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i dont think i will ever be able to beat this day   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
On the beach we had 3 lines of gravel, I took the high line because 5 feet from the boat i found a meg up there so i figured thats where all the good stuff would be, oh boy was i right. So i stayed with the high line all the way down the beach and ended up with well you see. Every 10 feet or so i would find something great, either a nice hemi, mako or meg! I cant even tell you which came first because by the time i reached the end of the beach i had 9 megs in the bag. Then i started to look ...
Not Potomac but 3 miles inland   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

While in the search for things you will sometimes step onto something completely unexpected. The place I visited is in Charles County a few miles inland from the river. I'll admit I dont know the 1st thing about Aqui formations or even if I spelled it right. I could tell that there was Turitella present. If that's not the species then It would be something larger then the Miocene I'm use to. Some of them as large as 8-10 inches long. 6 inches was common. The "oyster shells" or...

i guess it was worth droping the cell phone over   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Well on saturday the weather was really bad, 4-5 foot waves and with those waves a boat sank, one guy broke his arm. So we didnt go on saturday

Sunday, the water is dead calm so i call a few people and ask them to come down and fossils with us. We get to the beach and its a total sand box but the water was crystal clear you could walk out into 5 feet deep of water and see the bottom, as we started to look in the water in became obvious that this is where all the stuff woul...
A link to the past   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
So would there be more than 30 people on the beach this weekend, no but there were still more than i usually see, as soon as we got to the beach we could tell it was gonna be good but at the same time could tell it was sandy, i guess all that sand from brownies came down. The water water up to about 3 feet deep was crystal clear, so we were on the look for big teeth. About 20 feet from the boat my dad finds a meg/chub. I stayed around where he found the meg and he kept walking down the beach, th...
Playing in the Dirt   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

  I headed to the Bay this morning (Sunday), hoping against reason for something good to turn up.  I was primarily sifting gravel for a few hours, and was finding some nice small teeth, including a large cowshark upper parasymphyseal, a few small but sweet hemis, and a thresher tooth.  I started to head back to my car, but I ran into Tony and Bob. 

  I had never done any digging in the fall piles befo...

Nice average 7 for 3   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Good weekend. I went out both days. Some nice stuff on Saturday but the megs didn't come until Sunday. Saw tom today. He had a real good day too....but I'm not going to spoil the fun for him. Seriously bob and tom it was nice seeing you guys today. Sometimes I forget that I'm not the only crazy one out there.


So yea 2 nice megs today (1.75, 1-9/16). 2 nice makos (1.5, 1-9/16). 4 nice hemi's. and some other bull. Anyway the pits still p...

October 2007 and the sound that we hate   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I' catching up on old trips with my new found posting skills thanks to DW and Sharkdentist's help. As you know fossils rarely come easy. I was digging in an area that was producing a lot of teeth and bones and had a feeling something good had to be hidden in that murky water and clay. Shovel after shovel filled my screen but nothing big. Then it happened, "clunk" that sound of steel shovel meeting something big. I reached into the hole and pulled out t...
C&Deja view   C and D Canal, Delaware, USA
Two weeks ago I revisited the spoil piles along the C&D canal. The results were more of the same, belemnites, pelecypods and small oyster shells of the Late Cretaceous.I walked the area surface hunting for 1 1/2 hours and then sifted to try to find some smaller things. The best was a small fossilized borrow or casing 1/2" long and 1/8" in diameter. Nothing great but a good time in the Delaware sun.
1-7/8" PCS C. Chubutenisis   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles chubutensis

A little feeding damage, but a nice whole tooth.

PCS lower makos   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis

Two large lowers. The largest is 2-3/4".

3-1/2" Aurora Meg   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon

A nice black PCS meg. The bourlette is excellent and there is some feeding damage.

Southern Exposure   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Summer seems to speed by until you hear that your fossil hunt date at the PCS Phosphate Mine has been announced. Well the weekend arrived for the hunt and I joined T$ and Ditchweezil for a more economically sensible trip.


10/1/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA

As promised bright and early I hit the beach. The plan was to do a little hunting out in Surry then cross the James River to the James city county side. When I got to Surry the river was just as swollen as it was Sunday and it was starting to rain, so I grabbed my rain gear out o...

Your're certifiable, Quint! You know that?   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I visited my brother in Baltimore this past weekend with plans of doing a “dig” with him and the infamous Daryl on Sa...

Pepsi Challenge   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

It’s always good news when the boss gives you a project in Greensville, NC.  I departed last Wednesday morning at 5:00 a.m. to start my 3+ hour trip.  I arrived early to ensure I had enough daylight incase I finished my job up and had time to find some fossils.  Well I did and had the predicament of either driving further to Aurora, NC and visit the Aurora Fossil Museum (never been there) to view the fossil displays and dig in the Pungo pile or just go the Gre...

And this bag was, like, dancing with me...   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

I arrived at the Aurora Fossil Museum last Wednesday to find that the weather was starting to take a turn for the worse.  The forecast was for 40% chance for rain with very windy conditions from a tropical low system that was sitting off the coast.   The clouds were looking ugly and the winds were picking up.  I quickly toured the museum, got a Lincoln’s worth of tickets for the 2009 Memorial Day Fossil Festival’s “MEG” tooth raffle and then ...

Opening Day in Aurora   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

I had hi hopes for this day with all the rain that we got the few days prior to the hunt.  As we made our way down the ramp it was on.  I said to myself i was going to make it all the way out to the farthest corner where not to many people make it to.  I got about 3/4 of the way out and couldnt help myself anymore i had to stop and look.  It wasnt until about 10:00 that i found my first meg.  I was off to a good start.  Me 1 Wife 0&a...

1 3/4" Lee Creek Megalodon   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon

Wish i had a ground shot of this one.  Only the small white spot that you see on the back of the tooth is all i saw.

2 9/16" Lee Creek Megalodon   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
2 9/16" Lee Creek Megalodon
2 1/2" Lee Creek Chubutensis   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles chubutensis
Not perfect but it was the only one that was out in the open for easy pickens....
3" Lee Creek Chubutensis   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles chubutensis

I still dont even know how i saw this tooth.

Pathologic Chubutensis Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles chubutensis

This Pathologic Chubutensis Shark Tooth was about the last thing I found. I was dragging back to the bus at the end of a stifling day. I spied a root poking out of the ground and it looked exactly like a modern tiger shark tooth. I tapped it with the tip of my boot to make sure before I made all the effort to bend over and pick it up. When I first saw it, I thought it was broken and missing a cusp, but the strange angle of the thi...

Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles chubutensis

This Pungo Megalodon Shark Tooth was completely exposed on a gigantic mound of Pungo formation. Its SO sharp I can hardly believe it. I was hunting with my BRFC brethren ScubaPaul and RivrDigr when I found it so they could share in the glory.

Yorktown Cow Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius

A beautiful Yorktown Cow Shark tooth I found during my most recent trip to the Lee Creek mine in Aurora North Carolina.

Lee Creek Cow Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius

A beautiful Lee Creek Cow Shark Tooth I found walking a gigantic mound of Pungo formation.

Aurora Cow Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Notorynchus primigenius

I found this Aurora Cow Shark tooth in the footprints of another collector. Surely they would have picked up this tooth had they seen it. They must have been looking for a big megalodon sitting out in the open and just missed it. Anytime people ask my advice how to find the big shark teeth in Aurora, I always tell them to look for the little ones. Its easy to see a big tooth sitting out in the open, but how often do you see that anymore? Almo...

Lee Creek Sperm Whale Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Scaldicetus

Its really tough to decide what my best find of my recent Aurora fossil hunting trip was. Some say it was my megalodon tooth. Others say my parotodus. Still others say this Lee Creek Sperm Whale tooth was the best. I don't know, but this is certainly a nice tooth. The root is immaculate. The wear pattern on the enamel cap is perfectly flat, and there is tremendous detail in the enamel. Even though I have found many sperm whale teeth in t...

Giant Lee Creek Hemipristis Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Hemipristis serra

I found this monstrous Lee Cree Hemipristis shark tooth about 5 feet from the megalodon tooth I found on the same trip. I almost missed this tooth in my excitement of finding the megalodon tooth. You can see in the ground shot where I kicked some dirt onto it while descending the hill to get the megalodon.

Aurora Parotodus benedeni Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni

It was a little later in the collecting day at the Lee Creek mine and more people had made their way into the old mounds, but still the collecting was amazing. I came to a wall of Yorktown that someone had already walked both top and bottom. I bent down to get a closer look at some particularly nice Yorktown and I saw another big mako! In my excitement, I had stopped taking ground photos of makos for a while because I had found...

Mako Shark Tooth from Aurora NC   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis

I found this Mako tooth just around the corner from the Parotodus benedeni tooth. I was still reeling from that find, and since I had my camera handy I got a pretty good ground photo. Can you spot it in the wall of Yorktown?

Lee Creek Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis

This Lee Creek Mako shark tooth is tied for the largest of the species that I found on my most recent visit to the PCS mine. I wish I had taken a ground shot, but I found it in a particularly rich deposit of Yorktown formation and I was picking up 3 and 4 teeth at a time. Call me butter, I was on a roll. In my excitement, the camera didn't leave my pack. Don't blame me! What would you do if you saw teeth laying all over the place? Probabl...

Aurora Mako Shark Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
This hefty Aurora Mako shark tooth was the first large tooth I found on my most recent visit to the PCS Lee Creek mine....
Aurora Megalodon Tooth   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon

A gorgeous Aurora megalodon tooth that I found on the same mound where I found another megalodon last season in the mine. On top of the the SR part of BRSR found another megalodon on the same hill. That's 3 megs all from the same hill. I'm thinking that Yorktown is pretty good stuff.

This is the best quality megalodon tooth I've ever found in Aurora, complete with serrations, tip, bourlette, and a nice root. I hav...

My Friend the Weed   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Its Fall, and I've been anticipating the Lee Creek fossil hunt since I stepped out of the pit last season. There was a sub tropical storm the day before the big hunt that really got me worried. Too much rain in Aurora is bad because if it washes out the ramp, collecting is cancelled. T$, da f0ssZ, and myself made the trek without knowing for sure whether we would be allowed access to the pit, but the prospect of collecting after that much rainfall was too good to pass up. Despite severa...

I actully forgot how to post   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Hello everybody...I guess I have a little explaining to do. The camera thing, yes the cord is still MIA so I'm using the cell phone to send a pic to my email. Then download the picture and upload it onto black river. Log into Black river remember my password. And remember how to post. I'm telling you I broke a little sweat. Anyway- 

This summer has been full of many wonderful things... such at bugs, sweat, sunburns, oppressive heat, "The Blues&...

Finally!   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I headed down to the Potomac this Sunday, again in hopes of scoring a Paleocarcharodon tooth.  I got there about 8 AM, about 4 hours before low tide, and had the place to myself.  I started the hunt by heading south along the river.

  I did pretty well on the south side.  The recent rains cleared a lot of the sand away, exposing the fossil-bearing gravels.  Otodus teeth were abundant, although most we...

9/28/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA

The river has been pretty swollen the last few weeks from tropical storm Hanna and the north eastern we just had. I have been out a few times but the higher than normal tides have made most trips uneventful. When I last visited the James River an enormous amount of sand had been ...

short Belgrade trip   Craven County, North Carolina, USA
Well i had another day away from the wife while she was at work.  So i decided to go back to the Belgrade Quarry and give it a try.  The day wasn't very productive until the last five minutes.  I found the small angy first looking real nice on the ground but then as i picked it up it didnt look so good but i was still happy with it and made the trip.  Then as i was walking back to the Jeep there was a nice blade just sticking out.  At first i thought ...
Getting ready for Lee Creek at Richlands   Onslow County, North Carolina, USA

This wasnt a bad day in the quarry.  It only took me about 10 min to find the best tooth of the day.  Hopefully we get some good rain before Aurora starts.  Happy Hunting!!!!

1 15/16" Auriculatis   Onslow County, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles auriculatus
1 15/16" Auriculatis
1 15/16" Auriculatus   Onslow County, North Carolina, USA
1 15/16" Auriculatus
Loving a Hurricane   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

     This is my first post to the site.  I am fairly new to fossil hunting.  I have always been interested, but have not done any.  Lots of interestsand hobbies to spend time on...

9/17/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
Wildlife yes, Fossils not so much   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I hit the Potomac this past weekend, one week after the remnants of tropical storm Hannah.  I was hoping for a low tide with lots of gravel exposed...what I got was moderately high water and enough sand to replenish the sand depleted beaches of Ocean City.  I sifted here and there and found a few sand tigers, but it was too much effort for too little return.  I scanned the banks and found two little teeth (ref pics - I'm pointing to them in the one ...

pics from one little, two little, three little Angy post   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
pics from one little, two little, three little Angy post
One little, two little, three little Angy's   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Well let me start by saying I am sick of rain and mud. I thought it would be a fun time to come down to the low country for some fossil hunting. I spoke with a buddy of mine and he said he and his son would meet me at my place around 5:00 pm Friday afternoon. Well just like clock work he was on time. We had the idea to hunt a area in the chandler bridge formation, as soon as we arrived the rain came and it came hard. After a brief stay in the car the rain slacked up and off hunting we went. I wa...
a run to the run.....   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

Friday afternoon….. 1:00 p.m. and finished for work that day.   With my job bringing me 1½  hours away from GMR, I had to decide.

Carolina Pride   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

I was cleaning out my My Documents folder today and I came across a neat photo that I never shared. Remember last year when I had the contest to design a t-shirt? I tried myself before the contest to come up with a design but I never succeeded. One of my ideas was to arrange teeth from every shark species I had from South Carolina en masse on a piece of posterboard. A couple of t-shirt designers took a look at the photo and said there was no way it would turn out becau...

Hannah: Before and After at Calvert Cliffs   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

The first few pics are of the beach area the morning of Hannah hitting Maryland and its early affects on the waves.  I left early to avoid the major winds, rain, and potential storm surge.  Take a look at the waves hitting the cliffs.  That was early, so just imagine what it looked like a few hours later when the wind tripled in speed and the rain downpoured!  Then compare that to the last few photo's the next morning...what a beautiful sun...

Where Hanna goes people follow   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
We started the day as we do all others but when we got to the beach today we found there were already 4 people on the beach!!!!!! Now we got there at 6am!!! So i figured they just got there and it would be ok. Well the first person i come up to is a familiar face, Tony, he tells me he has been here since 4am and the other 3 were there before him!!! He showed me his meg and told me he was leaving because there was nothing going on and that he would be back at 3pm. As soon as he leaves i find my b...
I can't believe I walked by that   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I took my family for a weeks vacation at Matoaka Cabins. The mission was to find each of them their first Megs! The first day gave us nothing but a few Hemis and other small teeth. The next time we hunted NSO (not-so-obsessed) my fiance' found a nice 1 3/4" lateral. One down two to go! We went to another spot where my daughter found a sweet 2 1/2" Meg with bite marks on it! Only one more to go... The last day we were there we stopped and started hunting. Several hou...

Hannah fizzled out   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Well, the short of it is Hannah didn't do what most of us cliff junkies were hoping for, and that is, create new falls (cliff collapses with large piles of fresh fossil dirt).  At best all hannah did was stir up the beach a little.  I payed very close attention to the storm track.  I actually drove down to the beach Sat morning, just as the storm was hitting the Carolinas.  I had about 3 or 4 hours before the rains and winds would come, so ...

What Happened to Hannah?   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

  Even though Tropical Storm Hannah wasn't as severe around here as was forecast, I still had to go out to the Bay on Sunday to see if the storm had improved the hunting conditions.  The weather was great, and I couldn't get there until about noon, so I wasn't surprised to see the parking lot completely filled at Brownies Beach.  As I walked down to the beach, I was hoping that the water was low enough to allow me to get t...

Nice Angy   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
A really nice angy from Dutch creek....
My First Tropical Storm Fossil Hunt   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

I never hunted after a tropical storm before. There were a lot of teeth! I found so many I didn't even know I found the nice angy until after I got home.

Ashley Formation Fossil Angustidens Shark Tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

This angustidens tooth was really the icing on the cake for my post tropical storm Hanna fossil hunts. It was an afterthought to hit this spot, but I'm glad we did. I found this gem with just its tip sticking out of the Ashley Formation barely above the water line of the ditch. I dug it out while wearing my new lucky Moes hat. What a time to be alive!

Colorful Summerville Angustidens Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

This gem angustidens was prize numero uno for my post tropical storm Hanna fossil hunting at Dutch Creek with the Weezling. This angustidens shark tooth is one of the most perfect shark teeth I've ever found. Its not missing a single serration anywhere. The bourlette is complete and there are no dings in the root. The color of this oligocene Summerville Chandler Bridge tooth is fantastic! I'll settle for one like this anytime!<...

Banana Hanna Fo Fanna   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

Tropical Storm Hanna was bearing down on South Carolina as I sat with my family at Taco Bell in awe of how hard it was raining. We couldn't see my wife's car parked just across the sidewalk. The streets were flooding everywhere. Then the band of showers passed and the sun peeked through the swiftly moving, low clouds. And the rain had been falling off and on like that all day long!  The weezling and I drooled in anticipation of finding large serrated objects in the morning afte...

will brake for brachipods.....   Davidson County, Tennessee, USA

My job recently brought me to Nashville and after my inspection decided to check out the area fossils later that evening.  I found a promising site almost three miles away from the apartment complex I was at. 


I came up to the road that I needed t...

SC Eocene Nurse Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Nebrius thielensis

I haven't been to Lafarge since last October. I got 5 buckets of green cap formation then and the stuff has been sitting in my back yard in a mega sifter beneath the rain gutters on my house. Every time it rains I go out and look for little treasures. I finally found one! Its a little SC Eocene Nurse Shark Tooth - the first I've ever found at the Lafarge quarry. It's not complete, but this species is exceedingly rare around here...

8/31/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA

It took me four hours to get this tooth. James city county hit or miss.

James River.

I think you're going to need a bigger boat....   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

With a kitchen pass in hand and coffee in the other, GREEL and myself loaded up Labor Day morning to “labor” for some finds at the GMR.  My daughter heard me leave which resulted in her pounding the second story bedroom window yelling, ...

It's raining Angy's and benedeni   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Well here is the set up I arrive to my house on the Edisto river Saturday night. I am suppose to meet ozzyrules for some diving on the edisto Sunday and Monday. Ozzyrules shows up Sunday morning at 8 am right on time. We head out to our spot on the river and I just realized that I had totally forgot about the rains all this past week and the current was not gonna let this happen. So off to some of my favorite spots around Summerville to hunt As you can see from the pics it turned out great on th...
8/27/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA

James city county day trip.

Today I had off and was looking forward to hitting the beach. I 've been having some car problems latley so I decided to stick closer to home and not drive out to Surry. The last few trips , I have been going to the York river or my side of the James. Today I hit the James from the James city side. The weather was stormy and the water was rough which made for a tough kayak ride but at least it wasn't hot. When I got to t...

Potomac River Tiny Treasures   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

  I actually started the day's hunt down at the Cliffs, but conditions were horrible and I wasn't finding much of anything, so I headed down to the Potomac in hopes of finally scoring a Paleocarcharodon tooth.  Conditions on the River were the best that I've seen in a long time.  The strong winds from the east had pushed the water out, and taken all the grass, algae, trash, and sand with it.  I haven't seen so much gravel on the beach in ov...

Paraorthacodus Clarki from the Potomac   Potomac River, Maryland, USA - Paraorthacodus clarki

  The first of this species that I've ever found.  Not a perfect specimen, with 3 out of 5 points missing, but still a great addition to my collection.

7/8'" Palaeohypotodus rutoti   Potomac River, Maryland, USA - Palaeohypotodus rutoti

One of the rarer species of Sand Tiger found in the Aquia Formation, this is the best specimen of this species that I have so far.  The Potomac river is extremely rough on teeth, and most teeth are worn to the point of making ID difficult if not impossible. 

Belgrade Croc Tooth   Onslow County, North Carolina, USA - Crocodile
I couldnt believe it when my wife told me that she found this.  She thought it was the hollow end of a whale tooth sticking out of the ground and when she dug it out...Surprise!!!...
Belgrade Squalodon/Archaeocete   Onslow County, North Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Whale

It has take me a long time to find a good double rooter.  But i didnt that i would have ever found it here.  As of right now im pushing more towards Squalodon since the Belgrade formation is Oligicene-Miocene. 

Back in Action!!!!!   Onslow County, North Carolina, USA

Sure feels good to be back in the game again.  We have not been able to do any hunting for awhile now since we were in the process of buying a house in New Bern, NC.  Thank god thats all over with...hopefully i wont have to do that again for a few years.  Then in the middle of all that i got sent down to Mississippi for two weeks for school.  I did manage to get a couple of hunts in when i was there though.  One in MS and one in AL. ...

Spring trip to Summerville   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
This trip is from March 20 to March 30 2008. Sharkdentist was ready to go and the spring fossil frenzy began. We were in an area of the creek that was under 2 feet of sand in January but exposed 3 months later. I don't  think we moved 10 yards in 3 days there. Sometimes you just get lucky. The super stars of the week were, the 14 1/2" Dugong rib, a pair of 4" Megs and a 3" Angy. Lots of other teeth,verts and whale bones.
Old Stomping Ground   Fayette County, Illinois, USA

In my “youth” I used to collect crinoids and any other fossils / rocks that looked interesting to me.

Rhyolite Projectiles   North Carolina, USA

Some recent projectile finds.

E-mailed pix to our "local expert", Mr. Warner Williams, who helped with the identification.    Due to the number of e-mails he recieves concerning his hobby, Mr. Williams requested I remove his e-mail from this posting;  however, would assist any BRF member with any projectile identification.  Feel free to contact me with inq...

Rhyolite Projectiles   North Carolina, USA

Some rhyolite projectiles.

E-mailed picture to our "local expert" how identified them for me

Mr. Warrner Williams


very friendly and helpful


rhyolite projectiles   North Carolina, USA

Some projectiles I recently found.

E-mailed pictures of them to our local "expert" Mr. Warner Williams

Very friendy and helpful.


Fun at the Run....   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

First, I need to give a special thanks to Daryl for his assistance in identifying / verifying my finds at the Green Mill Run (GMR).  This is my first trip posting.

8" Leg bone   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Unidentified - Other

Appears to be from a giant tortoise.

2-1/4" Squalodon tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus

A nice specimen from the river.

1-3/4" C. Angustiden   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

I call this one "Black Tip" . Check out the labial side.

Family Tradition   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

With our new found spot primed for an aquatic pillaging, myself, T$, DW and the two Weez-Boyzz all joined in a fossil bonanza. The day was sunny, hot; and the river viszo was pretty good. It did not take long for us gear up and start collecting. I found some nice layer covering Chandler Bridge and the binge began with a nice angy followed by a large squalodon incisor.&nbs...

8/17/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA
 Found on the York River....
8/13/08   Surry County, Virginia, USA

High tide Surry side.

8/1/08   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Digging in the pile at Aurora fossil museum.

Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

This one is a gem.

Patho Angustidens Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

I have a soft side for pathologic teeth.  This one has a cool pathology where the blade bends towards the top. It also has small wrinkles present on the blade near the root.

Deuce Parotodus benedeni Shark Teeth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni

The largest Parotodus measures 1 1/16 inches and the smallest 13/16 inches. I found both of them a few feet apart from each other.  

Awesome day in the Edisto   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

This is a past Edisto trip from a couple weeks ago. It was a good BRFC outing with DW, Da fossz, and Megamouth. I remember it was a great day and sunny skies. I had no problem finding quality fossils today. Two Parotodus benedenis in one day and a nice angy! Megamouth found the real p...

Edisto river hunt.   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
The day came for our Edisto River hunt Ozzyrules meet me at my place on the edisto river around 9am for some hunting on the Edisto river. Tis hunt by far turned into the best hunt of the week with several Megs some makos, and Angy's The best find for me was a Angy that messured in at a little under 4 inches and Meg that was 3 1/2 inches, several small angy's little Meg and plently of whale bone also one big block of pertified wood that messured 8 inches long and 2 inches thick. I have been looki...
Summerville area after dinner hunt.   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
My wife and myself went out to eat in summerville and after dinner we went for a walk around one of my favorite ditches in summerville after all the storms this past week I was able to pick up two decent angy's about 1 1/2 inches laying on the bottom of the ditch a mako blade and a marble that looks as it has been in the ditch a long time....
Birthday week hunt on Lumber river awesome fun   North Carolina, USA
Well the day came for my trip from the lowcountry of South Carolina to North Carolina to hunt the Area around the Lumber river with Ozzyrules. ToothHoover meet me at my place on the Edisto River at 6 am to head out for the hunt. As you can see from pics alot of the stuff that was found was in the matrix still which was very cool. The day ended with several first for me 2 crow sharks, one saw fish tooth, and several teeth in the matrix....
Birthday week leads to several hunts   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
Well my birthday week has come and gone and left me with nice teeth and fun times. Ozzyrules from NorthCarolina was down to do some hunting in the lowcountry with myself. This week had us hunting up a strom from North Carolina, Summerville, and Edisto river. The following pics were taken of some of the teeth that was found in the chandler bridge formation in summerville. Stay tuned for pics from North Carolina hunt and Edisto river hunt....
love the smell of coprolite in the morning   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
i got to bring home a bunch of nice stuff like a new car!!!! The boat ran perfect again and made it to the beach with no problems. Just feet from the boat i find a meg in the water. I really wanted to stay but had a good feeling about going down the beach. After 2miles of walking i found.......well nothing. The most common find were the broken hemis. My dad already found a few nice hemis, a worn meg, and a small dolphin tooth. He heads way down the beach and i stayed around the boat, bad choice,...
an odd colored meg, and the normal stuff   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Well we had problems with the boat again, it took over an hour to get it going but when we got to the beach there was no one there!!!! whats the chances of that and to make it better there in the water was the best looking gravel i have ever seen. My dad walks down the beach and finds a nice meg, I stay at the gravel and start to rake. First i get a meg with a little of the root broken, then a few makos. Soon my dad comes back and in one of my gravel piles i see a root!!!!! I pull out a perfec...
sad trip...........why i dont like sunday   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
the boat worked well this time but that doesnt help you find fossils, up and down the beach we went and still nothing good. The gravel looked great but i guess someone took all the stuff the day before. I did find a few cool fossils, a vert with 2 holes from croc teeth that bit the mammal, and a nice whale tooth.

a nice trip again but still not many makos   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Things seemed slow at first, there wasnt much around but i was able to find an exposed block under the sand and in it was a 2" meg. A few feet down the beach i find a smaller reworked meg. My dad finally catches up, I look down in the water and see a rock, didnt look like anything so i walked over it. My dad picks it up and it ends up being a nice meg! He also found 2 coprolites. I found a broken fish skull cap and when i get home i find that my dad found the other half. I found a real nice...
Come on Fay!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

  It's been a while since I posted a trip from the Bay.  Actually, it's been almost a month since anyone posted a Bay trip.  I'd bet that every other Bay hunter is in the same boat as me: I'm still going out every week, but I'm just not finding much.  We haven't seen any real storms in a good while, so there haven't been any new falls, and nothing is eroding out of the cliff.  At the same time, the number of people collecting there...

River Point   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

The wicked quartz point i found in the river

The Never-Ending Rack   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Just another day with the ditchweezil, the weezling, t$, and da fossz at the river were the racking seems to never end... for some of us.

Couple of nice trips to the river   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I have been going to the river more this summer than in the past. I found my first nice Croc tooth there earlier this year and now I just can't seem to stay away. Something about possibly finding a pristine Croc tooth keeps me going back. This post is from my last two trips.

The first trip gave my my first section of Croc jaw..too bad there were no teeth still in it. And the second trip I found another nice shiney Croc tooth with great...

C&D=B (belemnites)   C and D Canal, Delaware, USA
For a getaway weekend my wife chose a quaint B&B in Chesapeake City on theC&D Canal. But my sights were set on the spoil piles near Delaware City on the east end of the canal. They contain material from the Late Cretaceous period 65-85 m.y. Luck was with me, the area was being prepared for dredging and two big basins were formed for the spoil. It was like fossil hunting in a big sandbox. Belemnites were very common. Mostly broken, the biggest abo...
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