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Back in Aurora !   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA

Day 4 – Saturday
We leave Jacksonville at around 5:30AM, and arrive shortly before 7:00AM. We are the only people there, which is just the way it should be ! ;)
We start out with some surface collecting, but just not seeing much, at all, so we return to the back lot. Mike was there around the time these piles were delivered, so we know that they are only, like, 3 weeks old.
The museu...

Trips from the end of January   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
It's been quite a while since my last post.  The trips have been few and far between the past month or so mostly because of all the snow.  This post is a combination of two trips to two beaches.  The first trip I went to a location on the choptank formation.  There I did ok..... finding the larger worn mako and the white hemi.  The second trip was to a calvert formation beach.  There I was finding the normal smaller teeth, when on my wa...
Oldies but Goodies   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Ok, like some of you, I have finds from '09 that I never got around to posting.  As I go collecting each week, when I come home with the goods, I rinse them off and sort out the better specimens and let them dry on a paper plate.  After a wile I have several of these paper plates stacked on top of each other or piled around on my desk/table.  I love going collecting, but I hate having to put stuff away, something my wife can attest to.  Any...

Winter Reading II: Beach Landings and Guard Turtles   Potomac River, Virginia, USA
Winter Reading   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Cold but Old January 2010 Report   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

My daughter and I traveled to Calvert Cliffs last month and found temperatures in the teens and a blow out tide.  There were some collectors there prior to our arrival so the pickings were slim, but our late start unfortunately was unavoidable.  I did manage to find a nice cow shark tooth and a squalodon tooth (chipped though).  She found an awesome mako and about 10 teeth to my one.  The vert pictured has some nice bite marks on it, so tha...

Second trip to Onslow Quarry   Onslow County, North Carolina, USA

This one’s a little late. I’m stuck here in Calvert Cliffs, MD and the snow is slowly trapping me inside my hotel. I can’t go out and find teeth (or the beach for that matter). I figured that I would use this time to post my last trip to Onslow Quarry. Here it goes…


Winter Wonderland Collage   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Man, this winter has been rough on collecting.  The early freeze, then 2ft of snow, and persistent cold temps has kept collecting results down.  The teeth in the pic below are the best teeth found in many trips since early Dec through the present.  To be honest, the vast majority of them, including the small Meg, were found by sifting.  Very little gets exposed these days for some reason.  Now the forecast is calling for more snow ...

After freeze   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Here are my finds from the last two trips, which were pretty good.  Makos and hemis, which will always keep me very happy.  
The first trip I found the light colored mako, the larger lower hemi and the little cow.  The second trip I made late afternoon last week and found the two larger makos and most the hemis.  One mako has a chipped tip, but the other is a nice one at 1 11/16.  Not huge but big for this be...
Bring on the wind... Bring on the rain!!   Surry County, Virginia, USA

The last nor’easter that came thru here really helped out my fossil collection. I was working nights at the time and got off at 7am every morning. PERFECT time to walk the beach. I beat the other people out there every day which means I got some of the bigger teeth that I normally missed out on. I’m including some pics of many of the teeth I found over a two month period of walking the beach. Some of the more exciting finds for me wa...

Schooled by my Star Pupil   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA

My son and I visited an old faithful fossil hunting spot in Summerville SC. Like most spots it used to be better than it is now but still we went because we thought we could find some nice smaller teeth from the Ashley formation which is exposed all over the place there.

The best method I have for hunting the spot is to use a clear bottom bucket to see through the water ripples to the bottom. My son soon tired of the tediousness of it all and walked on ahead scannin...

the great day   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA
i had a great day...
my first perfect tooth   Berkeley County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
this is a hero...
What a trip this was!!!   Onslow County, North Carolina, USA

Gas for the trip…… $100

Hotel for three nights….. $250

Five nice Rics….. Priceless!!


Fun times in Charleston S.C   Charleston County, South Carolina, USA
Was able to get out and hunt some last week I meet up with CBK and off we went to the coast the finds were great with a nice vert a few small great whites and a Alopias grandis 'common name giant thresher ' and a very nice parotodus benedeni 'common name false mako' that messured in at 2.56 inches....
Last hunt of 2009-December 30--Brrrrrrr!   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
We came back to Summerville on December 30 bring in the New Year and enjoy milder temperatures than cold Pennsylvania but it came along with us and stayed. I got out in the afternoon to walk a nearby ditch and did suprisingly well. A 3 3/4" Meg and a nice Croc tooth were welcome finds. The next week looks even colder--brrrrr. Happy New Year to everybody at BRF....
the best tooth i found   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

One day I was at the river and it was about to rain but then i came across this tooth and i thought it was broke but it wasn't whole

i asked ditchweezil to take a video of the tooth and he did it was the best tooth I ever found

The Exposure, part II (sorry, computer glitch)   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
The first photo here belongs to the far left of the series. The other post has the middle two in the sequence. The second photo here belongs to the far right of the series....
The Exposure   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
A few folks had asked what the exposure looks like, so I clicked off a few photos. The first four are taken in sequence, showing the length of the exposure. The second to last shows a nearby volcano. The last photo is a closeup of the outcrop....
Happy Squali-days   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA
Happy Holidays to all. I managed to get two December trips between the monsoons and the blizzard here in NJ. Surprisingly, work took me to North Jersey and I crossed several good streams on my way. I figured I'd hit some Cretaceous spots on the way back. I was extremely lucky to happen to travel on 2 days which had near perfect stream conditions after extremely high prior conditions, and I was bound and determined to find a Mososaur tooth. I spent 12 hrs looking between the 2 trips but the M...
Merry christmas   South Carolina, South Carolina, USA
Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone on blackriver fossils. Please remember all the men and women protecting us and the rest of the world over seas. This message brought to you by a proud American..........sharkdentist...
Carcharocles angustidens tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
A really nice looking Carcharocles angustidens tooth from Summerville. I saw it and immediately pulled out my camera. I looked down for just a second to make sure I didn't drop it into the ditch and in that split second I lost the tooth. I stood motionless for 45 seconds looking for the prize. The weezling told me it was under a leaf, and he was right. What a coincidence that the fraction of a second I looked away was enough time for nature to hide this tooth again mere hours a...
Isurus retroflexus Shark Tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus retroflexus
A nice Isurus retroflexus with really cool coloring....
Nice Creek Teeth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

The finds and the video are from two separate hunts in my favorite creek in Summerville. One hunt is from back in October where I found a bunch of great whites (all shamers!). I went by myself that day. The other hunt is from just a few days ago and the weezling and I both came away with some nice fossils. The highlights from both trips are a nice Carcharodon carcharias (modern great white), a really nice Retroflexus (mako), a large, beautifully Angustidens (oligocene ...

Recent storms were productive   Oahu, Hawaii, USA
We had a sequence of low fronts come through in the past 10 days which created 50-foot. That's right FIFTY-FOOT waves on the North Shore! The big ones (40-50' faces) were about 1/4 mile offshore, and we had 12-20 foot breakers on the beaches! It was wild! The Eddie surf tournament was held at Waiamea Bay and Pipeline. I didn't get there because it was a madhouse, but I did get to a nearby beach to shoot a bunch of pics and see what washed up. I've never seen waves so big! Those surfers ar...
A Nice Surprise   Prince Georges County, Maryland, USA

Way back in September, before the snow and when there were still leaves on the trees, I left on a fairly quick trip to a construction site in rural Prince Georges County where I heard from a friend that there was a Cretaceous exposure.  When driving there, I didn't have high hopes for the sight - I thought maybe I'd find a few teeth but since Cretaceous teeth in Maryland are considerably harder to come by since the Science Drive site in Bowie is har...

2nds...   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This report is from two trips (calvert formation) to my favorite beach.  Total I didn't find that many teeth but I did find some really nice ones.  Highlights from the first trip include another big thesher and a large hemi.  Then I managed a trip before the storm late last week and did a bit better despite the high murky water. Found a real nice 2 1/8 lower mako(!), decent dolphin tooth, and another large hemi in great condition.
Crabs!!!!   Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA

   Upon ariving at the boat launch the water was great and the parking lot was empty.  What a great day to find some nice teeth.  As we prepared the boat for lauch, a jet ski from Pennsylvania pulled in.  Could it be the Fossilguy?  It had to be!  Who else is on a jetski in late November.  After a brief chat with guy and gal and a congats for her 6 inch meg from PCS we launched ...

Im Going Inn   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Ive been waiting for weather like last weekend for a long time. Combined with the beach it made for 100% prime megalodon collecting conditions.

My first 4 incher though broken is what it is.... one hell of a tooth for the cliffs. Ill find the missing root lobe one day.

In 2 days about (5.5 hours combined) I saw 24 different megs. Its been sick! 

Mako Evolution   North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
I put this tooth under great white because i think this shark most likely looked like a great white when it lost this tooth. i think this is the evolution from mako to great white. the first pic looks like a big mako tooth but if u look closely in the other pics you can see serations....
killer GW   North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
This killer was found in GMR. super sharp with only a tiny flaw. I added some other beasts my father and I have collected over the years with the exception on the light colored tooth which was found in south america....
Pathological great white   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias
this stubby tooth was found in GMR. its an obvious patho tooth but nonetheless perfect and a sure keeper. this is my only patho great white  so it stays in the display case....
3 inch mako   South Carolina, USA - Isurus hastalis
this is a beast mako! just over 3 inches. i guess you could call this a shamer but still a keeper no dout. the tooth is from SC, not sure what county though....
11/24/09   Surry County, Virginia, USA
I Lucked out and got a day off work. When I got to the beach this morning the tide was high and the weather overcast with steady drizzle. I found the large Mako first. It was just under a thin layer of sand and I could make out the outline of the blade. I held the mako in my hand until I found my next tooth, the medium black and white Mako. I put the teeth in my pocket and continued down the beach, looking high and low eyes peeled and mind focused. The best find of the day was the large M...
Teeth of many colors   Onslow County, North Carolina, USA

Everything was all set and we were ready to leave for North Carolina Wednesday morning. A very nice member of this forum was going to share some of his local knowledge....and then came the rain. A quick call on Tuesday night confirmed my thoughts that too much rain was falling to be able to hunt.
Plan 2.. I hoped that all the rain might help the collecting in some of the NC mines. This was partialy right but mostly wrong. Thursday came and only one mine was allowing...

Pearl   Dallas County, Texas, USA - Fossil Pearl
Fossil Pearl...
11/20/09   Surry County, Virginia, USA

I haven’t been hunting since I found that monster Meg on the ninth of last month. Since then, I've just been getting things taken care of with the new house and working a lot! We did get a chance to head down to Florida two weeks ago on the gulf side in Clearwater. I promise Katie that I wouldn't do any tooth hunting but.. I did snag a few small ones.

Fossils are red, violets are blue   Chesterfield County, South Carolina, USA
sand swept beach   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Thanks to the winds and tides of last weeks storms. Collecting over the weekend wasn't to bad. 3 megs total, lots of makos...the best meg was a 2 3/4 upper lateral? from the Calvert formation. Beautiful, its what I live for. This is going to be a hot season for shark teeth...see ya

The Best of the Run...Over 2 Months   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
Hey guys and gals...Been awhile since my last post. Hopefully my pics are of better quality this time around. I am a full-time college student at ECU so when it rains I try to jump in GMR to see what I can gather. The following items have been collected over about two months, which includes about 10-12 trips. I use 1/2 inch screen to collect these. One thing to note is that I didnt include a ruler in the pics because the paper that it is on is 1/4 graphing paper. Well enjoy, and happy hunting. ...
Pearl   Dallas County, Texas, USA
B-day Mosasaur Vert   Fannin County, Texas, USA

For my birthday last week I hit a local river where Mosasaur material is on the menu.  We parked, and walked about a mile up stream to some huge gravel bars.  I managed to find my first Mosasaur vert within the first hour.  I found a few more small verts, and a large Mos tooth with the tip broke off... 

Not a bad way to spend my B-day :)

The trail of broken Megs...   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
I must be crazy, but it was my day off and I wanted to get back in the river in my quest for shark teeth. I knew it was going to be rainy and cold and the water temperature is now in the 60s, but I was going anyway. When we arrived at the river it was raining hard and the boat trip to the dive site ended up being painful with raindrops stinging your face at 35 mph. Upon arrival I couldn't wait to hit the water...I dropped down and immediately started searching...the viz was about 6 inches which ...
First trip report   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Hi all, this will be my first trip report. My grandfather used to take me to the cliffs sometimes as a kid from up north.  Now that I've moved into the area for work, I've started going again.  Basically I'm hooked and I try and go whenever I get the chance, which of course is not as much as I would like.

I try and hunt all along the cliffs but the pictures below are from a couple recent trips to the same beach (calvert forma...
what a nice surprise!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I managed a trip to the beach last week.  I knew I had missed the afternoon low, but I was anxious to go down anyway.  By the time I made it, the tide was raging back in.  I didn't have much time to search.  Not 5 minutes after arriving I lucked out big time.  In between the surf and the high shell line was a tooth.  It was my first giant thresher tooth!  My trip was made.  I also found some decent hemis.  Another c...
GMR: great white tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias

An unbelievably huge great white tooth found by my father. almost 3 inches and it is a beauty! I think there is one serration missing and the tip in perfect. finding teeth like this makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I seriously have dreams about finding  teeth like this. photos don't do the justice of holding it in your hand!...

Frozen treasures   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

Found two nice stingray mouthplates almost two years ago along the Potomac.  I went collecting by rental-boat on both the MD and VA side of the river.  Found a few teeth here and there, and then stumbled upon two ray plates still in clumps of matrix.  I didn't have anything to wrap them in so I stripped down to my t-shirt, took it off, wrapped each mouthplate, then got dressed.  It was freezing cold and my skin was numb from the wind and wi...

Good things in small packages   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Ok, so no Megs in quite a while, but honestly, I'm hoping to find something rare and spectacular, and hopefully soon!  I've been hitting my favorite beach off and on for the last couple months since the $9 fee ended on Labor Day.  I always bring my 2'x2' box screen because this beach is so picked over.  There have literally been times where I would go home empty handed if it weren't for doing some sifting.  I did manage to sift some materia...

Dino in NorthCarolina yep........   Bladen County, North Carolina, USA
A few weeks ago ozzyrules called to see if I was up to any hunting in Lumberton North Carolina well its been awhile since I was able to hunt fossils since my little girl was born so as any good husban does I begged to go from the wife she said yes and off I went. Well what I found was shocking we were in the cretaceous stuff and the finds of the day was ok I did get a hybodont shark tooth which is rare. Then it happened I dug out a piece of bone which I thought at the time might be whale. Well t...
GMR megalodon tooth!   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This is the best megalodon tooth we have found from GMR. meg teeth like this are few and far between at least for us. length is just shy of three inches.and while not killer sharp the serrations are still easily visable. this was found by my father eaither in 03 or 04.This tooth would have been in the upper right section of the sharks jaw. I still wish these were as abundant as the great white teeth we found there.&...
Green Mill Run Megalodon tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This is the best megalodon tooth we have found from GMR. meg teeth like this are few and far between at least for us. length is just shy of three inches.and while not killer sharp the serrations are still easily visable. this was found by my father eaither in 03 or 04.This tooth would have been in the upper right section of the sharks jaw. I still wish these were as abundant as the great white teeth we found there.<...
Green Mill Run megalodon tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA
This is the best megalodon tooth we have found from GMR. meg teeth like this are few and far between at least for us. length is just shy of three inches.and while not killer sharp the serrations are still easily visable. this was found by my father eaither in 03 or 04.This tooth would have been in the upper right section of the sharks jaw. I still wish these were as abundant as the great white teeth we found there.
Green Mill Run megalodon tooth   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles megalodon
This is the best megalodon tooth we have found from GMR. meg teeth like this are few and far between at least for us. length is just shy of three inches.and while not killer sharp the serrations are still easily visable. this was found by my father eaither in 03 or 04.This tooth would have been in the upper right section of the sharks jaw. I still wish these were as abundant as the great white teeth we found there.
Lee Creek Chubutensis   Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles chubutensis
The best chubutensis I have out of lee creek, perhaps the best I have all together. length is 3 inches slant. serrations are still killer sharp after what, 10-15 million years! not to mention the enamel in super shiny, i love it!!! the tip has some feeding damage, some might find that a bummer but for me it just says this shark was eating some huge dinner items for it to chip a large tooth like this.I put this under...
Potomac Trip 11/01/2009   Potomac River, Maryland, USA

I ignored the forecast for rain and hit the Potomac River early Sunday morning.  I didn't score any Paleos this time, and no huge Otodus teeth, but small Otodus were abundant.  I found a total of 13 Otodus teeth today, and while most have some degree of damage (one has all of the enamel missing!), three are in great condition.  The largest Otodus measures 1-3/8ths.  Other finds include a 1-5/8ths Sand Tiger, a pretty nice Ray crushing plate...

a months worth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

So its been a month since my last post. I wanted to save everything and see how much junk I actually pick up in a month. As for megs I didn't do to bad I found two 2.5 inchers. some good makos, a giant hemi. Another squalodon Molar at the same stretch of beach. A jaw fragment from what I think is a dolphin. Some nice cows and a thousand or so l...

Lateral angustidens shark tooth   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
Wicked recurve on this beautiful land-found angustidens tooth. There is some minor pitting on the root on the left side, but the blade is so good that it doesn't matter. This is a really wide lateral position tooth that is almost as wide as it is long....
The Right Place at the Right Time   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA

I have been salivating at the sight of heavy equipment parked at a build site for weeks. I hoped they would dig because I had hunted a spot just 50 yards away with success in the late 1990's. One day on the way home from running errands, I saw the excavator in action digging a trench. As soon as the crew left, I was clear to hunt. First I scanned the entire trench for layer. The far end hit some chalky garbage, and that was where I was most hopeful for some fossils. I found a decent out...

martin marietta angy   North Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens
this is what i believe to be an angustidens, not saying it is because it is hard for me to tell the difference some times from angustidens and auriculatis. any ways i found this beauty in the belgrade mine in maysville nc in 2002. it might be hard to tell but i actualy found it in two pieces, the top right part of the root was a few inches away from the rest. i ended up gluing it back and it looks like it almost never broke. this is actualy the best tooth i have ever came out ...
great white motherload!!   North Carolina, USA - Carcharodon carcharias

these are the great whites me and my father have collected over ther years. i would say that 98 or 99 % of them were found in north carolina when we lived there a few years ago. there are literaly thousand in that bin! alot of them were found in Greens Mill Run. there are lots to be found there and alot are huge and in good shape. i actually sold alot of them on ebay so there not all there. my father loves great whites much more then ...

unforseen events!   Green Mill Run, North Carolina, USA

newb to the site not fossil hunting. any ways this would have been an actual report if me and my father actualy made it to GMR. any ways sunday morning we left for GMR from here in tennessee. about an hour in to the trip we start seeing cops at everywhere with there lights flashing. turns out the one highway we needed to take had a huge rockslide. this had  happend about two hours before we had hit the road. only one woman was slightly injured. good thing it was 2 am or i could...

Fossil Pearl   Tarrant County, Texas, USA - Fossil Pearl
This is a fossil Pearl from the Britton shale layer, ( I think thats the right layer)...
Fossil Pearl   Tarrant County, Texas, USA
I had saturday off of work, and I was at home bored with my son.  So we headed off to find some fossils, and mud.  I carried him out into the field, and sat him on the edge of one of the ditches there, and we started scaning for anything cool.  The presence of footprints made me know that most everything would be gone, but maybe not all.  After we scanned the first ditch, we moved to the second, and when I stood my son up in the ditch, I put him right on this ...
Rare Mosasaur   Dallas County, Texas, USA
I headed out after a recent rain a few weeks back and hit one of my spots.  The normal small Ptychodus teeth were there, But today there was more.  I got a nice bladed tooth, and  a pretty rare Mosasaur tooth. Plioplatecarpine Mosasaur according to the Dallas Museum.  One of the earliest Mosasaur.  I found this same species, almost same tooth about 2 years ago not far from where I found this one.  Lucky?...
Good times, Great finds   Monmouth County, New Jersey, USA

These finds are the best finds from August, September, and one trip from October. They include a 2.5 inch pathological chub, a 2 inch ric, 2 inch otodus, a smaller chub, and a ric blade that is 2 3/8 inches long. I also ended up finding another arrowhead and so did my Dad. We also ended up finding a nice mako, hemis, a 2 inch Striatolamia and a small posterior tooth which looks like it is probably a ric. The last few trips I have not been finding much of anything but each time ...

Diving a different river...   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Yesterday I was nice outside and although the water is getting colder now I wanted to be diving for teeth ! We headed out to a river I hadn't been in yet. When we arrived the water looked bad. It was cloudy and when I hit the bottom I could see nothing. Zero visibility and super strong current ! Well I started feeling around in the murk and found a few whale verts, but nothing else the first dive. The second tank the visibility was tolerable, but unfortunately the teeth were hard to come by in t...
Drilled Fossil Shark Tooth from the Edisto River   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

I found this drilled fossil shark tooth in the Edisto River. Could the holes have been made so some Native American could wear this? People wear shark teeth as jewelry now, so why not hundreds or thousands of years ago?

Oligocene Benedeni from the Edisto River   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA - Parotodus benedeni
This is my best Oligocene Benedeni from the Edisto river so far. Really nice and complete from root to tip with the tell-tale Oligocene cusps that aren't present in the larger, Pliocene variety....
Last Dive of 2009   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

Da fossZ called me mid-week and asked me if I wanted to go to the river this weekend. Of course I agreed, even though I knew it was going to be cold. Then I got an email from LC asking me if I wanted to to diving. Sure! The more the merrier! Then t$ joined in the fun, followed by Megamouth and the Weezling. A quick call to Edisto Mike and we had a boat full!

When we arrived at the river, it was windy, overcast, and cool. Not ideal conditions, bu...

OctoberFest 2009   Dorchester County, South Carolina, USA
I tried to follow our Saturday dives with 2 more on Sunday, but couldn't get the tanks refilled. So, with bent back and on hands and knees, I scanned the ditches and creeks. Most of the finds were creek worn, but a piece of Mastodon tooth was a great suprise....
Edisto River Isurus Praecursor Mako Shark Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Isurus praecursor
The blade on this tooth is super sharp. I want to say this is a Isurus Praecursor. These teeth are known to be Eocene in age. I found it lying above the green clay in the Edisto.
Fossil Squalodon Whale Tooth   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Squalodon atlanticus
A nice squalodon from the Edisto.
Crappy loot from the Edisto   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
This dive is from a couple of weeks ago. I met up with DW, DF, WLing, and Mike to go do some diving in the Edisto. The conditions were not the greatest for diving. The water temperature was frigid and visibility in the water was dark and cloudy. I did manage to find a nice squalodon whale tooth and what I think is an eocene mako (Isurus praecursor). The finds today were mostly crap and speaking of crap. I found the biggest coprolite I’ve ever seen!...
Pathological Posterior Angustiden   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Carcharocles angustidens

A wicked patho angy with great river color.

Big "Q"   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA

DW and I had been scheming one last river run before it got too cold. And after gazing upon his latest monster Angy, I was (Navier) Stoked!! Actually, I was feeling more empircal and wanted to deduce "h"....... This trip was fluid heat transfer 101! We suited up around 1100AM and quickly learned of a moving fluids' thermal capacity. I swam around looking for a nice spot to fan, and finally decided to work some layer for th...

In the River again....   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Well all these diving posts by DW and I was ready to hit the water again. I also heard a few new fellow hunters were hitting the river saturday and wondered how they were going to do. I have been a certified diver for over a year now and have had my good diving days and my bad diving days. I just want to remind everyone who is getting into diving in these rivers that it is dangerous and to be very careful. Anyway after spotting three gators(one 10 footer) on the way to the dive site I was very a...
Saturday dive in the Edisto River   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA
Aeromike and I returned to the Edisto for a dive Saturday. Vis was not great and the current swift. A 4 1/2" shamer Meg had my heart pumping until I pulled it from the sand. A few 2" Angy's and 2 pieces of coprolite completed the days booty....
Trigonotodus alteri - Giant Thresher with Side Cusps   Colleton County, South Carolina, USA - Trigonotodus alteri






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