perfect weather for hunting fossils. In just minutes of being down in the pit I spot the 5+” meg about 15 ft. away. I didn’t have t...
5 3/16" Megalodon   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
The best meg I have ever found to date. Sure it has a small strip of peel and the color of the bourlette has faded. It still has sharp serrations and has a great a root and to top it all off it has the tip and great colors....
15/16" Bull Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharhinus obscurus
I know its not the biggest of bull shark teeth, but I dont find many of this size and conditon....
1 1/8" Snaggletooth Shark Tooth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Hemipristis serra
1 1/8" Snaggletooth Shark Tooth
1/2" Tiger Shark Tooth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Galeocerdo aduncus
1/2" Tiger Shark Tooth
1 5/16" Mako Shark Tooth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Isurus hastalis
The best tooth I found scuba diving at the Calvert Cliffs....
2 5/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
My first meg from the cliffs - it has a great root, great color, sharp serrations, and complete bourlette, but unfortunately, the tip was lost to feeding....
3/4" Cow Shark Tooth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA - Notorynchus primigenius
A cow my first day at the cliffs! Not Bad!...
Finally! A Shot at the Cliffs   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

We went on vacation to Williamsburg, VA, and that's too close to some great places not to do a little fossil hunting. I had my wife's stamp approval, so my dad and I mapped it out with m4 and fossilguy way in advance. (be sure to check out the razor time precision in the end!).

  1. meet at bowling alley at 7:00 am.
  2. walk cliffs at one spot until 9:00 am...
1/2" Sand Tiger Shark   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Odontaspis sp.
1/2" Sand Tiger Shark
2 3/8" auriculatus tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
The first great tooth I found of the day. Has a little root wear, but great colors....
1 7/16" Mako   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus praecursor
Just a little gem....
5/16" Gray shark   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Abdounia minutissima
I never found any of these before today....
2 1/2" Mako Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
Has a small chip to one side, but the colors are awesome....
More Good Fortune   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Again, today as I left work, visions of teeth danced before my eyes. I had no choice but to answer the call, so I quickly prepared myself for an evening in some muddy hole. I couldn't decide where to go, the big ditch or Superpit. I didn't have to think very long, though, because the ditch is pretty busy lately. Lots of people go there now, so its getting hard to find anything. Superpit, however, seemed ripe for collecting. We haven't been there in a while, we've had a ton of rain, and hardly an...
3 5/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Just a little gem. Every serration intact, even the rare tip! Great color, too....
1 3/16" Tiger Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Galeocerdo cuvier
The best big tiger tooth from this spot yet. Awesome preservation!...
The POS earns its name   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
Today we hitched up the POS and decided to try our hands in the Cooper with it. Indiana went along to fish and watch the boat for us, so we had a pretty full boat. My first inkling that today wasn't going to go right came when the motor wouldn't stay started. I finally kept it running in choke, but we were crawling down the river. Maybe it had something to do with the load we were carrying, maybe there's something wrong with the motor? I mentally chalked it up to the load and we continued withou...
The POS earns its name   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Having only found broken stuff in the river, I felt like I needed to try again. Indiana, tha duDe, and I all went out to Top Secret. Even though we had just gone there the day before, I still thought I should walk a few places that we have neglected lately. Tha duDe went straight for the pit. I wasn't far behind, though, because there were reasons we have been neglecting those other spots, if you know what I'm saying ;-) We both were digging like fools, but it was just so hot, and we were alread...
3 3/16" Megalodon Shark Tooth   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
Beautiful colors on this near perfect land found megalodon tooth....
Tha duDe's on FirE!   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
I had the day off today, and my initial plans were to get out early and hunt all day. A nightmarish traffic jam that lasted from 6:30 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon killed those plans, though. Its like Summerville was in a hellish traffic jam all day, so all the good spots were being excellently guarded by walls of motorists. I prepared for tomorrow's dive trip, though, so I didn't waste the day. In the evening, tha duDe came over and we went out to Top Secret hoping to find something w...
Deceptively Bad   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
As soon as I got off work, I was on the way to this new place that the crazy canuck told me about. It had been several days since rain, but there were new, unexplored piles everywhere. I walked all to my right, and most were devoid of fossils and layer. Just as I finally hit an area with potential, a wicked thunderstorm started blowing in. I tried to ignore it, but it kept bearing down. Finally, I smelled the smell and I made a mad dash for the truck. There's a smell that goes with a summer thu...
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