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winter time is back. first trip in a long time.   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Low tide. Not as low as I would like. But still made out well. One meg on the clay and one on the sand....
things done changed   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
4-3/4" megalodon. Plus 2". This is my largest md tooth in 6 years of passionate hunting. ...
burtha2   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Yesterday I called out sick. Went down to the beach around 1030 tide was extremely high but calm enough for me to continue. Found a lot of bone fragments. Most of a baleen whale jaw. One small meg and then a little bit bigger one an hour later....
good start to the toothing season   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Found this guy posted up under a boulder. The wicked surf from the storm must have ate away the slump pile. Other then that a beautiful thresher, a squalocorax??? Wow...hammerhead and a pathological sand tiger. All pictured on the left of the megalodon...2.5" long...
burtha   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Arrived at the beach around 430. Tide was extremely high but made it around and finally got down to big burtha. Took about an hour but I scraped two nice hemis and a 2 7/16" lower megalodon...
yesterday made it look easy   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
In 20 minutes a perfect 2.25" pops out. Ten minutes later I look down at the water and there's a 3 3/4 laying there. Damn good day Ide say....
get in the zone   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
All these fossils were found on 3 different days this summer. They were found with shovels sifters buckets rakes. Blood sweat tears time patience. All came fresh out the zone. ...
february trip beautiful day   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Good day. Found the best tooth late morning on the second beach far from the water. ...
Start of April   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Earlier this month my buddy DCC and I got the chance to hit the beach and had some really great luck.  I'm posting a few pictures of my finds but I had to include one of his too.  I had some real good luck including a nice thresher, nice hemi, and a number of megs!  Not all the 'as found' shots came out that day, so I just included the ones that did.  For size reference, the largest meg is about 2 1/4".
If a picture says a thousand words than a video says a million!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Had a day off from work and the tide was amazing, was able to find two megs the larger of the two is just over 2 3/4" in.

low expectations on the bay   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
First, a shout out to Saint Marys College! I was in the area this past weekend so I was able to do a little Calvert collecting on Sunday. In the morning I was at a spot that could have been great but the winds were just not behaving until just before I had to leave. On my way home in the mid afternoon I decided that I might as well stop at a very popular collecting beach. I knew that probably hordes of collectors had already been there in the morning to celebrate the start of spring, so I had on...
slayer   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Most every beach on Calvert cliffs is infested with sand right now. So last Thursday I got off work early and headed to one of my all time favorite beaches. The tide was low at 9 but when I got there it hadn't came in too much. I saw a guy walking off but didn't get the chance to speak to him. When I got to the main part of the cliffs I didn't find much until I got half the way down. Then I hit the sweet spot. Who ever had been there before me failed to look at, what it my opinion was t...

choptank walk (southern fried meg)   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Last sunday I did my 8 mile choptank walk. The first 2 miles were the most productive with my most southern meg from calvert cliffs ever. A beautiful blue. As far as im concerned one of a kind.

The majority of the walk was a waste of time and a bad idea. I was so tired afterwards i couldnt even hang around until low tide. But the meg made the whole day worth it.

Before last weekend the farthest south ive ever found a whole megalodon was scientists...

Perfect day off   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I haven't had anything particularly good to report recently, but that all changed on Friday.  A friend and I were able to take the day off from work and it turned out to be a great one.  It looked like good collecting conditions when we arrived and it wasn't long before my friend yelled over to me and showed me what turned out to be a beautiful meg just a bit under 3" sitting in the water.  It has damage to the tip, but otherwise ...
Reasons why the cliffs rock.   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Megs are from the last few trips, largest is only 3.5" smallest is 2 1/4" not that many around which is pretty sad. Peccary jaw is from 4weeks ago month, ballen whale jaw measures in at 4 feet was found along with 2 verts and 3 ribs and was found 2 weeks ago. the fused seal sacral vert is fairly old but I just put it together and is really interesting and a really rare find Godfrey told me in all of his years working at the CMM this is the first he has seen so thats pretty cool. The do...
Thanks again Mike!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Back in the spring I traveled to NC to try to find what had been elsusive to me up to that point...A complete Great White tooth. When you mention GW's and NC one name that comes to mind is MikeDOTB and he was kind enough to show me the ropes.

Now Mike was coming to Md. and it was time to repay the favor. I will let Mike tell the story of our hunt because it is more his adventure than mine. I will tell anyone who hunts with Mike he has a keen eye...

The price of fossil hunting....   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Boat $22,000

New truck to pull boat $28,000

A trip like this one priceless!

The traffic is always terrible coming home on Friday afternoons before a holiday so I decided it would be a good day to head south to the bay. The night before I had packed my fossil collecting equipment, my fishing gear and an air mattress and sleeping bag so I could just spend the night on the boat. Oh, did ...

Tri-state, Tri-fauna's, and Father's day !!!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Been super busy over the last several weeks or more, so not too much time for trip reports etc. Spent a few days in NC (GMR & Fossil Fair) with my older son Joshua who just graduated from High School, then spent some days on the Potomac fishing with both of my sons. Managed to get in some fossil collecting on the Potomac as well. Also hit my favorite Calvert beaches and managed a few nice specimens, although on one trip everything found came from sifting due to poor conditions. The spoil...
Something old, something new(er)   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Here's a couple pics of stuff I found over the last month.  More to come...

First pic is Miocene stuff from Calvert cliffs.  Second pic is Paleocene stuff from the Potomac River.

I like the assortment of stuff that I can find at these spots.  If I sift long enough, I usually come away with a few nice specimens, even if they are small or uncommon. 


Past few weeks,   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This post covers the past few weeks for me.  As you can see nothing spectacular.  I forgot to add something for scale in the picture so the big hemi in the middle is a little over 1.5 inches.  The fossil collecting has been okay, but it's always nice to meet folks from this site on the beach.
A little here, a little there...   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Slim pickins so far this year. Here are some pics of several trips combined with the nicer specimens only shown here. Calvert beaches keep getting slimmer and $9 per person fees go into effect after Memorial day weekend at Ches. Beach. A couple pics are from some Potomac trips earlier this year. A trip last week revealed tons of sand covering all the former good stretches of beach, with lots of new downed trees and slump piles of junk dirt. So, new beaches must be found...<...

April Trips   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I've been able to get out a few times in the last few weeks, with a couple interesting finds.  The first picture was two weekends ago when the tide was low.  I found a nice 2.5" meg in shallow water and also only my second ray scute!  Then this weekend I was able to get out late on both Friday and Saturday. 

Friday I hit the beach after work and came away with two nice cows, some nice smaller teeth, an...
Fun day at the Beach - EDIT NEW PIC ADDED   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I had a great time collecting with my daughter recently on our trip to the Bay.  At least now I know that my next fishing trip won't get hexed!  I also met two BRF members, Daryl and Johnny.

My daughter and I were working our way slowly along the cliffs, she going faster than I like a shark tooth vacuum cleaner.  That means that I have to be more thorough and when I saw who was ahead of me I realized that I'd ...

Another first!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This report is from two trips, one on Tuesday and the other one on Wednesday.  On Tuesday, the wind was blowing really hard all day so I decided to hit the beach in the afternoon.  I did pretty well finding the majority of the larger teeth in the pictures.  Wednesday's trip was great.  I found two squalodon teeth.  Before Wednesday I hadn't found any in over two years of collecting.  The first one I found trying to hide behind a clay boulder....
Odd color, perfect posterior   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Found a perfect Meg posterior, all serations, actually pulled it from some sandy blue clay. the tooth itself is a creamy white root, and tan/grey enamel. I found two inch-long makos in the same stuff, but both were dark grey root, black enamel. Anybody know why this'un was almost white? it was completely surrounded by matrix except a tiny bit of the root lobe, and about 3 milllimeters worth of serrations/enamel. But i've never pulled a tooth this color from that kind of matrix. Never seen any te...
Birthday Run   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I didn't think I'd get out last weekend. I had bad work hours leading up to Sunday and so I figured on staying in and relaxing. Woke up late and was taking it easy when I was asked what I wanted to do for my birthday. I thought back to other reports I had seen when people hav...

Chesapeake Sweetness   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
On Saturday I had the whole day to myself. The wife and kids were heading up to visit her parents, so not only was I able to hit the beach, I had no time pressure to be back at a reasonable hour. I got to my favorite beach around 8 AM, and found it deserted. Highly unusual for a saturday, but the tide was at full high, and the early birds with their flashlights had probably already left.

The last few times I had been at this beach, the finds were disappointing, but this t...
last weekend   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I hit a choptank st. marys beach last saturday. Max and I got down there early and it was a blowout. The best find of the day was his 2.5 inch mako. Way up on the beach. I would have never seen it. I found a few makos and a weird little tooth. dont have a picture right now.

The detecting finds are from today. Maine militia button and my first 69 cal 3 ringer.

Thinking about the beach tomorrow but high tides in the morning. Not sure if it will be w...

Low and high tide   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
My week started on Tuesday when I was able to take some time off from work and hit the beach.  I got there early,  but as Fat Boy mentioned in his post, others had the same idea.  While I do love those rare days when I have the beach to myself, it's really nice to be out there with good people.  Great to have met you FB. 
Anyway, I took my slow and steady approach and did pretty well.  My Tuesday fi...
A fine March day on the beach   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I got out to the beach yesterday and was the first car there (my first time ever having that happen).  It was high tide and the tide was going to start dropping later in the morning so my strategy was to bust my butt to go as far as I can and pick up the easy teeth as I go but keeping an eye out everywhere for a nice big med or mako, then work my way back as the tide falls and be much more slow and methodical.  My thinking was that as others arrived I'd be c...

Manna from Heaven   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Well, although it wasn't quite bread in the form of Manna, it seems like I was really blessed to find a bunch of stuff last week, most notable a perfect  ~3.5" Meg.  I hit the beach a total of 4 times.  One of those days was spent with Govinn.  We actually bumped into each other the day before without realizing who each other was until we actually crossed paths.  I was like "John, is that you?", and he replied "...

sweet winter time   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Hey long time no see guys...It all started on friday after work. It was a really nice day outside so I just couldnt wait for the weekend. I met johnny on the beach....It was a rough collecting. Some good stuff to look through but not 20 tons of it. I think my best find was a broken hemi. ..Those teeth will not be posted.


Saturday I did a mini choptank walk. I met a guy from the fossil forum..forgot his name. He did quite well..no megs f...

Trips from the end of January   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
It's been quite a while since my last post.  The trips have been few and far between the past month or so mostly because of all the snow.  This post is a combination of two trips to two beaches.  The first trip I went to a location on the choptank formation.  There I did ok..... finding the larger worn mako and the white hemi.  The second trip was to a calvert formation beach.  There I was finding the normal smaller teeth, when on my wa...
Oldies but Goodies   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Ok, like some of you, I have finds from '09 that I never got around to posting.  As I go collecting each week, when I come home with the goods, I rinse them off and sort out the better specimens and let them dry on a paper plate.  After a wile I have several of these paper plates stacked on top of each other or piled around on my desk/table.  I love going collecting, but I hate having to put stuff away, something my wife can attest to.  Any...

Winter Reading   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Cold but Old January 2010 Report   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

My daughter and I traveled to Calvert Cliffs last month and found temperatures in the teens and a blow out tide.  There were some collectors there prior to our arrival so the pickings were slim, but our late start unfortunately was unavoidable.  I did manage to find a nice cow shark tooth and a squalodon tooth (chipped though).  She found an awesome mako and about 10 teeth to my one.  The vert pictured has some nice bite marks on it, so tha...

Winter Wonderland Collage   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Man, this winter has been rough on collecting.  The early freeze, then 2ft of snow, and persistent cold temps has kept collecting results down.  The teeth in the pic below are the best teeth found in many trips since early Dec through the present.  To be honest, the vast majority of them, including the small Meg, were found by sifting.  Very little gets exposed these days for some reason.  Now the forecast is calling for more snow ...

After freeze   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Here are my finds from the last two trips, which were pretty good.  Makos and hemis, which will always keep me very happy.  
The first trip I found the light colored mako, the larger lower hemi and the little cow.  The second trip I made late afternoon last week and found the two larger makos and most the hemis.  One mako has a chipped tip, but the other is a nice one at 1 11/16.  Not huge but big for this be...
2nds...   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This report is from two trips (calvert formation) to my favorite beach.  Total I didn't find that many teeth but I did find some really nice ones.  Highlights from the first trip include another big thesher and a large hemi.  Then I managed a trip before the storm late last week and did a bit better despite the high murky water. Found a real nice 2 1/8 lower mako(!), decent dolphin tooth, and another large hemi in great condition.
Im Going Inn   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Ive been waiting for weather like last weekend for a long time. Combined with the beach it made for 100% prime megalodon collecting conditions.

My first 4 incher though broken is what it is.... one hell of a tooth for the cliffs. Ill find the missing root lobe one day.

In 2 days about (5.5 hours combined) I saw 24 different megs. Its been sick! 

sand swept beach   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Thanks to the winds and tides of last weeks storms. Collecting over the weekend wasn't to bad. 3 megs total, lots of makos...the best meg was a 2 3/4 upper lateral? from the Calvert formation. Beautiful, its what I live for. This is going to be a hot season for shark teeth...see ya

First trip report   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Hi all, this will be my first trip report. My grandfather used to take me to the cliffs sometimes as a kid from up north.  Now that I've moved into the area for work, I've started going again.  Basically I'm hooked and I try and go whenever I get the chance, which of course is not as much as I would like.

I try and hunt all along the cliffs but the pictures below are from a couple recent trips to the same beach (calvert forma...
what a nice surprise!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I managed a trip to the beach last week.  I knew I had missed the afternoon low, but I was anxious to go down anyway.  By the time I made it, the tide was raging back in.  I didn't have much time to search.  Not 5 minutes after arriving I lucked out big time.  In between the surf and the high shell line was a tooth.  It was my first giant thresher tooth!  My trip was made.  I also found some decent hemis.  Another c...
Good things in small packages   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Ok, so no Megs in quite a while, but honestly, I'm hoping to find something rare and spectacular, and hopefully soon!  I've been hitting my favorite beach off and on for the last couple months since the $9 fee ended on Labor Day.  I always bring my 2'x2' box screen because this beach is so picked over.  There have literally been times where I would go home empty handed if it weren't for doing some sifting.  I did manage to sift some materia...

a months worth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

So its been a month since my last post. I wanted to save everything and see how much junk I actually pick up in a month. As for megs I didn't do to bad I found two 2.5 inchers. some good makos, a giant hemi. Another squalodon Molar at the same stretch of beach. A jaw fragment from what I think is a dolphin. Some nice cows and a thousand or so l...

Any meg is a good meg   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I haven't had much time for posting recently.  This trip is from a couple weeks ago.  I went to the beach to find a nice tide.  The kind where the beach is pretty level and there's a lot of shells and not too much sand around.  I was doing ok finding teeth when I spotted a root sticking out of a shell pile.  I pulled it out to find a decent little meg.  I continued to find teeth all the way down and was hopeful for the walk back.  No...
SQUAD   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Awesome day yesterday. The tide was really high but the shell line it had left a couple hours beforewas full of teeth. My brother and I walked it with much success and then walked the same line on the way back and did just as well. Big Hemis and a couple nice makos....But the Squad set the day off. Awesome molar. the only one Ive ever found!...
lots of makos   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Hey guys. I have some interesting thing to show. Last weekend was the BOMB. In this post there are 2 trip to the cliffs. And 2 metal detecting trips. The largest mako pictured is 2 1/8. awesome Calvert formation mako. My friend Abe found a beautiful meg right beside my pile...sob. The rough looking coin is actually a 1755 king george copper penny or half penny. My oldest yet.


The word on...

Ok days   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This report is from a couple different trips that I took to the beach.  On the first trip I was finding a lot of little teeth but nothing substantial.  While walking out, I picked up a decent mako.  I found the majority of the hemi's pictured on the second trip.  The highlight would have to be the dark blue hemi... pretty colors on that one.  I also found an odd tooth for where I was hunting... not sure of the name but it seems like it would be ...
First trip to the bay   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

The teeth were scarce and there were a lot of other hunters but I did manage a pair of Makos, a nice upper and lower.  Seems to be my theme lately.

Better than Football!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I had the choice on Sunday to either go tooth hunting, or stay home and watch football.  Since I already know that my team, the Redskins, will be fortunate to scrape out 6 wins this season, I decided that the time would be better spent at the beach.

I figured that surface hunting would be almost as futile as the Skins trying a 20 yard pass, so I brought along my trusty screen box and shovel.  After about 4 hour of sifting grave...

one more month of tri-posts   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I'm sitting on my bed right now as I write this post up...all I can hear and think about is that gusting wind outside. It is coming from the wrong direction but the weather is slowly changing guys. I CANT WAIT.


This post once again represents another 3 trips to the bay. The first one was to the cabins. There wasn't to much found except for about 10 small teeth. You can see them in the top right part of the main picture. There's only 6 p...

Little meg   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
So I decided to go to the beach this week a couple times after work.  The first trip I was walking down the beach when I saw something that warranted further attention.  I went to investigate and started digging.  All the right material was there.  I was finding nicely colored teeth sporadically.  Then, as I was chipping away, a nice little 2 inch meg popped out.  There's something about putting all that work in and getting rewarded that make...
Finally.... a meg   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This post is the result of my past few trips to the bay.  It's been a couple months since my last complete meg.  So it felt pretty good to get back on the right track again.  I found a good assortment of different stuff.  The meg is far from perfect, but i'll take it. 
Past 3 outings   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
The past 3 trips have all produced a meg to some extent. All showing signs of extreme feeding damage served with an extra side of water wear. After last Saturdays rain the beach was very turned up.(Third trip) I found a solid number of teeth throughout most of the walk. But one area I first found the huge hemi pictured. Then on the way back found the worn meg and at least 40 teeth within a 25 foot section of beach. I don't know what happened to that area over night but it was loaded. Mo...
Slow going,   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
The is the results of my last few trips to the bay.  I'm having a really hard time coming away with anything nice this summer.  And it's been a while since my last nice complete meg.  It's not because of a lack of effort it's just not happening for me lately.  The first two trips I just scanned the beach for teeth.  On my last trip, last Friday, I decided to dig.  I found some decent untouched material... zone 12 I believe.  I dug up...
sometimes you get the skunk   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Same story as last time unfortunately The pile is 98% worthless. I found 6 small teeth. A thorasic vertebrate was the best find of the day. There was a 3.5 inch meg found at the complete other end of the beach....where I wasn't at. Enjoy the pictures

summer pik me ups   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

posting the last 2 trips. The tide has been decently calm and low. The Monday trip I found the big blue mako in about a foot of water. Still alot of sand in some places. although in other places sand has vanished up the cliff face. The best find isn't in the pictures. Theres a certain spot where you can only collect at during blowout tides because theres never a beach. Well we decided to keep walking down because the tide was so low. And I saw something that reminded me of Aurora. An un...

Its been a while...   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

First trip out this year in Maryland.  Found some nice hemis and a small, but nice,  meg.  The tide was higher than I would have liked but not bad for about an hour...had to do some fishing too!!

juvys   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

This post represents 5 trips to the bay. I managed to find 3 megs all of which were under 1 inch. But a meg is a meg.! A nice cow shark and some commons. The tides have been higher and the jellyfish are out in large numbers. Just wait until mid August/ September the bite flays will be out...I've been ran off the beach more times then I can count by those suckers.


   The metal object in the last 2 pict...

Perfection   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
You just never know what you're going to uncover. The Meg below is one of the most perfect ones I have ever found. What it lacks in size (2.75"), it more than makes up for in condition. ...
A Huntinn with Govinn   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
First day we had a ton of rain but we made the walk down the beach, I think the adrenaline rush from finding teeth kept us going. We didnt find much the first day, I did come across a hemi, well from the size of it you wouldnt think hemi but it sure is, the hemi measures 1 15/16" its my largest bay hemi so far. there were some odds and ends found that day. A nice mako or 2 and some other nice hemis.

On day two a friend of mine joined us and we had a nice day on one o...
Slim pickin's   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
The cliffs just haven't been producing much this Spring/Summer. Yes, occasionally a nice tooth shows up, but quality and quantity are way down from a few years ago. I still go to my favorite beach to check it out from time to time. The finds below are from about 5 trips over the last several weeks. The large shark vert is a nice find. I haven't found one like that in a long time. Wish I knew what species it was from. What's funny is that it was laying out i nthe open with footprints all a...
just catching up   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

This time of year teeth slow down. Tides are higher. More people walk the beaches. This post is actually my last 3 trips.


Last Friday I went to the northern end of the Calvert formation. Nothing exciting except 2 nudists on the beach. There was a bunch of tiny treasures found. Hammerheads. Threshers, and a symphseal contortus. Also a beautiful cow shark.


The m...

my dad's drought is over   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
My Dad, Brother and I took a trip to calvert cliffs from May 17th-20th. On the 17th the day started pretty slow and there seemed to be less teeth on the beach than usual. However I did find a nice mako which is 1.25 inches. My dad told me that he was going to walk down the beach and about 15 minutes later he is standing on one of the falls screaming something. I instantly knew that he found something nice and when I saw what he found I couldn't believe it. A 3.25 inch posterior meg! Jus...
6/5/09   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This is an old trip from last friday.  I ventured to the beach on the way home.  I had high hopes that were quickly dashed once I saw how high the tide was.  The wind was blowing in hard and the water was up a lot.  The waves were making booming noises as they crashed against the cliffs.  Far from ideal conditions, but I decided to make a go for it.  I made my way down the beach not finding too much just small teeth here and there.  ...
5/13/09   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
It was a good two days for me.  I went to the beach and scored another meg.  Much like the one from my last trip report, this meg is far from perfect.  The root is pretty beat up.  But I'll take it.  I also found a curious rock... as evidenced by the first picture.  I picked up a nice little hemi and 3/4 of a mako as well.  Good luck everybody.
5/11/09   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I managed to take in a trip to the beach on Monday afternoon.  I found my biggest meg in a while.  It's ~2.5 not huge by any means but not tiny either.  I also found a couple nice hemi's and a sand tiger.  After a couple hours I made my way off the beach.  Overall, it was a pretty sucessful hunt.
Two days,   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This report is a combination of two trips to the beach.  Prior to the first trip we had been having a decent amount of rain, so I decided to see what was out there.  The tide wasn't fully cooperating, but I managed a small meg with a busted tip.  Once I had made my way back in I noticed that a piece of the root had broken off while I was almost to my car.  When I got home I glued the piece of root back to the tooth.  It's not perfect but it's better t...
4/16/09   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I took a quick trip to the beach this afternoon.  The tide was supposed to be low at 4:30 pm.  When I got there the water was up pretty high.  So it was far from ideal but I did ok.  I found a beautiful colored cow shark tooth.  I think I found a scute of some sort on the way out.  If so it's my first one. 
Good Weekend   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

It was a good weekend. Nice and hot. I started early Saturday morning with a 2.5 inch on the beach and a nice small posterior in the water. The winds had been blowing for about 12hours but not long enough to make a serious difference in water level. Just keeping it calm.

     I then went to another local beach to see what conditions were like there. The tide was about the same, definitely more people on this one. I wasn't having m...

Silver and teeth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA


Being that my Internet has been down for about 2 weeks now I haven't had time to post this trip. It started with some scattered showers at work. Despite the weather I wanted to try my luck at the beach. It had been almost a month since my last trip and I was hoping something new fell. Johnny met me in the parking lot and we walked down. We were finding some ordinary stuff when I noticed a new fall. Not to big but perfect size. All the RIGHT  mat...

3/24/09   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Hit the beach on the way home again.  Conditions were far from ideal but it was a good day.  I found my first squalodon tooth, which is in good shape.  I found three megs with busted tips and a couple nice hemis.   
3/23/09   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I decided to hit up the beach on my way home from work on monday.  It ended up being a pretty decent trip.  I was finding the normal stuff in the surf when I saw what looked like a bit of a root sticking out.  I bent down and pulled out a sweet posterior meg.  Later I found a beautiful mako.
3/12/09   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I took a trip down to the beach after work on Thursday.  I walked down the entire length of the beach.  I found two nice porpoise teeth, two decent hemis, a nice sand tiger, and an ok mako. It wasn't a bad trip but it wasn't that great either. 
Feb Trip Finds   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I haven't been out much, but did manage to sneak in a trip to the Bay a few weeks ago I guess for a half day.  The tides were higher than normal.  I didn't find anything big but I did manage to find some pretty cool stuff including a nice cow shark and what I think might be a squalodon tooth (please let me know if you think that it is, thx).  I had some fun out there and have been craving to go ever since. 

Another One!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

On Thursday I hit the beach for a quick hunt.  I didn't find any monster teeth, but I did find a Squalicorax tooth.  There have been three of these Cretaceous Crow Shark teeth found along this beach by BRF members just in the past few months.  I also found a shamer of a squalodon tooth- the root measures just a hair under 2 inches, but the crown is completely gone.  Plus the coolest chunk of fossil wood I've ever found.

Choptank walk   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Around this time of year when the west winds come and go so frequently I start the choptank walk. Normaly a trip here may turn up a mako tooth, maybe a good hemi, and a few smaller teeth. Relitivly poor collecting conditions, fair at best. 1-31-09 the wind and tide were in my favor. The catch of the day was a beautiful dagger lower mako. I believe (Z17). The one just to the right of it is the same color. Im assuming from the same layer. The cliffs were ...

2/13/09   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
I took a trip to the beach after work on friday.  The tide was up kinda high but it turned out to be okay.  The highlights from the trip would have to be the small 1.5 meg and the nice hemi.  It was nice to be out with the air temperature being reasonable for this time of year. 
Quick Bay Trip 1/30   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

I went down to Brownies for a quick hunt on Friday.  I couldn't spend as much time hunting as I would have liked, but I walked away with some nice treasures, including a cervical vert with some of the processes still attached.  Also found two nice Cowshark teeth, a shamer lower Mako that still measures 1-1/2 inches, and an unusual porpoise/dolphin tooth with a tip that curves nearly 90 degrees. 

Best blowout tide ever!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

This is my first post and I have been going to the bay for many years now.  I pretty much have been everywhere along the bay except Mataoka cabins and north, so i thought i would give it a whirl.  So i arrived at the clifs at 6:45 just as the sun was coming up two last saturday.  If you recall it was the first day in a while after that long hard freeze that it would be above freezing.  When i arrived, it was a great blowout tide! I was so pumped.&...

1/14/09 Trip,   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
This is my first trip report hopefully it goes ok.  Anyway, I decided to hit the beach after work yesterday.  It was really cold out and when I was walking down I thought about turning around.  I arrived at the collecting area and wasn't finding much.  I found some small teeth here and there.  Then on my way back I decided to turn back and cover an area I hit already.  I'm glad I did because not 10 minutes later I found a meg.  After...
what a great way to start the year   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

After partying like it was 1999 I woke up and drove strait down to the beach. The wind has been blowing all night with up to 50 mph gusts. As soon as we get to the beach my friend and I walk north. surched an area thoroughly. I found the whale skull fragment at that time. Then we walked 2 miles of beach and only found a contortus....Hahaa All the way at the end between some boulders where no one looked was a tiny meg. Nice, broken but it was all I had. I picked up the occasional vert fr...

12/7 Not much..   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Took a walk on my favorite beach on Sunday, 12/7 during the afternoon low tide.. Sand was everywhere and it would be no stretch to say that this was my least productive trip here in recent memory. I did find a very small porpoise tooth and a shame’r of a large porpoise tooth. If the large one was whole that would have saved the trip but no luck. It was cold and windy, barely into the 30’s if that but still there were several people on the beach. At least six others if I remember correctly. ...
10/26/2008 - The One that got Away   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
Well, it has been a while since I’ve posted to BRF and now this will be my third in rather quick succession. Having a working home computer and fossils to post about are a key ingredient to creating a post so that’s really the tale of why. This year has been the least amount of collecting that I’ve done in the last five years; hopefully next year will be different…

On Sunday, October 26 I had plans to meet up with Paleobum for an outing along the Chesapeake Bay. I had h...
Fresh air and nice porpoise/dolphin tooth   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Felt good to get out last Saturday after a long work week.  The fresh air, sunrise on the water, and a few nice teeth made for a nice outing.  No big showy Megs or anything real rare, however, I found an odd shaped porpoise/dolphin tooth with a really long narrow pointy crown.  Not sure if I've ever found one like this before, but if I have, I certainly don't remember it so perhaps this species is a bit more uncommon.  Also found two nice s...

Only time of year I wake up this early   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

This is what you call a damn good blowout tide. One meg in the cobble stone, only root exposed. Another in sand being washed out only very tip exposed. A 3.25 inch meg cracked right down the center. That would of been beautiful! Then a tiny worn meg to top the day off...But wait! On the way off the beach another pathological upper hemi was on top the sand. Weird looking. It seems to me that H.serra has more pathologies then any other shark.


A few more scraps   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Hit the beach early today and caught a nice sunrise.  Not many teeth since there was a lot of sand piled up.  Had to resort to sifting again - man that water is cold on your hands.  Did manage to catch a decent mako before a wave covered it back up with sand.  Also found a nice small posterior thresher and the usual small stuff.


Odds & Ends ** UPDATED WITH GROUND SHOTS **   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Went collecting last week down at Calvert Cliffs hoping for some new material, but nada.  So spent a lot of time sifting with a couple different size screens to at least not go home empty handed.  Found a decent assortment of the tiny not so common teeth, a couple porpoise teeth, and a decent Meg with a couple dings, but overall pretty nice.  Still nice to get out and get some fresh air.

I added the ground shots I took...

First time at Brownies   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

In our little adventure up to MD we hit Brownies for a day but the tides and sand didnt work to well with us and we didnt find that much.  One of the spots that Obsessed1 took us to ended up being just about the same but my wife did find a nice posterior and a decent croc tooth.  Those were the finds of the day.  I hope we can get back up there when the conditions are better. 

last few trips   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
we got a few nice finds, no huge megs, i guess paleo is finding them all but we have been finding land mammal teeth we are 2 for 2 now. Found one last week and then again yesterday. Yesterday we also found a nice serrated giant thrasher. Its getting cold out and usually i find at least one nice big tooth when it does so wish us luck.

I also put the hex tooth in from a few trips ago.

good luck everyone...
I'm Lovin It   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

The sand is finally starting to go away a little bit. Winds are great. Im lovin it about now.

The megs are (2 3/4)---(2 13/16)*---(1 7/8)---(1 9/16)---(1 1/4)

The makos are all around the 1.5 inch range.

Great big Hemis and theres alot of them right now.

Nothing to out of the ordinary.

Beaches (3)-(5)

Watch your step!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

       As far back as I can remember my family has had a dog. And with a dog there comes the do-do. One of the earlist things I remember my mother telling me was to "Watch your step" in an effort to prevent me from walking on one of the land mines. Sometimes it didn't help and I was handed a bucket of water and a brush to clean moms kitchen floor. Do-do happens! Which brings me to my report. Every living thing...

Brass balls....   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

       As I've traveled around the country, collecting for the museum, I'm always saddened when I come upon a site where thieves have taken fossils illegaly. These thefts are increasing in numbers and as a result many state, and federal, laws have been proposed to prohibit collecting fossils. As usual, the few have made it bad for the rest of us. A good example is from a site near where I live. Someone had dug into the ...

Karma?   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

The day started when I got the urge...  I called a friend and asked how the tides were. He said they were fair, so I drove from Washington DC to Calvert cliffs after work.

When I finally arrived the beach looked good. Sand was still there but alot of gravel was showing up. I met a man on the beach who had some smaller teeth in his hand. I showed him the white Hemi I picked up as soon as I walked on the beach and then watched his eyes light up. After we part...

Early bird gets the barb   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Man it felt good to get out this morning for some collecting at my favorite beach.  I knew there probably wouldn't be much beach to search since I was going close to high tide, but I didn't care.  I ended up doing some sifting as usual and found a nice little gem.  Below is the pic of a fairly small stingray barb.  It's  only 1.5" long, but it has nice translucent red color.  It's 99% ...

various finds from the bay   Calvert County, Maryland, USA
so, every year me my dad, and my brother make our annual trip to maryland to find what everyone wants to find THE MEGS.over the years  i had some luck.the pics i posted are of a 3.5 incher which is a beautiful tooth unfortunately the root is broken, however the serrations go completely aroung the tip and are not broken which leads me to believe it was an instant break, the other megs measure 2 1/8, 1 5/8, 1.5 , and 1 inch. When i found the 3.5 inch tooth there was  someone ther...
some weird stuff   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Wednesday-Thursday last week I was soaking up the teeth from the low tide.(2) I was able to get a nice mako 2 1/8 .


 A pathological lower mako. Its the one with the serious hook on it. A nice cow, a couple ear bones.


A really weird bone. circular in shape. Very thin...No bone marrow visible on the underbelly...Odd.


The coolest...

Had nothing better to do!   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Bored...its raining.  Here are some of my best from this year from the bay and Lee Creek.

shark tooth photos

The Westerles   Calvert County, Maryland, USA

Its that time of the year again. Or what I like to call the westerles...


The pictures represent 2 trips to the same beach. (3)


The first meg is a beautiful cream color, sharp, and relatively undamaged (1 7/8).  The trip also came with a couple nice makos. A sweet cow and a few hemi's.


The second trip yielded an awesom...

Click the page numbers to see additional items.
1  2  3  






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